Best way to save/store customer purchase order data? -

I have a custom membership provider which I extended - added a couple of fields, first name, last name, adress, zip code and city.
now, these fields reside in the aspnet_Membership table so that I can easily access them when using the static Membership class.
now, I want to be able so save customer purchase order data (first name, last name, adress, zip code and city) to the database.
should I in my order model/table use a new set of fields - first name, last name, adress, zip code, city or should I create a relationship between my asp_Membershihp table and my Orders table?
Also, If i have dupe data, once a users asks for his account to be removed I wont have any orphan rows in my Orders table if I use the first method.
so, which is best, to have the user data, first name, last name, adress, zipcode, city in only one table and create a relationship between aspnet_Membership table and Orders table OR create the dupe fields in my Orders table with no relationship to the aspnet_Membership table? Pros cons?

In this scenario, i would rather have the relationship.
Also being the data you are storing Orders (i assume at least, from the name :)) i would maintain a separate set of data on the Order, so one would optionally be able to specify different billing/shipping data than it's Identity on the site.
Another valid reason for duplicate at least some data on the Order table is to have all the necessary data relevant to an Order in the table, thus avoiding problems if the Client request his data to be deleted, and maintain the original values for that data on the order if the customer data were to change in time.
If you are able to, though, you should not actually delete User data, but have a field in which you specify if the User isActive or isDeleted.


Split fact table because of one missing foreign key?

Imagine that we have two different messages:
CarDataLog contains data which has a direct relation to a car and the corresponding Person and contains data about the car.
CarStatusLog contains data about the same car as mentioned above which had a customer in the log included. But this time the data is a status. For a field like: "CleaningState": "NotCleaned" or "Cleaned".
Both of the log messages contain a Car_ID. Would we create one Fact table with the foreign keys to Car and Person and have the risk the person_id is null sometimes because it is not given.. Or would a better approach be to create two fact tables with the risk of having the 'grain' spreaded out?
The use case would be: get data for a specific car, including the states it had and the Person first name.
I am new to data warehousing and I hope someone can assist me with this issue?
A standard practice in data warehousing is to make a dummy row for dimension tables that is used to match "UNKNOWN" data. This prevents NULLS in the foreign keys in the fact table.
Depending on your use case, you may have multiple types of "UNKNOWN" data. For example, you could use a key of -1 for "UNKNOWN" and -2 for "NOT APPLICABLE" dimensional data.
See also:
You need dims as Car_dim, Person_dim, Status_dim (as values CleaningState,NotCleaned" or "Cleaned), and Date_dim. Person_dim can have a row of "Unknown" person name when you get a null person name.
Dim and Fact tables have parent/child relationship that means you have to load data in Dim first (Dim is a parent) and then you load into a Fact (child) table.
Load dim IDs from above Dims in your Fact table based on the data you get. Make sure the 2 logs you have date fields in them so you can join both logs on a Car_id and when a date in both logs matches for that Car_id.
If you get a scenario when a Car_id exists in CarDataLog but not in CarStatusLog, then you need to create a row of "Unknown Status" in the Status_dim so you can use it in the Fact table. Good Luck!

How to mark data as demo data in SQL database

We haave Accounts, Deals, Contacts, Tasks and some other objects in the database. When a new organisation we want to set up some of these objects as "Demo Data" which they can view/edit and delete as they wish.
We also want to give the user the option to delete all demo data so we need to be able to quickly identify it.
Here are two possible ways of doing this:
Have a "IsDemoData" field on all the above objects : This would mean that the field would need to be added if new types of demo data become required. Also, it would increase database size as IsDemoData would be redundant for any record that is not demo data.
Have a DemoDataLookup table with TableName and ID. The ID here would not be a strong foreign key but a theoretical foreign key to a record in the table stated by table name.
Which of these is better and is there a better normalised solution.
As a DBA, I think I'd rather see demo data isolated in a schema named "demo".
This is simple with some SQL database management systems, not so simple with others. In PostgreSQL, for example, you can write all your SQL with unqualified names, and put the "demo" schema first in the schema search path. When your clients no longer want the demo data, just drop the demo schema.

Program design when combining external sources with local

I have a Rails app that is basically designed this way:
It has a Book model, that has an external_id (all saved Book records have an external_id). The external_id links to an external source about books that doesn't allow for the data to be stored. We use a Presenter to handle some of the differences in the Book model and the external library's class to smooth things over for the view.
We let users do things like "Favorite" their books, regardless of source, so we have a join table and model with a book_id and a user_id to record favorites.
However, in some of the queries, there will be a list of results displayed to the user from the external source, even though we might have Book records with those external_ids. We want to be able to display information like who that the user is friends with that has favorited that book.
It seems there are a couple of ways to handle this:
1) Always load the canonical Book record (if it exists) in the presenter based on the external_id, and override the Book#friends_who_favorited method to return false if no external_id was found
2) Overload the presenter to either call Book#friends_who_favorited or if not a Book record, create its own join query based on external_id (since we wouldn't know the book id yet).
3) Denormalize the database a little, and make sure that we always store the external_id everywhere -- Basically treat external_id like the primary key since every Book record has an external_id. Then the queries can be done more directly, not require a join query, and we wouldn't need multiple queries written. But, this ties us even more to that external source since now our database design will be based on external_id.
It seems like #1 might be the best way to do it, even though it would introduce an extra query to Book (Book.where(external_id: x).first), since #2 would require writing a whole set of additional queries to handle the external_id case. But, I'm open to suggestions as I'm not fully comfortable with any of these methods.
Based on the discussions, if I do that I might consider this solution:
Uniform the identifier of all books to an id instead of ActiveRecord default id. This is the current field external_id, though I would prefer to rename it without underscore, say rid represents resource id.
Use a format for internal books on rid different from external books.
For example, suppose the format of external id like "abcde12345", then you name the internal books rid as "int_123" according to actual id so all of them are guaranteed to be unique.
Use a model callback to update rid after creating. If it's internal, copy its id and add "int_" prefix. If it's external, save its external id to that field.
Now usage would be simpler. For every action, use rid instead of original id. When an user favouring the book, the association would be the rid.
In the join table, you can also keep the original id there, so that when one day you changed implementation, there would still be original ids available.
Now the join table will have 4 fields: id, user_id, book_id(the original id), book_rid.
To display the users who liked this book, no matter the book is external or not, you can now query based on the rid in join table and fulfil the job.
Actually refacoring on this solution should not be hard and do no harm.
Add a field rid in the join table
Build a query task to fill rid of all books. Actually it's for internal books only which has blank external_id at this moment.
Build a query to fill the rid field in join table.
Refacor associating method to specify association id, and other related methods if needed.

changing the database scheme to avoid having multiple database

We have a web portal in our company that is written in MVC . right now each department have their own database but we want to avoid having multiple database because the database scheme is the same only it has diffrent data inside for each each department has their own projects etc. how the database model should be changed in such a way to avoid having multiple database ?
also we want to share some elments like projects between diffrents department. how it could be done ?
The single database that you have in mind would have to have its table re-designed such that you would be able to tell, for each record in each table, what department the record relates to. Essentially you would need to add a "DeptId" column to each root-level table. By root level table I mean only the parents of foreign key relationships. Eg, if you have an OrderHeader and OrderLines, only the OrderHeader table would need to have this DeptId column. The lines relate to the header, so you won't need to add this column to the lines table as well. Alternatively, if you have a Customer table, such that each customer belongs to only one department, then you would add the DeptId column to this customer table and then you won't need it on the OrderHeader table (since order header should be referencing Customer table)
Those tables/elements that you want to share between databases just would not have the DeptId column added to them.

How we design Dynamo db with keep relation of two entity

Hi iam new in dynamo db and, with my knowledge its a non relational db ie we cant join the tables. My doubt is how we design the table structure. Please clarify with following example.
I have a following tables
1) users - user_id, username, password, email, phone number, role
2) roles - id, name [ie admin, supervisor, ect..]
a) My first doubt is we have any provision to set auto increment for user_id fields ?
b) Is this correct way of setting primary key as user_id?
c) Is this is the correct method to store user role in dynamo db? ie a roles table contains id and title and store role id in user table?
e) Is this possible to retrieve two tables data along with each user? Am using rails 3 and aws-sdk gem
If anybody reply it will be very helpful for me like a new dynamodb user
Typically with nosql style databases you would provide the unique identifier, rather than having an auto increment PK field do that for you. This usually would mean that you would have a GUID be the key for each User record.
As far as the user roles, there are many ways to accomplish this and each has benefits and problems:
One simple way would be to add a "Role" attribute to the Users table and have one entry per role for that user. Then you could grab the User and you would have all the roles in one query. DynamoDB allows attributes to have multiple values, so one attribute can have one value per role.
If you need to be able to query users in a particular role (ie. "Give me all the Users who are Supervisors") then you will be doing a table scan in DynamoDB, which can be an expensive operation. But, if your number of users is reasonably small, and if the need to do this kind of lookup is infrequent, this still may be acceptable for your application.
If you really need to do this expensive type of lookup often, then you will need to create a new table something like "RolesWithUsers" having one record per Role, with the userIds of the users in the role record. For most applications I'd advise against doing something like this, because now you have two tables representing one fact: what role does a particular user have. So, delete or update needs to be done in two places each time. Not impossible to do, but it takes more vigilance and testing to be sure your application doesn't get wrong data. The other disadvantage of this approach is that you need two queries to get the information, which may be more expensive than the table scan, again, depending on the quantity of records.
Another option that makes sense for this specific use case would be to use SimpleDb. It has better querying capability (all attributes are indexed by default) and the single table with roles as multi-valued attribute is going to be a much better solution than DynamoDB in this case.
Hope this helps!
We have a similar situation and we simply use two DBs, a relational and a NoSQL (Dynamo). For a "User" object, everything that is tied to other things, such as roles, projects, skills, etc, that goes in relational, and everything about the user (attributes, etc) goes in Dynamo. If we need to add new attributes to the user, that is fine, since NoSQL doesn't care about those attributes. The rule of thumb is if we only need something on that object page (that is, we don't need to associate with other objects), then we put in Dynamo. Otherwise, it goes in relational.
Using a table scan on the NoSQL DB is not really an option after you cross even a small threshold (up to that point, you can just use an in memory DB anyway).
