iOS Localization how to add an existed folder with localization files - ios

How to add an existed folder with localization files.
I have an existed project with english as base, then have en.lproj.
And I have other localization files in file system names with ja.lproj.
However, If i directly import folder ja.lproj to xcode, seems not work, in project tab, it shows 0 files localized, and while start app, it will crash.
I know it may work, I choose one english version file, add plus in file inspector, then will add another lang version, however, it's not convenient, and new file will locate in en.lproj sub-folder, it's strange.
anybody can help me ?
Thanks a lot!

I don't think you would be able to do that with folders. Although you can do that with files. Just define different versions of the same file for different languages. Like this:


Cannot localize my app (adding a localization language shows no files and adds nothing)

Basically I can't add Localizations from the project > info > Localizations section.
When i try to do so, i can see the languages and select the one I want. But when the "Choose files and reference language..." screen appears it is completely empty. When i press finish nothing happens as well.
My goal is to localize the app name, so i have to add the InfoPlist.strings files to the languages I need.
If i try just selecting the file and pressing the localize button i get a prompt asking me to select the language, if i try any of the languages shown there i get this message error:
“Info.plist” couldn’t be moved to “ja.lproj” because either the former
doesn't exist, or the folder containing the latter doesn't exist.
I even tried manually adding the .lproj folders and adding the files there but the app name doesn't change. I suspect that it is because the project is configured to look for those in a different place.
This project was originally created with cocos2dx so it came with many things preconfigured, that was a long time ago with an old version of cocos2dx, so i suppose the folder structure has something to do. Still i don't know where to fix to at least be able to add more localizations.
The solution I found was to first create the "InfoPlist.strings" manually as a file inside the project directory. Then add the file from xcode. Then clicked on localization and select at least 1 language. Then i could add/remove localizations from my project settings.

Swift Localization: Genstrings

I'm trying to prepare my app to be passed off to translators for localization, but I'm running into some issues. I added the file "Localizable.strings" to my project, and I have "Use Base Internationalization" checked.
Looking at my app in Xcode, however, I don't see any "Base.lproj" or "en.lproj" or .lproj files for any language, though when I open my app in Finder I can see an "en.lproj" and an "es.lproj" folder.
I'm guessing this may be the reason that the genstrings utility isn't working properly for me. I have many calls in my code like self.navigationItem.title = NSLocalizedString(...), but when I execute genstrings *.swift, nothing changes in Localizable.strings, and I still can't see any .lproj folders.
Xcode doesn't automatically add those files you generated into your build path, you have to manually add them. Also, genstrings generate Localizable.strings file that you can then localize. To generate the lproj files you were talking about, you have to localize your Main.storyboard file.

iOS: Localization gone wrong

I'm starting to get confused..I've wanted to finally add my translation file for all strings to my app according to ray wenderlich's tutorial. But somehow now everything got messed up. I removed now every localization again, which deleted my strings file, the storyboard etc. And now I have no localization language set in the project settings and I've copied all files back from the trash.
But my localized string (NSLocalizedString(..)) somehow don't load..or load something else. I've changed some of them to check if my strings file in the project explorer is actually used but it still uses the old strings and I have no idea from where..I've checked the project folder and there aren't any other files.
How can I set up everything again that it works? How can I set the strings file it should use? And how should I set up then the localization, with or without base language?
Edit: And in the simulator I cannot get my app's showing only a black screen. Whereas on my iphone it still works (if I use my iphone from Xcode).
I guess I've deleted all my languages in project settings and now I cannot add any localization anymore :-(
Here's what I would try:
Check your project folder for any leftover .lproj folders / .strings file and delete
Clean / Build
Start localization from scratch following SmoothLocalize's Tutorial
This should delete all old files and create a new default localizable.strings, and then you can add more languages.

zh-Hant.lproj folder in project changes to zh-hant.lproj in .app bundle

While testing localization for my app I discovered that Xcode changes the traditional Chinese .lproj folder name from zh-Hant.lproj to zh-hant.lproj (notice lower case 'h') in the app bundle. Since the correct form for traditional Chinese is zh-Hant.lproj, localization won't work when the user changes their device's language to traditional Chinese therefore I have to manually load localizations when this language is set.
quick summary
folder name as seen in project:zh-Hant.lproj
folder name as seen in bundle/.app file after building:zh-hant.lproj
Why do you suppose Xcode is changing the name of this folder and of course, the most obvious question: how can I resolve it?
Thanks for the suggestions! I'm writing a framework which has its own localizations and turns out the app which was integrating my framework had its own localizations too, where traditional Chinese was set to zh-hant therefore even thought Xcode placed the framework's .strings file and app's .strings file in the same folder (framework's is called FrameworkLocalizable.strings while app uses default Localizable.strings), I guess Xcode has to decide which .lproj folder name to use when creating the folder for the bundle and the app's name wins.
It should be ZH_Hant or ZH_Hans - underscore.

Localization for new Files in older Project breaks App

Good evening
I want to add a new year, a new volume as plist-file to my existing app. The app is localized for 4 languages, so the new file has to be localized also. The languages were "English", "German", "French" and "Italian".
But when I do this, Xcode creates a directory "de.lproj" next to the existing "German.lproj", same behaviour for French and Italian, but not English. The older localized files are now in a directory "German.lproj", the newly generated plist in a folder called "de.lproj".
Then the app will no longer recognize the localized strings, exept the english version.
How can I add a new localized file to this project without breaking the rest?
You should use Localization Suite to manage your translations. This way, you can let loc-suite to scan changes in your original .plist file and tell you which ones are translated and which ones are not. Loc-suite can also update your localized .plist file and remove dead entries.
This question is slightly off topic at stackoverflow though.
Finally I solved the problem like this:
Make a backup of each localized file (plist and strings files) in the Finder and collect them in a folder for each language.
In Xcode, remove every localization for these files so that the only remaining language is English.
In Finder, delete the old lproj directories in the project folder except English.lproj.
In Xcode, add the formerly deleted localizations for each file. Copy the contents of the files into the newly generated localized files.
Maybe this can help somebody.
