Unexpected page event execution order - jquery-mobile

I'm puzzled about the execution order of the following:
$(function() {
$('#button').click(function(event) {
Here is the sequence:
pageinit gets fired
$('#test').hide() is executed
$('#button').click()... is executed
pageshow and
alert('test3') go off
alert('test1') is fired
Why isn't alert('test1') executed as number 3?

I am not sure whether any typo is there in the code but it should give you an error in the Inspect Element or Developer Console. Try enclosing the function like this:
(function() {
Check this fiddle with full source


How to run an animation onload event

I follow this example to create a "fly to" effect.
In the example, you have to "click" a button to run the effect, i would like to run the effect when page is loaded.
I tried to "listen" the body tag with the "load" event, like this :
var flyTo = document.getElementsByTagName('body');
flyTo.addEventListener('load', function() {
It does not work.
How can I do this?
You can find the answer to your question in this thread: Javascript that executes after page load
In addition if you use jQuery you can also ensure your code is executed once the page is loaded with ready:
$( document ).ready(function() {
// Handler for .ready() called.

Jquery ui Dialogue close event to refresh window

I need a way to reload my parent page when I close my jqUI modal window. Somehow or the other, what I am currently doing is not working (imagine that)...
$('div#addPat').live('dialogclose', function (event) {
I never get to the debugger statement so I assume just assume that my event is wrong...
How do I get the close dialog event and how can I use it to reload the page... I think I have the second part figured out.
Try this:
$( "div#addPat" ).dialog({
close: function(event, ui) {
REF: http://jqueryui.com/demos/dialog/#event-close

Jquery Mobile pagecreate function never completes

I am using the pagecreate initialization event to call a function which makes an AJAX call to populate a list.
The problem I have is that this event never completes. The page loading message persists.
I've search here and on the Jquery forum, without any luck.
My code looks like this:
$( "#events" ).live( 'pagecreate', function(event) {
// Executed once the page is loaded
var fromDate = new Date(),
toDate = new Date(fromDate.getFullYear(), fromDate.getMonth() + 3, fromDate.getDate());
update(fromDate, toDate);
function update(from, to) {
var eventList = $('ul#event-list');
url: 'events.php',
dataType: 'json',
data: {from: from, to: to},
success: function(data) {
showEvents(data, from, to, eventList); // Create list items and append to eventList
$('.value h2').formatCurrency({ negativeFormat: "-%s%n" }); // Format currency correctly using jQuery plugin
I get an "a.Deferred is not a function" error, which suggests to me it has something to do with the completion of the AJAX call, but I've checked, and the showEvents function is correctly creating the list items, so it's not hanging.
After reading this, I tried alternative initialization events: pageinit, and even changePage, without success.
Thanks for your help.
p.s. in case it helps, uncommenting that alert() gets the updated list to reformat correctly, without solving the problem. I figure I'd mention it, since I obviously don't understand what's going on.
If u want to run
the code only once when your project loaded then use
mobileinit. pageshow for every view of page and pagecreate for first
time when pagecreate in your project.

Bind jQuery UI autocomplete using .live()

I've searched everywhere, but I can't seem to find any help...
I have some textboxes that are created dynamically via JS, so I need to bind all of their classes to an autocomplete. As a result, I need to use the new .live() option.
As an example, to bind all items with a class of .foo now and future created:
$('.foo').live('click', function(){
It takes (and behaves) the same as .bind(). However, I want to bind an autocomplete...
This doesn't work:
$('.foo').live('autocomplete', function(event, ui){
source: 'url.php' // (surpressed other arguments)
How can I use .live() to bind autocomplete?
Figured it out with Framer:
$('.search').live('keyup.autocomplete', function(){
source : 'url.php'
jQuery UI autocomplete function automatically adds the class "ui-autocomplete-input" to the element. I'd recommend live binding the element on focus without the "ui-autocomplete-input"
class to prevent re-binding on every keydown event within that element.
$(".foo:not(.ui-autocomplete-input)").live("focus", function (event) {
My answer is now out of date since jQuery 1.7, see Nathan Strutz's comment for use with the new .on() syntax.
If you are using the jquery.ui.autocomplete.js try this instead
.bind("keydown.autocomplete") or .live("keydown.autocomplete")
if not, use the jquery.ui.autocomplete.js and see if it'll work
If that doesn't apply, I don't know how to help you bro
Just to add, you can use the .livequery plugin for this:
$('.foo').livequery(function() {
// This will fire for each matched element.
// It will also fire for any new elements added to the DOM.
To get autocomplete working when loaded dynamically for the on() event used in jQuery > 1.7, using the syntax Nathan Strutz provides in his comment:
$(document).on('focus', '.my-field:not(.ui-autocomplete-input)', function (e) {
where .my-field is a selector for your autocomplete input element.
.live() does not work with focus.
also keyup.autocmplete does not make any sense.
Instead the thing I have tried and working is this
$('.search').live('keyup' , function()
$(this).autocomplete({ source : 'url.php' });
This works perfectly fine.
You can't. .live() only supports actual JavaScript events, not any custom event. This is a fundamental limitation of how .live() works.
You can try using this:
$('.foo').live('focus.autocomplete', function() {
After reading and testing everyone else's answers I have updated it for the current version of JQuery and made a few tweaks.
The problem with using keydown as the event that calls .autocomplete() is that it fails to autocomplete for that first letter typed. Using focus is the better choice.
Another thing I have noticed is that all of the given solutions result in .autocomplete() being called multiple times. If you are adding an element dynamically to the page that will not be removed again, the event should only be fired once. Even if the item is to be removed and added again, the event should be removed and then added back each time the element is removed or added so that focusing on the field again will not unnecessarily call .autocomplete() every time.
My final code is as follows:
$(document).on('focus.autocomplete', '#myAutocomplete', function(e){
$(document).off('focus.autocomplete', '#myAutocomplete');
autocomplete is not an event rather a function that enables autocomplete functionality for a textbox.
So if you can modify the js that creates the textboxes dynamically to wrap the textbox element in as a jquery object and call autocomplete on that object.
I just noticed you edited your post with this answer. It was obvious to me so I'm posting it below for others. Thank you.
$('.search').live('keyup.autocomplete', function()
$(this).autocomplete({ source : 'url.php' });
This works for me:
$('.item_product').live('focus.autocomplete', function()
$(this).autocomplete("/source.php/", {
width: 550,
matchContains: true,
mustMatch: false,
selectFirst: false,
You can just put the autocomplete inside input live event, like this:
$('#input-element').live('input', function(){

Fancybox, getting Fancybox to bind using LIVE() to items being loaded onto the page after load

I have a page that loads and after it loads, it pulls in a list of LIs to populate a news feed.
<li>quick view</li>
<li>quick view</li>
<li>quick view</li>
I'm trying to get fancy box to trigger when a user clicks on quick view but haven't had any luck. Any Ideas?
$(document).ready(function() {
also tried:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('a.quickview').live('click', function() {
Thanks for any ideas...
Old question, but might be useful for future searchers.
My preferred solution is to fire fancybox manually from within the live event, eg:
$('.lightbox').live('click', function() {
$this = $(this);
height: '100%',
href: $this.attr('href'),
type: 'iframe',
width: '100%'
return false;
EDIT: From jQuery 1.7 live() is deprecated and on() should be used instead. See http://api.jquery.com/live/ for more info.
this should work after every ajax request
$(document).ajaxStop(function() {
The problems is to attach fancybox into AJAX loaded element, right?
I got same problems and I found this solution.
I copy paste it here, see the original bug report for more info:
$.fn.fancybox = function(options) {
.live('click.fb', function(e) {
$(this).data('fancybox', $.extend({}, options, ($.metadata ? $(this).metadata() : {})))
Credit goes to jeff.gran.
Since .on is now recommended over .live, and after reading over the documentation on delegated events, here's a solution I came up with (assuming your elements have a class of 'trigger-modal'):
$(document).on('click', '.trigger-modal', function() {
// remove the class to ensure this will only run once
// now attach fancybox and click to open it
// prevent default action
return false;
From my understanding of Fancybox, the call to fancybox() simple attaches the plugin to the selected element. Calling fancybox on a click event won't open anything.
I think you just need to add
to the code that creates the new LI elements in your list
If you're using load, then you would do something like:
$('#ul_id_goes_here').load('source/of/news.feed', function() {
