Method pointer and regular procedure incompatible - delphi

I have an app, which has multiple forms. All these forms have a PopupMenu. I build the menu items programatically, all under a common root menu item. I want ALL the menu items to call the same procedure, and the menu item itself is basically acting as an argument....
I had this working when I just had one form doing this functionality. I now have multiple forms needing to do this. I am moving all my code to a common unit.
Form A has PopupMenu 1. When clicked, call code in Unit CommonUnit.
Form B has PopupMenu 2. When clicked, call code in unit CommonUnit.
When I need to call my popup from each form, I call my top level procedure (which is in unit CommonUnit), passing the name of the top menu item from each form to the top level procedure in the common unit.
I am adding items to my PopupMenu with with code.
M1 := TMenuItem.Create(TopMenuItem);
M1.Caption := FieldByName('NAME').AsString;
M1.Tag := FieldByName('ID').AsInteger;
M1.OnClick := BrowseCategories1Click;
I am getting an error message when I compile. Specifically, the OnClick line is complaining about
Incompatible types: 'method pointer and regular procedure'.
I have defined BrowseCategories1Click exactly like it was before when I was doing this on a single form. The only difference is that it is now defined in a common unit, rather than as part of a form.
It is defined as
procedure BrowseCategories1Click(Sender: TObject);
What is the easiest way to get around this?

A little background...
Delphi has 3 procedural types:
Standalone or unit-scoped function/procedure pointers declared like so:
var Func: function(arg1:string):string;
var Proc: procedure(arg1:string);
Method pointers declared like so:
var Func: function(arg1:string):string of object;
var Proc: procedure(arg1:string) of object;
And, since Delphi 2009, anonymous(see below) function/method pointers declared like so:
var Func: reference to function(arg1:string):string;
var Proc: reference to procedure(arg1:string);
Standalone pointers and method pointers are not interchangeable. The reason for this is the implicit Self parameter that is accessible in methods. Delphi's event model relies on method pointers, which is why you can't assign a standalone function to an object's event property.
So your event handlers will have to be defined as part of some class definition, any class definition to appease the compiler.
As TOndrej suggested you can hack around the compiler but if these event handlers are in the same unit then they should already be related anyway so you may as well go ahead and wrap them into a class.
One additional suggestion I have not seen yet is to backtrack a little. Let each form implement its own event handler but have that handler delegate responsibility to a function declared in your new unit.
unit CommonUnit
procedure BrowseCategories;
This has the added benefit of separating the response to the user's action from the control that triggered the action. You could easily have the event handlers for a toolbar button and a popup menu item delegate to the same function.
Which direction you choose is ultimately up to you but I'd caution you to focus on which option will make maintainability easier in the future rather than which is the most expedient in the present.
Anonymous methods
Anonymous methods are a different beast all together. An anonymous method pointer can point to a standalone function, a method or a unnamed function declared inline. This last function type is where they get the name anonymous from. Anonymous functions/methods have the unique ability to capture variables declared outside of their scope
function DoFunc(Func:TFunc<string>):string
Result := Func('Foo');
// elsewhere
procedure CallDoFunc;
MyString: string;
MyString := 'Bar';
Result := Arg1 + MyString;
This makes them the most flexible of the procedural pointer types but they also have potentially more overhead. Variable capture consumes additional resources as does inline declarations. The compiler uses a hidden reference counted interface for inline declarations which adds some minor overhead.

You can wrap your procedures into a class. This class might look like this in a separate unit:
unit CommonUnit;
TMenuActions = class
class procedure BrowseCategoriesClick(Sender: TObject);
{ TMenuActions }
class procedure TMenuActions.BrowseCategoriesClick(Sender: TObject);
And to assign the action to a menu item in a different unit is enough to use this:
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
PopupMenuItem1.OnClick := TMenuActions.BrowseCategoriesClick;
Updated to use class procedures (instead of object methods) by David's suggestion. For those who want to use the object methods with the need of object instance, follow this version of the post.

This is the difference between a "procedure" and a "procedure of object"
The OnClick is defined as a TNotifyEvent:
type TNotifyEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject) of object;
You cannot assign a procedure to the OnClick as it is the wrong type. It needs to be a procedure of object.

You could choose one of these:
Derive your forms from a common ancestor and declare the method in it so it's available to descendants
Use a global instance of a class (e.g. data module) shared by all forms
Use a procedure as a fake method like this:
procedure MyClick(Self, Sender: TObject);
M: TMethod;
M.Data := nil;
M.Code := #MyClick;
MyMenuItem.OnClick := TNotifyEvent(M);

One solution is to place the OnClick method into a TDatamodule.


Delphi: Which methods are supposed to be in RTTI?

I'd like to understand the principles of adding methods to RTTI (I mean the old one, which is supported by old Delphi versions (before Delphi 2010) or by FPC). As far as I know the RTTI is supposed to have information about published methods. But the following example doesn't work in my case:
TMyClass = class
procedure testfn(a,b,c: Integer);
procedure TMyClass.testfn(a,b,c: Integer);
GetPropInfo(TMyClass, 'testfn'); // returns nil
I'd like to understand what I need to change to receive PPropInfo for the method.
I want to get the PTypeInfo for the method. In case of a property it can be retrieved via
PropInfo := GetPropInfo(...);
TypeInfo := PropInfo^.PropType;
TypeData := GetTypeData(TypeInfo);
I need something like that for methods.
Have a look at the mORMot Framework. It includes a whole bunch of additional RTTI helper functions including the very handy TMethodInfo object along with this handy function to populate it.
/// retrieve a method RTTI information for a specific class
function InternalMethodInfo(aClassType: TClass; const aMethodName: ShortString): PMethodInfo;

Instantiated COM Component gets invalid after leaving method (but not its scope)

I am currently testing two external COM components. I have big issue with one of them, but I cannot really find reason behind such behavior. Let me provide some example.
CLASS_SomeClas: TGUID = '{SomeGUID}';
ISomeInterface = interface(IDispatch)
function SomeMethod(const AInput: WideString): WideString; safecall;
TWrappingClass = class(TObject)
strict private
FInstance: ISomeInterface;
procedure CreateInstance;
procedure DoYourActualJob;
procedure TWrappingClass.CreateInstance;
FInstance := CreateComObject(CLASS_SomeClass) as ISomeInterface;
dbg(FInstance._AddRef); // Debugs 3
dbg(FInstance._AddRef); // Debugs 4
dbg(FInstance.Release); // Debugs 3
dbg(FInstance._AddRef); // Debugs 4
FInstance.SomeMethod(''); //Runs as expected
procedure TWrappingClass.DoYourActualJob;
dbg(FInstance._AddRef); //Debugs -1!
FInstance.SomeMethod(''); //AV
As provided with example instance gets invalid after it leaves CreateInstance method. Component is designed to work with many sequential calls of SomeMethod and it does work when called inside single method.
Could someone give me clue what is actually happening there, why my instance gets invalid? Is it problem with my code, with Delphi or with component's code? When I change the implementation of TWrappingClass to another vendor (that is I change both ISomeInterface and CLASS_SomeClass) then everything works fine.
Behaviour does not change when I don't even call SomeMethod. That is after I leave CreateInstance, call to _AddRef returns -1. Component I am testing is here CadEditorX Probably I am not allowed to attach the OCX without violating its license.
You state clearly in the question that the erroneous behaviour only occurs with one specific COM object. Given this fact, and that Delphi's COM reference counting is known to work correctly, the only reasonable conclusion is that the fault lies in this specific COM object.
Your only recourse of action is to contact the vendor of this COM object and file a bug report with them.
One thing to look at, with a view to a possible work around, is how you are creating the object. You use CreateComObject. This receives a class ID and returns IUnknown. It calls CoCreateInstance passing the class ID, and requesting the IUnknown interface. You then need to query for your interface, ISomeInterface. So your code looks like this:
iunk: IUnknown;
intf: ISomeInteface;
IUnknown, iunk);
iunk.QueryInterface(ISomeInterface, intf);
The fact that you have two interface variables, one IUnknown and one ISomeInterface explains why you see the reference count that you do. Now, you might think that you only have one interface variable, but that's not the case. There are two, only one of them is an implicit local. You can see this by looking at the compiled code and stepping through under the debugger.
This code:
procedure TWrappingClass.CreateInstance;
FInstance := CreateComObject(CLASS_SomeClass) as ISomeInterface;
is compiled as if it were this (ignoring error checking):
procedure TWrappingClass.CreateInstance;
iunk: IUnknown;
iunk := CreateComObject(CLASS_SomeClass);
FInstance := CreateComObject(CLASS_SomeClass) as ISomeInterface;
iunk := nil;
Perhaps the COM component cannot handle the call to Release made on its IUnknown interface.
So, you could try to work around this by using CoCreateInstance instead of CreateComObject. Pass ISomeInterface as the riid parameter.
OleCheck(CoCreateInstance(CLASS_SomeClass, nil, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER
or CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, ISomeInterface, FInstance));

Assigning a customized event to an Objects OnMouseEnter event

I am looking for a way to reroute the event handler for OnMouseEnter of TPanel. I have a class that contains an array of TPanels that I am using to represent a seating chart. I would like to be able to assign a custom event to the OnMouseEnter event of each of the TPanels which are created dynamically at runtime. I will provide some pseudo code to try and help clarify:
//Class Declaration
TMyClass = Class(TObject)
PanelArray : Array of TPanel;
//Forms declarations
MyClass : TMyClass //Created on the on create event of form.
//Loop assigning the new event
For I:=0 To High(MyClass.PanelArray) do
//Instance of panel
MyClass.PanelArray[I].OnMouseEnter := NewOnMouseEnterEvent(Parm1,Parm2,Parm3,....ParmN);
When New OnMouseEnter event is called, in place of TPanel's OnMouseEnter I imagine it would function exactly the way it would if you had placed a panel on a form at design time and created an OnMouseEnter event from the object Inspector, but with the ability to pass additional parameters:
TForm1.Panel1OnMouseEnter(Sender: Tobject; Parm1,Parm2,Parm3,....ParmN:String);
Can anyone suggest a possible solution to this? I hope I was clear enough, I am a first time poster. Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.
The OnMouseEnter property has type TNotifyEvent, which is a method pointer that expects exactly one parameter. You cannot assign pointers to other methods with other signatures.
The parameter you get is Sender, which is technically all you need. That tells you which panel is being acted on. Using that, you can look up whatever other values you need that should be associated with that panel. For example, you could define a record that holds all your other parameters, and then store them in a dictionary keyed off the panels:
TMouseEnterParameters = record
Param1, Param2, ..., ParamN: string;
TMouseEnterDictionary = TDictionary<TPanel, TMouseEnterParameters>;
Populate the dictionary when you assign the event handlers:
for i := 0 to High(MyClass.PanelArray) do begin
MyClass.PanelArray[i].OnMouseEnter := Panel1OnMouseEnter;
ParamDict[MyClass.PanelArray[i]] := MakeParameters(Param1, Param2, ..., ParamN);
Then you can find the associated values in the OnMouseEnter hander:
Params := ParamDict[Sender as TPanel];
If you Delphi version is too old to support a generic TDictionary class, you can use any number of other data structures, too. TDictionary just makes it easy.

Accessing Sub functions /procedures from DPR or other function / procedure in Delphi

As much I know - Subroutines are with Private access mode to its parent unction / procedure, right?
Is there any way to access them from "outer-world" - dpr or other function / procedure in unit?
Also - which way takes more calcualtion and space to compiled file?
for example:
function blablabla(parameter : tparameter) : abcde;
procedure xyz(par_ : tpar_);
// ...
// ...
procedure albalbalb(param : tparam) : www;
xyz(par_ : tpar_); // is there any way to make this function public / published to access it therefore enabling to call it this way?
// all text is random.
// also, is there way to call it from DPR in this manner?
// in C++ this can be done by specifing access mode and/or using "Friend" class .. but in DELPHI?
Nested procedures/functions - those declared inside another procedure or function, are a special type, because they can access the stack (and thereby parameters/local variables) of the procedure they are nested in. Because of this, and Delphi scope rules, there is no way to access them outside the "parent" procedure. You use them only if you need to take advantage of their special features. AFAIK Delphi/Pascal is one of the few languages to have this feature. From a compiler point of view the call has some extra code to allow accessing the parent stack frame, IIRC.
AFAIK "friend" class/functions in C++ are different - they are class access methods, while in your example you are using plain procedures/functions.
In Delphi all procedure/classes declared in the same unit are automatically "friend", unless strict private declarations are used in latest Delphi releases. For example this code snippets will work, as long everything is in the same unit:
TExample = class
procedure HelloWorld;
function DoSomething(AExample: TExample);
// Calling a private method here works
Note: Embedded Routines <> Private/Protected Methods.
Embedded routines i.e. routines inside routines can not be accessed by external routines.
You have posted an example of an Embedded routine, I also heard them called Internal Routines.
Here is another example:
procedure DoThis;
function DoThat : Boolean;
// This Routine is embedded or internal routine.
// DoThat() can only be accessed from here no other place.
Regardless of visibility, methods on classes, can be called using Delphi 2010 via RTTI. I have detailed how to do this in this article.
If you are in the same Unit methods on a class can be accessed by any other code regardless of visibility, unless they are marked with Strict Private. This Question has more details and good example code in the accepted answer.
If you are in two different units you can use the Protected Method Hack to access the protected methods. Which is detailed in detailed in this article.
Yes, you can access a subroutine, which is nested in other (parent) subroutine, from the outer world. Though it's somewhat tricky. I've found this howto in the web.
How to pass nested routine as a procedural parameter (32 bit)
Delphi normally does not support passing nested routines as procedural parameters:
// This code does not compile:
procedure testpass(p: tprocedure);
procedure calltestpass;
procedure inner;
The obvious workaround is to pass procedure address and typecast it within testpass:
// This code compiles and runs OK
procedure testpass(p: pointer);
procedure calltestpass;
procedure inner;
There is, however, a pitfall in the above example - if the "inner" routine references any variable that was pushed onto the stack before the "inner" procedure was called from testpass (calltestpass parameters - if there were any, or local variables in calltestpass - if there were any), your system most probably crashes:
// This code compiles OK but generates runtime exception (could even be
// EMachineHangs :-) )
procedure testpass(p: pointer);
procedure calltestpass;
var msg: string;
procedure inner;
msg := 'hello';
The reason is, in simple words, that the stack frame arrangement
was "broken" by the call to testpass routine and "inner" procedure
incorrectly calculates parameters and local variables location
(do not blame Delphi, please).
The workaround is to set up the correct stack context before
"inner" is called from within "testpass".
// This code compiles and runs OK
procedure testpass(p: pointer);
var callersBP: longint;
asm // get caller's base pointer value at the very beginning
push dword ptr [ebp]
pop callersBP
// here we can have some other OP code
asm // pushes caller's base pointer value onto stack and calls tProcedure(p)
push CallersBP
Call p
Pop CallersBP
// here we can have some other OP code
procedure calltestpass;
var msg: string;
procedure inner;
msg := 'hello';
Please note the optimization is switched OFF for testpass routine - optimization generally does not handle mixed OP/assembler code very well.
No, there is no way to do what you're asking. The xyz function is callable only by the enclosing blablabla function. Outside that function, xyz is not in scope and there is no way to name it. If C++ allowed nested function, there wouldn't be any way to refer to it, either, just like there's no way to refer to functions with static linkage from outside the current translation unit.
If you need to call xyz from outside the blablabla function, then move xyz outside. If you need to call it from outside the current unit, then you need to declare that function in the unit's interface section. Then, add that unit to the external code's uses clause and you can call xyz from wherever you want, even the DPR file.
If xyz refers to variables or parameters of the blablabla function, then you'll need to pass them in as parameters since xyz will no longer have access to them otherwise.
The concept of access specifiers isn't really relevant here since we're not talking about classes. Units have interface and implementation sections, which aren't really the same as public and private sections of a class.

Delphi - Accessing a Frame object from a Form

I need to run an action that is attached to a button (say SQLBtn) that is placed on a Frame1 within my app, from Form1.
I have included the frame in Form1 uses, but can't seem to address in any way.
I've tried Frame1.SQLbtn TFrame1.SQLbtn TFrameSQLBtn etc but can't get to it.
I would like to get to something similar to '' to run the event behind it.
Does any one have any ideas how to address it?
I am not sure I understand your question correctly. Sounds like you have a frame with a button (and either an TAction or click event handler on the button) and this frame is sitting on a form. Now you want to programmatically simulate a click on that button.
Obviously you need to add the frame unit to your form's uses clause. You also need an instance of the frame on the form which should lead to a form field of the frame type, e.g.
Frame1: TFrame1;
Then you can execute that code via Frame1.SQLbtn.Click from within any of the form's methods. A better way would probably be to provide a public method on the frame which you can use from the form. Then you don't need to access the button directly (the button is an implementation detail of the frame, frame private so to speak).
Edit after clarification
I understand you have the following scenario:
Frame1: TFrame1;
procedure something;
procedure TForm1.something;
// how to call a method on Frame1 which is on FrameForm1
Your best choice is to move the code from frame button OnClick event handler into a separate unit. This can be a datamodule, or a just another unit with a standalone procedure. Then you can call that code from both Form1 and the Frame1 button event handler. This is what Vegar has commented.
If that is not possible, e.g. because the processing requires access to other controls on Frame1, move the code into a new procedure on Frame1 (my original suggestion):
procedure framestuff;
procedure TFrame1.framestuff;
procedure TFrame1.SQLbtnClick(Sender...);
Now you need to call that method from Form1. You'll need a reference to FrameForm1 for that. Which you need to initialize manually (!) when you create TFrameForm1. In this example, the reference is a field FFrameForm:
FFrameForm: TFrameForm1;
procedure something;
procedure TForm1.something;
Or, by default Delphi adds global variables for all forms to the form units (auto form creation, check project options / forms). Then you do this:
procedure TForm1.something;
FrameForm1.framestuff; // if FrameForm1 is the name Delphi used for the global variable
Of course there are many other variations...
procedure TDiferentForm.DoSomething();
One thing that might help you understand: when you create an instance of a form (or frame), delphi goes through the DFM and creates instances of all the objects described there.
IF you have a variable in the form's definition that matches the name of the object in the DFM, the loader will make the variable point to the object; if you don't have a variable, the object is created but you would have to iterate through .Components or .Controls to get to it.
If the form has an instance variable of the frame (and that variable is public), then any other form's code can access it (e.g. MainForm.Frame1...) and do what it wants to.
To encapsulate the frame, the form (which is, after all just a class) can have public properties that have accessors and mutators to proxy the information to and from the embedded frame. Encapsulation is good (IMHO the most important aspect of OOP) because it makes the link between the caller and the frame loose: you can change either side a lot without breaking things.
Another solution is to use interfaces to avoid the circular reference problem and simplify the code a bit. Lets say that you have a procedure named foo that you want to invoke from anyplace in the system. The implementation of this procedure is in tFooForm which is not the main form, but a form that the main form knows about.
First create a new unit and call it Foo_Intf.pas
Its contents will be the following:
unit Foo_Intf;
IFoo = interface
// CTRL-SHIFT-G to create a new guid
procedure Foo;
then add the method to the tFooForm class, and also include the interface. Don't forget to use the foo_intf.pas unit in your interface uses clause. Implement the foo class to do what ever you want that procedure to perform.
tFooForm = class(tForm,IFoo)
procedure Foo;
Also add the IFoo interface to the main form, exactly like the previous step but change the implementation to be the following:
procedure tMainForm.Foo;
if not Assigned(FooForm) then
FooForm := tFooForm.Create(Application); // for simplicity sake
Now, anyplace you want to call the foo function, just include ONLY the Foo_Intf unit in the uses clause and use the following snippit:
FooIntf : IFoo;
if Not Supports(Application.MainForm, IFoo, FooIntf) then
Raise Exception.create('Application.mainform does not implement IFoo');
