Button Displays Under Cells in Custom UITableViewCell - ios

I have an app that uses a custom UITableViewCell to display detail information after a user clicks on a given row in a table. I can't seem to figure out why the "Reply" button located in the cell is inactive and appears behind the table itself. I can't click on it, select it, or do anything. I used Interface Builder to add the button rather than programmatically add it.
I've tried changing a number of things including the cell's class and File's Owner, but can't seem to get the button to be active and working. I think the button is linked up properly with a connection to a method in the code.
Here's a minimal, complete example of the code:

Apparently I needed to tell the table view how high the cell was. This is what fixed it:
- (CGFloat)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView heightForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath;
return 157.0;


Edit UITableViewCell inline in same view controller

I have a table view controller where I show a shopping bag (or shopping cart). In each cell I show an image view, an a few labels with some information. One of those labels shows the quantity of products for that product. I want that when I press the edit button the quantity label becomes a stepper (or something like that) where I can change the quantity. I have seen that behavior on other apps (specific on Zara for iPhone, a clothes store) but I cannot figure out how to do that. All I have found on the internet is to segue to another view where you can edit an item, but that's not what I want to do.
How is it possible to implement such a behavior?
Thanks a lot!
You can try to add the stepper on the label, in the UITableView Method,
- (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath;
This method allows you to perform actions when a table view cell is selected.

How to create a repeatable view in iOS and XCode

I am somewhat new to iOS, but am experienced in Android.
I have an app I am working on and it needs to populate a page with your "history" of past people you've interacted with, and it shows their picture, name, rating, and some other information.
This needs to populate in a vertical list, maybe a table? See the image below...
Now, in android, I would create a custom class with a layout that houses the picture, name, information, rating, and what not in one xml file, and in the activity I would call that class in a for loop, grabbing all the users and then programmatically it would add each view one after another, with their own unique user information until there is no more users to populate with.
How exactly can I do this in iOS and xcode? Do I need to make an XIB and add the picture, name, rating, and info place holders in that, and create a custom class for it that I would use to run in a for loop as well? I am a little stuck on how to do this with iOS.
Any help is much appreciated, and I can provide any additional information! Thanks :)
In iOS, you probably want to use a UITableView, with each row being a custom subclass of UITableViewCell. You can either create the layout for those cells in a separate XIB, or put the whole lot, tableView and "prototype" cells in a storyboard. You can achieve a lot without even subclassing, so fire up a dummy project in XCode and play (using one of Apple's templates gives you a good start). Enjoy.
What you probably want is to use a UITableView.
You don’t do the for-loop yourself. What you do is implement a set of delegate methods that the table view calls back to.
You can create your prototype cell in your XIB or Storyboard. When you add a Table View to the layout, you can then add a cell to that table view, and that cell will be your prototype. It looks like you only need one prototype cell, but you can create as many as you need. In Interface Builder you give the prototype cell a “reuse identifier”, which is just an arbitrary tag you use to refer to the prototype in your code. Your prototype cell can be your own subclass of UITableViewCell, or if you don’t need any custom code in it, you can just use UITableViewCell.
Then you implement several delegate methods. One is where you set the number of sections in the table view; it looks like you will only have on section.
- (NSInteger)numberOfSectionsInTableView:(UITableView *)tv
return 1;
Then you tell it how many items are in the table view. Assuming you have the objects you want to display in an array, you just return the length of the array.
- (NSInteger)tableView:(UITableView *)tv numberOfRowsInSection:(NSInteger)section
return self.objects.count;
Then, for each item in the array, cellForRowAtIndexPath will be called. Make that method return the actual cell. You call dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier to retrieve your prototype cell, using the reuse identifier you assigned in Interface Builder. Then use the corresponding object to set up the UI elements in your cell.
- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tv cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)i
UITableViewCell *cell = [tv dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:#"Cell" forIndexPath:i];
Thingy *item = self.objects[i.row];
cell.textLabel.text = item.name;
return cell;
That should be enough to get you started with the documentation, now that you have the overview of what you need to implement.
The first thing you have to do in switching from Android to iOS is to learn the terminology. Then you'll know what to search for on Google, SO, etc.
What's you're looking to do is create a UITableView.
Here is a link to a super basic 'how-to' to get you started with tableviews.
Once you've got the basics down, you'll want to take that a step further with learning how to customize the UITableViewCell within your tableview, so you can accomplish the look you've detailed in the question.
I'm not sure I can help anymore than that at the moment. Jump in, learn tableviews, and start searching on OS to answer the million other questions you'll have a long the way.
Good luck!

How to create a view for settings of my iPhone apps in Xcode storyboard

I am new in iOS programming and I would like to create I view for the settings of my app that looks like iPhone's one (like in the picture). Some of rows will call other views when taped and other will not.
What is the best way to do that? I thought about TableView with prototype cells, but is there a best way to do it? or a best-practice for what I want to do? Or maybe a tutorial online?
The fast way in Interface Builder:
Use a UITableViewController, make it STATIC and use the GROUPED style (all in IB).
You can setup the cells to show disclosure indicators (or not) in IB also.
You can segue directly from the rows or the UITableViewController to where you want to go.
If you segue from the UITableViewController, implement the "didSelectRowForIndexPath" method and call "performSegueWithIdentifier" accordingly.
A structure like this is best by UITableView.
First you select how many sections you want, and customize each section with a data structure that you have to be filled with (Probably an array.)
Then you fill up each rows inside
-(UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
method, and call your value from the array/dictionary that you have.
for going to a next view when clicked upon
Use the method
- (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
Hope this helps
The best way to do that is using static UITableViewCell.
See UITableView Programming.
The optimal solution here is undoubtedly UITableView. This is because firstly, you have the need to display a list of options that would have external links to other pages and UITableView is designed and used for this purpose.
In an addition to that, if you want, you can also expand and collapse the rows of your parent TableView into a Child TableView i.e a UITableView as a subview of its parent UITableView.
Put up a UITableView and populate it with UITableViewCell. That will be just fine with the requirement you have.
Hope this helps.

How to implement ViewController with CollectionView inside?

I am trying to implement a "profile" page in my app which is similar to Instagram profile page
But the problem I have is the Cell from UICollectionView below get loaded by -collectionView:cellForItemAtIndexPath
But it load every cells at once ,it does not just load the visible cell as it should. And this is because it is inside scroll view ,the make every cell loads immediately.
The image for cell will be sent from server via API and I want to do a loading when user scroll to 2/3 of page. And this can be done easily in UICollectionViewController.But I want to know how to do that in ViewController that contain collectionView in lower path.
Please help. I think using Header of CollectionView as an upper part of page might solve the problem. But I also want to implement that when user tap the button and then the display below change ( just like instagram page). So I am not sure what direction should I go . Should it be a custom container VC or something else ?
UICollectionView is very versatile. It can handle the entire view, including the upper part that pertains to the user's profile.The trick is to make use of a "supplementary view" in collection view terms (like a header view in table view terms).
I suggest that you throw away the scroll view and make the collection view do all the work for you. Just like you register classes for cells, register a view for the user profile portion of your UI using:
- (void)registerClass:(Class)viewClass forSupplementaryViewOfKind:(NSString *)elementKind withReuseIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier
And respond to the datasource method:
- (UICollectionReusableView *)collectionView:(UICollectionView *)collectionView viewForSupplementaryElementOfKind:(NSString *)kind atIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
By answering the that user profile view.

iOS - How to display the same table view after selecting an item

My iOS app is current transferring control to a detail view when an item in a UITableView is selected. This ia a quiz program, and I'd like to change the app so that it just redisplays the same table view with the correct answer highlighted when a row is selected. What's a good approach for doing this?
Is not clear to me if you know why the detail view is appearing. So I'll explain just in case. If you are giving control to a detail view is because somewhere in your code you are pushing that detail view. It depends on what kind of UITableViewCell you are using. If you are using one of the defaults styles, your detail view is probably been pushed in either:
- (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
- (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView accessoryButtonTappedForRowWithIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
If you are using a custom cell, then you need to look for the method in charge of pushing
that detail view.
I think a good approach would be to:
Remove that pushing wherever it is.
Not to use an `UITableViewCellAccessoryType, if you are using one.
Do something similar to the following on your tableView:didSelectRowAtIndexPath:
Find the row for the right answer in your model array, according to tapped cell.
Use that row number to generate an NSIndexPath.
Use that NSIndexPath to find the correct cell with cellForRowAtIndexPath:
Call setSelected:animated: on that cell to highlight it.
NOTE: If your quiz has more answers than the amount of UITableViewCells that fit in the screen you should scroll your UITableView to the right answer for better UX.
