Stop the sound of a video without stoping the video - ios

I have a video with sounds, and I want to play other sounds on the background. So I want to stop the video music to keep playing just the other music. I have to code for all except to stop the music for the video. Is it possible to build?


Recording video with audio using "AVCaptureSession" while background music is playing (iTunes, Spotify)

I am trying to record videos with audio (using "AVCaptureSession") while background music keeps playing from any music player such as iTunes or Spotify.
The CameraViewController is the the default page, so it would be convenient not to pause the user's background music while he/she records a video.
Really hoping someone can help with this issue.

Play music in background and only stop in certain instances

I have an app that shows videos in a timeline. The videos autoplay and by default they should be silent. If the user is playing music in the background, music should not stop at this time. It is only when tapping the video that it should actually pause the background music and let the video play. And once the video is done playing, the user's previous audio should continue where it left off.
I've tried using
[[AVAudioSession sharedInstance] setCategory:AVAudioSessionCategoryAmbient error:nil];
but this lets the music mix with the audio even if the video is in full screen mode. Of course, I could ensure that when the play button is tapped, the music pauses, but that might not be the cleanest solution.
Any better ideas?

Enable the background music back after the app plays a video

I have an app that at the beginning plays a video with AVPlayer. The video is muted. The problem is it stops the music that let say iPhone was playing on iTunes and after the video playback is finished the music does not come back automatically. Is there a way to play the video in my app, during the playback of the video the music on iTunes can be muted which is fine with me, but what I want to achieve is to get the iTunes music back playing when the video is finished without the user's interference.

AIR for iOS stops background music

In the game I'm building there are sound effects and music. Players are able to turn off the in-game music and sound effects. I assume that when a player turns off the in-game music it's probably because they want to listen to their own music. However, when I run a in order to play a sound effect the background music being played from the music app is stopped. Is there a way around this?
Thanks in advance.

Music Player is muted when game is resumed from Fast APP interrupt (Mango)

How to not to mute music player? The xna game (mango 7.1) mutes the music from music player how to prevent it?
The music player isn't being muted, it is being stopped. This is by design. When the application begins to run again you would need to restart your music. Keep in mind that when your application got pushed to the background the user could have decided to start playing a song through the media player. So when your application gets brought back to the front it may not have control of the media player.
