iPhone tableview drop-down menu - ios

I have a view controller with a table view in it and several buttons. I would like to add an additional tableview on top of the view like this (or at least what it would look like if anybody wanted to be my friend :-)):
I don't want to just add this as a subview (like here or here)enter link description here since I don't want to check which table view is being used in my tableview delegate and datasource methods. I would rather use a separate view controller.
I don't want to use a picker because I need to display a bit of info with the items in the list.
I have no problem creating the view with the corresponding controller, but how do I add it on top of the current view, just hiding portions of it?

Apple has a sample code of TableView which deals with this issue. https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#samplecode/TableViewUpdates/Introduction/Intro.html%23//apple_ref/doc/uid/DTS40010139
Above URL is the link to download the sample code from Apple developer library.
Hope it helps.

This might be overly simplistic for your application, but I have found it to be effective when I have had to do something similar.
You can add this 'drop down menu' view controller's view to the main UIWindow of the entire application. You can add a UIGestureRecognizer on the window as well. If the tap is outside of the view, make it fade away and remove it from the view hierarchy.

Initially I simply added logic in my tableview datasource and delegate methods to destingwish between the two tableviews (as suggested by Scott Bossak above. But I have since switched to building my two views in storyboard and adding their view controllers as usual. However, to present the second table view I instanciate it like so:
SecondTableViewContriller *secondTVC = [self.storyboard instanciateViewControllerWithIdentifier:#"secondTVC"];
then add it as a child view controller:
[self addChildViewController: secondVC];
[secondVC didMoveToParentViewController:self];
I then implemented a protocol to pass the information back to the parent view controller once a row has been selected.


View as SubView VS ChildViewController

Can any one explain when should we add a UIViewController as ChildViewController?
What is the benefits of adding it as ChildViewController instead of subView?
Please help me to understand the purpose of ChildViewController.
When you add a view controller as child view controller, the parent view controller will hold a strong pointer to the child view controller so it doesn't get released instantly. This does not automatically add child's view to parent's view. So you will have to call them both.
I only used it when I needed to create multiple view controllers to be inserted in another view controller and didn't need to directly access it.
its all about UI and code management if you are using subview to achieve what you want to implement inside your app you need to code for your view inside same viewcontrollers class but something interesting i found by creating childviewcontrollers.
empowered to work on a seprate viewcontroller will invoked along with its parent viewcontroller along with its seprate class.
infinite controllers that will be updated tapping a button.
Creation of childViewControllers can be achived by implementing containerView.
or you must have a look of this link hope its helpful to understand.

Use XLForm with a toolbar

I want to launch a XLForms view controller as a Form Sheet. I want the controller to have a toolbar at the top and then the XLForm tableview underneath it. How?
The view controller isn't a navigation controller and so I need to add a toolbar at the top (or bottom) where I can add buttons. So how do I do this?
It turns out that this is not too difficult. I just wish that it was documented somewhere.
All the sample code I could find showed the top view controller inheriting from XLFormViewController. In this case, the IB controller only requires a topline view.
I wanted to expand the view controller to have other components in it other than just a "View" object. I wanted a toolbar across the top and a couple of other things.
So, here's how I did it. I'm not sure that this is the best approach but it did work.
Create the View Controller in IB and add all the components you want.
Include a TableView object someone in your design
Go into the "Assistant Editor" and hook the TableView object to the "tableView" object defined in XLFormViewController.h by ctrl-dragging and dropping on the IBOutlet tableView object.
All other controls work as usual.
Do not treat the tableView object like a regular object. In other words, do not implement UITableViewDataSource and UITableViewDelegate methods.
Hope this helps.

iOS: Embed Table View in other View (but table view has a complex table view controller..)

I'm struggling with this problem, so I need your help. Basically I've programmed a complex table view controller (with NSFetchedResults protocol etc) and already used it in my app and it worked great. Since I want now exactly this table view inside another view (so I can add a small subview at the bottom of the screen), I'm really struggling how to do this! I know by know how to embed a simple table view inside another view and link it to it's view controller.
But how can I do this in my case with as little effort as possible? I mean can I somehow use this table view controller I already have even though the superview must have its own view controller?! And how would I do that? Sorry I'm still a beginner :)
Since you already have a TableViewController. To add it as an subview to another ViewController's (self) view, do this:
TVC = <your tableViewController instance>;
[self addChildViewController:TVC];
TVC.view.frame = <your desired frame>;
[self.view addSubview:TVC.view];
adding the TVC as childViewController will forward UI methods of 'self' like willAppear and all to TVC.

Subview management within master/detail view in iOS (with ARC)

I have a master-detail controller for my app. The master controller is a UITabBarController and each tab is a UITableViewController that contains different types of data.
I plan on having a main header / image on the main detail view but then need to add different subviews to the main detail view to detail specific information depending on which tab I am using.
I am currently adding the relevant subview in my
- (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
Function like so:
UIViewController *subview = [[UIViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"ItemNotFoundViewController" bundle:nil];
subview.view.frame = CGRectMake(20, 160, subview.view.frame.size.width, subview.view.frame.size.height);
[self.detailViewController.view addSubview:subview.view];
However, I believe that this is a poor way of doing things - every time someone clicks on a table cell another subview will be thrown on top of the stack of previously added subviews, creating memory issues.
What I am wondering is, does ARC take care of this for me? Is my approach passable? and even if it is passable, is there a better way of doing this?
First of all, no. ARC does not take care of this for you. It's not it's purpose to do that and even if it was, how could it know, that you don't want the previously added subviews anymore?
You have to remove those subviews yourself and then ARC will take care of deallocating them (if there are no other references to them).
Anyway that's not the way you're supposed to use a UISplitViewController (the master-detail view controller). As you noticed the split view controller handles two other view controllers. The master- and the detailViewController. In most cases the master view controller isn't changing while the app runs (it's content changes, but usually that's handled by a container view controller like UINavigationController which is assigned as the masterViewController), but the detail view controller does.
Instead of adding subviews to your existing detailViewController you should replace it by a new one. So you should create separate XIBs (what you've apparently done already) for all the view controllers that you want to present in the detail-section. And modify your code to
self.detailViewController = newDetailViewController; //newDetailViewController would be the vc you called subview in your code
instead of
[self.detailViewController.view addSubview:subview.view];
Edit: Notice that this assumes that your detailViewController property does 'the right things' when you set it's value. By default the UISplitViewController only has a property called viewControllers which is an NSArray in which the first object is the masterVC and the second is the detailVC.
Take a look at MultipleDetailViews for an example of how to manage that.
Since you want to have a header view in all your detail view controllers you have various choice of achieving that (which may or may not be applicable in your case, depending on your design):
add the header view to every details vc's XIB
instead of creating many XIBs for all detailVCs, create a new custom UIViewController subclass that modifies it's content based on some parameters you give it, i.e. which tableViewCell was tapped by the user
create a custom container view controller that manages two child view controllers, one for the headline and one for the content above it.
For more information about UISplitViewController and custom container view controller, please refer to:
View Controller Basics
Creating Custom Container View Controllers
No, ARC will not take of this for you, because detailViewController.view will keep a reference to its subviews. It's hard to say what approach is best without knowing more about what you're doing with these views. It would probably be better to just present the new view controller -- it will be deallocated after it's dismissed if you don't have a property pointing to it.

Calling multiple views from Uipopovercontroller list view contents

How can I call individual view controllers when I tap each row from my Pop Over List View in the most effective way? Meaning, I don't have to recode to build the Pop Over List View component in each of the individual view controllers, they can sort of share it like a navigation tool.
What I Have Built
I have built the pop over view controller list on my Main View Controller.
This is the 1st view that gets loaded when appDidFinishLaunching is executed.
So, when we run the app, this is what we get:
Link to screenshot of the Pop Over List View:
For each row in the above Pop Over list, I have a method where I can put in the codes to:
1. Identify which row was selected
2. Based on the row selected, do any action, like NSLog and stuff
3. All this codes sit in the Main View Controller
The Requirement
I am building a demo app, so all data is dummy data at the moment.
I need to call individual View Controller when each of the row in the Pop Over list is tapped.
Each of the View Controllers, will have their own set of data, own set of UI objects, its own XIB file.
So, if user taps on Applications, it must bring up the Applications XIB file and its functionality, followed by any navigations from here. If Application xib has a button that launches another view, this functionality should be in place too.
However, they all must have the same top Navigation Bar with the Pop Over list button, so user can tap that button and see the Pop Over list anytime in the app.
Please share your view.
Thank you.
I suggest looking in to UISplitViewController. It is a component built by Apple to manage what it looks like you are trying to accomplish. Essentially, you set it up with 2 view controllers; the first (called the "master"), would be your table view. The second (called "detail") would be the view controller that gets switched out.
Once you explore it a little and are comfortable with the terminology, here's the general advice:
Inside the master table view controller's didSelectRowAtIndexPath: method, instantiate the appropriate view controller (based on the indexPath), and set it as the detail view controller, like this:
- (void)tableView:tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:indexPath {
UIViewController *newDetailVC = // make and configure a new VC based on indexPath
self.splitViewController.viewControllers = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: self, newDetailVC, nil]];
Here are the appropriate links:
and further (the later sections of): http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#featuredarticles/ViewControllerPGforiPhoneOS/Introduction/Introduction.html%23
