Underscore.js template with Backbone.js error - jquery-mobile

The line below is completely failing.
template: _.template($('#test').html()),
Trying to follow a simple example from https://github.com/ccoenraets/backbone-jquerymobile to use jQuery mobile along with Backbone.js. The error I'm getting in the web inspector is: TypeError: 'null' is not an object (evaluating 'str.replace') which is in line 913 of the underscore.js. Using is _.template in this fashion:
template: _.template("<h1>To Do</h1>"),
works, but in order to incorporate the jQuery mobile styles, that way won't do.
TodoBb.Views.ComCentersTodo = Backbone.View.extend({
template: _.template($('#test').html()),
render: function() {
return this;
<script type = 'text/template' id = 'test'> <h1>To Do</h1> </script>

The DOM isn't ready when your view is being parsed:
TodoBb.Views.ComCentersTodo = Backbone.View.extend({
template: _.template($('#test').html()),
so $('#test').html() is null and you're actually doing this:
TodoBb.Views.ComCentersTodo = Backbone.View.extend({
template: _.template(null),
The internals of _.template use replace while converting the template to a JavaScript function.
You have a few options:
Put the TodoBd.Views.ComCentersTodo definition inside a $(document).ready() handler:
$(function() {
TodoBb.Views.ComCentersTodo = Backbone.View.extend({
template: _.template($('#test').html()),
Don't compile the template until you need it:
TodoBb.Views.ComCentersTodo = Backbone.View.extend({
//... no template in here
render: function() {
var html = _.template($('#test').html(), this.model.toJSON());
return this;
As a variation of 2, you could cache the compiled template functions somewhere and only call _.template($('#test').html()) the first time you use it.


How to show loading div in my view with json result

I am using a loading div in my MVC application. so i am getting json result value and showing a kendo grid. Because of more data it is taking time so for that purpose i used this but unfortunately it's not working.
Below is my code
This is my script used in the view
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
var action = "#Url.Content("~/Dashboard/ChartInitialDataBinding/")";
$.getJSON(action, null, function(something)
This is my loading div
<div id="spinner" style="display:none">
You should know from documentation, that getJSON() is just wrap above ajax jquery function.
So don't you want to put your spinner not only in this function, but with all ajax requests? I think it's better, becouse you can define this in onle place and don't thik anymoreabout this problem.
In your Layout View just add this script, after your jquery library loaded:
$(document).ready(function () {
beforeSend: function () {
complete: function () {
error: function () {
You can read more about $.ajaxSetup here.
Here is a list of things to check/fix:
-add semicolons after $('#spinner').show() and $('#spinner').hide()
-make sure you have included jQuery
-check if spinner is in view when removing "display:none"

Jquerymobile: registering events within pageinit?

I'm writing a simple mobile web site using JQuery Mobile.
I wrote this code to handle clicks on anchors pointing to bookmarks within the page.
I put the code within a function and call the function from within the section in the . Here is the code:
function initPage() {
// Anchor links handling.
$(document).on('vclick', 'a[href^=#][href!=#]', function() {
location.hash = $(this).attr('href');
return false;
Here is my HTML fragment calling the code:
<script type="text/javascript">
My code works fine, but I have a doubt, so here comes my question: should I wrap my code with $(document).on('pageinit')? Like this:
function initPage() {
$(document).on('pageinit', function(){
// Anchor links handling.
$(document).on('vclick', 'a[href^=#][href!=#]', function() {
location.hash = $(this).attr('href');
return false;
I am not sure whether do I need to do that for stuff that register an event, like vclick on specific elements.
Thanks for support.

Javascript function with name from ViewBag

How to generate javascript function with the name taken from ViewBag? I'm trying the below
#{ (ViewBag.ModuleId + "DatePickerStartDateChange = function() {console.log('asdf');};");}
and hoping that it will emit javascript in the html output as
xxxxxxDatePickerStartDateChange = function() {alert("asdf");};
Absolutely no idea why on earth you would need to do that, but here's the correct syntax:
<script type="text/javascript">
#(ViewBag.ModuleId)DatePickerStartDateChange = function() {

How can I have an AngularJS module routes use its own controllers?

I'm trying to learn AngularJS' view and routing mechanism, following AngularJS' own tutorial.
My problem is the tutorial is declaring all its controllers in the global scope, and I belive this is a bad practice because we're polluting it as we add more controllers.
This is a quick working page I've been able to build following the aforementioned tutorial (there's a fiddle, too):
<!doctype html>
<script src="http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.js"></script>
<script src="http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/angular.js/1.1.1/angular.js"></script>
"use strict";
var MyFirstController = function ($scope) {
// Do something here.
var MySecondController = function ($scope) {
// Do something here.
var myModule = angular.module("MyModule", []);
myModule.config(["$routeProvider", function ($routeProvider) {
$routeProvider.when("/first-page", {
template: "<p>My first controller.</p>",
controller: MyFirstController
$routeProvider.when("/second-page", {
template: "<p>My second controller.</p>",
controller: MySecondController
$(document).ready(function () {
angular.bootstrap(document, ["MyModule"]);
<div data-ng-view></div>
<p>Click me!</p>
<p>Click me too!</p>
Being naïve, I tried to move the controllers inside the module:
myModule.config(["$routeProvider", function ($routeProvider) {
$routeProvider.when("/first-page", {
template: "<p>My first controller.</p>",
controller: MyFirstController
$routeProvider.when("/second-page", {
template: "<p>My second controller.</p>",
controller: MySecondController
myModule.controller("MyFirstController", ["$scope", function ($scope) {
// Do something here.
myModule.controller("MySecondController", ["$scope", function ($scope) {
// Do something here.
Alas, it doesn't (obviously) work, throwing a ReferenceError: MyFirstController is not defined exception.
How can I have an AngularJS module use its own controllers in its own routes configuration?
Once you know the solution, it's really simple: just specify the controller as strings instead of objects:
myModule.config(["$routeProvider", function ($routeProvider) {
$routeProvider.when("/first-page", {
template: "<p>My first controller.</p>",
controller: "MyFirstController"
$routeProvider.when("/second-page", {
template: "<p>My second controller.</p>",
controller: "MySecondController"
This way AngularJS will resolve the controller name to the one you've defined inside the module.
And it's minification safe too!
I've created a fiddle demonstrating it.

Backbone.js understanding: fetch and display with templating

I've read many tutorials and made a search on the .net... but still I'm in trouble with Backbone.js. This is my simple scenario:
A Rails application responds to a GET request with a JSON collection of objects.
I want to dynamically build a list of table-rows with Backbone collections, when DOM is ready. This is the code is confusing me:
HTML part:
<script type="text/template" id="tmplt-Page">
Backbone's script:
var Page = Backbone.Model.extend({});
var Pages = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: Page,
url: '/pages'
var pages = new Pages([
{title: 'ProvA1', description: ''},
{title: 'ProvA2', description: ''}
var PageView = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName: 'tr',
template: _.template($('#tmplt-Page').html()),
render: function() {
return this;
var AppView = Backbone.View.extend({
el: $("#results"),
initialize: function () {
_.bindAll(this, 'render');
pages.on('reset', this.render)
render: function() {
pages.each( function( page ) {
var view = new PageView({
model : page
return this;
var appview = new AppView;
Nothing renders on the screen.
There seem to be 2 problems:
1) fetch() is asynchronous, so the code is executed before the end of the ajax round-trip.
2) If I manually load some objects into the collection, this piece of code "this.template(this.model.toJSON())" does not substitute jSON attributes
To use mustache tags I wrote this code before all:
First, as you said, fetch() is asynchronous, but it triggers the 'reset' event when it completes, so you should add this in AppView.initialize:
pages.on('reset', this.render)
Second, you never insert the HTML of PageView anywhere. Add this in AppView.render:
// at the beginning
var self = this;
// and in the forEach loop
Third, at the beginning of AppView.render, you should clear the content of this.$el.
You still had a couple issues:
You are using underscore templates with mustache tags ({{ }} -> <%= %>)
Missing var self = this in render
You are not calling appview.render() ! :)
Here's your code working on jsfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/PkuqS/
