Xcode Storyboard Serious Issue Going Blank? - ios

I know there are a couple other questions on StackOverflow similar to this one, but they have different results and circumstances. I have 1 Storyboard in my iPhone App (Tab Bar Application). It has a total of about 7 different UIViewControllers. Whenever I do anything (delete something, add an object) it goes blank, and all I have are gridlines. I have to completely click out of the storyboard file–onto a code file–and click to open the storyboard file again to make the contents show up. This is really frustrating and it is making me take twice as long on my work.
Unlike other questions, I only have one tab open and I am not doing anything else with the application, so closing other tabs does not fix my issue. I tried everything, but there is no way that I am going to take the time to create a new Storyboard file and relink all of the connections.
If anyone else knows how to fix this, please assist me. It would be so greatly appreciated. If anyone else has this issue please comment so that I can get an idea of how many have this issue (and that I am not the only one).

you may have to adjust the w h elements at the bottom of the Storyboard ... They got reset for me to wAny hAny when I switched to wCompact hAny it worked out.


AutoLayout fail in Xcode. Disabled it by accident, how to put it back like it was?

I was told that to fix an issue in my Xcode app I could uncheck the "Use auto layout" in the "Interface Builder Document"
After doing this my whole app broke. See on the pictures:
I tried to activate auto layout back but the app was still broken. I tried to redo the contains but doesn't work. Lost please help.
Thanks everyone for helping. Like some of you said there was anyway to actually bring back the old constraints.
What I had do do was basically ,view controller by view controller, delete all constraints and put back new ones. Took a while to make it back like it was before but it is possible.
Thanks Again

Xcode simulates App wrong

I don't know what I've done. Everything was working great until I started styling my app. So, I was working on my main storyboard and when I tried to simulate my App in the simulator. I saw my Icons flying around like crazy.
I am more familiar with coding so I'm sorry if this is a nooby question but I don't know how to describe my problem to Google, I really tried it but it turns out to be other problems.
I will hang on screenshots, one is from my storyboard and the other one is whats the simulator shows me.
View in main storyboard:
View in simulator:
From your description and images, it looks like you're using auto layout but haven't applied enough constraints to locate the images where you want them, or the constraints are just wrong. Take a close look at your storyboard to make sure that you don't have any warnings about missing constraints, and that the constraints do what you want them to do.

iOS Storyboard ViewController went Blank

I'm working on the code in a project when I suddenly notice the ViewController in Storyboards is greyed out with the name of the VC in the center.
Here's a screenshot..
I was only editing some code on the right and I'm not sure exactly when, but my eyes adjusted and noticed this VC completely greyed out in Storyboards.
I tried deleting Derived Data, cleaning, quitting Xcode, building again, etc.
Nothing seems to work... ANy help with this would be super appreciated. I'm also very new to programming in general.
Well it turns out if you ever run into this problem, it's because you're not paying close attention and haven't realized you've somehow magically deleted your entire view inside the ViewController.
I did this once before by hitting something randomly on my keyboard (don't know what it was) but that time I saw it happen and just hit "undo".
This time I was passed the point of simply hitting "undo" and had to add a view again and rebuild and reconnect all the components in the view. That was basically it. Problem solved...

Xcode 8 hangs / becomes unresponsive when opening storyboard

I know this is a repeated question and the solution to this issue is by deleting some view and creating it again. But how do we decide by re design which view the storyboard issue will go. At the start I deleted the tab bar view from my app and then storyboard worked fine for some more days. Now I have so many sub views and controllers I don't know which one will help.
Thanks in advance
I was faced same issue.
Please do as follow might be work for you.
Just go to preference > General tab > Unchecked live issue tab
Same as below image:
After done above step storyboard is not refresh everytime.

Storyboard corruption on file open

I am having a problem where my content is repeatedly being shifted to the right in the storyboard for multiple view controllers when I open the project. I have done nothing at this point, simply opened it. Further, undoing the modifications through git does nothing. I fix the problems and go about my day adding new features... the apps run fine in the phone and appear normal in the storyboard. However, when I open the project the next day, same thing happens and I have to fix everything again. Has anyone else experienced this issue, and what was your resolution to the problem?
I figured out what the problem was. On my first View Controller, I had some labels that had somehow become set to a width of zero. After I fixed them, and embedded them in a stack, the problem resolved itself. I have no idea how this screwed up several other view controllers; however, fingers crossed, the corruption hasn't happened again since I fixed it.
Well apparently there is just some display bug in Xcode. When I click on a new size class and click back, the elements are restored to their correct size. This was maddening, but apparently it's working fine now if I do this quick fix.
