struts form property validate="true" - struts2

How to validate a struts form loaded from ajax using form property validate="true"? (Maybe is better way than copy generated javascript in function that do submit form))

<s:form validate="true">
is only useful, if you wanna do client validation, which only works with theme xhtml/ajax.
here is a link to explain how to implement client validation with struts2, i hope it helps you.
struts2 form vlidation


ClientSide Validation on PrimeFaces Wizard

For wizard forms, is there any way we can configure the primefaces 4.0 make and client side validation instead of ajax validation?!
According to user guide the ajax validation is built in:
AJAX and Partial Validations
Switching between steps is based on ajax,
meaning each step is loaded dynamically with ajax. Partial validation
is also built-in, by this way when you click next, only the current
step is validated, if the current step is valid, next tab’s contents
are loaded with ajax. Validations are not executed when flow goes
I think it can be done, if I can call primeface validation manually. Then below code will do the job:
<p:wizard showNavBar="false" widgetVar="wiz">
<h:outputLink value="#" onclick="PF('wiz').checkClientValidation();">Next</h:outputLink>
<h:outputLink value="#" onclick="PF('wiz').checkClientValidation();">Back</h:outputLink>
Any comments? Can I call client validation manually? Do you think above is good solution!
You can use a commandButton instead of outputLink and set the validateClient=true attribute.
Validations happen in the ValidationsPhase, so its partially client side only.
You don't need to trigger validation manually on the client side.
Is there any reason you have to use the outputLink ?
If you want to check the status of validations on the client side then you can use :
Example :
oncomplete="if (!args.validationFailed){PF('dialogId').show(); }"

Grails form token not available for ajax forms?

In grails it is easy to add tokens to prevent form double submission and also the click hijacking.
Just add useToken="true" to the form tag:
<g:form ... useToken="true" >
But, this is not available for formRemote tag. I know that I can do normal form and write js code to transform them into ajax froms with token, but because of that is odd that is not supported by default in the formRemote tag.
Any reason for this, or is just (another) bug in Grails?

how does unobstrusive javascript work in ASP.NET MVC3?

Is there a tutorial or explanation how MVC3 implements unobstrusive javascript using HTML5 data tags? I would like to know how I can extend this practice for my own javascript, espescially, how are the data tags efficiently parsed to execute javascript, to attach event handlers, etc.?
In ASP.NET MVC 1 and 2, client side validation and any AJAX behavior meant that ASP.NET MVC would automatically generate javascript for validation or AJAX class. The result was a <script> tag with javascript embedded that would be outputted on the HTML page or data in the event handlers of an input (like onclick).
Unobtrusive javascript eliminates the need to embedded javascript in the HTML page by placing all necessary things in data- attributes on the element. With this in place, jquery.validate.unobtrusive will validate and do AJAX class based on the information in the data- attributes of the input control.
For more details, take a look at this mvc 3 tutorial which offers a quick example. The unobtrusive explanation is towards the end under the second Enabling Client-Side Validation.
Take a look at this blog post which displays the difference of output for unobtrusive and normal validation.
Basically it's just using jQuery to attach event handlers rather than putting script directly in the html attributes.
For example a document ready event containing
and the html
<button id="button1" />
is equivalent to
<button id="button1" onclick="DoStuff()" />
In this example it's not a huge difference, but for more complex cases it makes the code much cleaner, especially if you want to use anonymous callback functions.
Look in the unobtrusive script files (like jquery.unobtrusive-ajax.js) where you'll find it's just a case of using selectors to find elements with data- attributes.
For example:
$("a[data-ajax=true]").live("click", function (evt) {
$("form[data-ajax=true]").live("submit", function (evt) {
I've started using my own data- attributes to hookup features like autocomplete and datepicker. For example, adding an input with a data-autocomplete attribute pointing to a remote data source, then using jQuery to wire it up unobtrusively.
$(":input[data-autocomplete]").each(function () {
$(this).autocomplete({ source: $(this).attr("data-autocomplete") });
Demonstrated here, if you are interested:

How we will enable front-end validation based on the xml in validation.xml?

i want to know that How we will enable front-end validation based on the xml in validation.xml?
If you're using one of the themes that supports front-end validation (like css_xhtml), you should just have to set validate="true" on your tag. That should generate the javascript function from your validation.xml (or ActionName-validation.xml) and call it in an onSubmit handler.

using struts-tags in struts 2 is mandatory. is it?

Is it mandatory in struts2 to use struts-tags. I mean can't we use following:
<td bgcolor="DEDBC6"><div align="left"><font color="#000000"><strong>
Employee Name * :</strong></font></div></td>
<td><input name="empname" type="text" id="empname" size="32"></td>
instead of following:
<s:textfield label="Employee Salary " name="empsal" required="true"/>
I had tried both but when i used 1st i didn't get validation message i.e "empname is required" that i wrote in action-validation.xml although validation is working well.
please comment ?
No, it is not mandatory. In fact a lot of struts2 users are sufficiently dissatisfied with OGNL and choose to use regular HTML instead.
But using the standard HTML tags has the drawback of loosing some functionality, after all that's why the custom tags are there in the first place. It is possible to get validation through validate methods on the controller class even with standard HTML.
If you are just starting out with the framework I suggest you learn the struts tags properly before going off the beaten path.
Is it mandatory in struts2 to use struts-tags.
No, but if you aren't using tags at all then you're not really getting very much out of Struts as a framework. Might as well do it yourself.
i didn't get validation message
If you're using your own markup you'll have to tell it to display the error message. eg.:
please comment ?
Please stop asking the same questions over and over again.
I don't see why you need any tags at all. Couldn't you just use Struts to generate JSON result types and then use calls to those in your otherwise static jsp pages using JavaScript and JQuery?
