UIButtons non-responsive after being moved in from off iPad screen - ios

The description might be a bit confusing, I've added pictures to try to illustrate what I'm describing. Please let me know what I can clarify to help.
I have an iPad application with a main view that is a xib. The size of the xib is 1024 by 1384 and is meant to be viewed in landscape mode. There is a row of buttons that are visible at the bottom of the iPad screen. When one of the buttons is pressed I move the frame so that these buttons are now at the top of the visible portion of the screen. There are additional elements that start out offscreen but then come onscreen after the move.
The problem I'm having is that the UIButton that starts offscreen is not calling the IBAction associated with it.
I have tried to setUserEnabled to YES for it but that doesn't seem to be making any difference either. I've also tried setNeedsDisplay after the animation is complete.
Anyone have any ideas?

When you add the view to the screen, it changes the view's size to fit the visible portion on the screen. As such, your frame is smaller than the total content area of the view. Moving the frame won't do anything for you; it will move the existing visible content up, but it won't change the view to show new visible content.
Instead, you want to be changing the view's bounds.origin, which will change the visible portion of the view's content.
Note that even though the view was shrunk, I suspect that the clipsToBounds property on your main view was set to NO. That means that it will actually continue displaying content outside of the bounds, which is why it shows up. However, hit-testing only works on the actual frames of the view. All that stuff that shows up outside the bounds is still visible, but it's not interactible.


What to do when pushing a view that's smaller than the underlying one?

I have an iPhone app that's presenting a typical master/detail view, starting with a tableview. When a row is tapped, I push the view controller for that row (which is loaded from a storyboard). The views for each row are all of various sizes, some containing only a few controls.
I find that iOS doesn't push the underlying view away smoothly; if the incoming view is smaller than the current one, a fragment of the current one moves awkwardly only partly to the left and remains visible before blinking out.
Watch the bottom here.
That bottom bar is not a toolbar, by the way. It's laid out on the main view explicitly, like anything else.
Here's how the incoming view is invoked (tabBoard is a storyboard):
if let singlePageController = tabBoard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: tabName) as? AtomViewController
navigationController?.pushViewController(singlePageController, animated: true)
I could make an unnecessarily large incoming view, but this is a hokey workaround considering that I don't know the resolution of the user's device or of future devices. And there's no way I can see of making the topmost view auto-resize to the safe area. I've set autoresizing to expand the view, but no dice.
I've also tried setting the incoming view controller's view frame to equal the current safe area. The frame size is changed (to one that indeed looks full-screen), but the transition is still messy.
What gives?
Please check these boxes in the ViewController setting.
Hide bottom bar on push
Use Full Screen
In the end, the solution was to make sure the incoming view's background color wasn't set to "clear." Setting all the views' backgrounds to black eliminated the problem.
This would have been more obvious if iOS had simply left the underlying view in place, so we could see it through the "clear" overlying view. The fact that the underlying view moves up and partially off the screen to the left... and then stalls and just blinks out... doesn't seem intended.

Hiding and showing iADs makes my view disappear

I am using ios7 and I am enabled iAds with "self.canDisplayBannerAds"
The iAd basically reshapes the view when it shifts in or when it shifts out. However, When the banner shifts, my view Moves off screen!
In my story board, I put my view outside of the screen. And when the user presses a button, I set its frame property so that it exists inside of the screen. But when the iAd shifts in or out, the View travels back to its original place in the story board.
How can I prevent my view from sliding off the screen?
I tried simply adding a view programatically. and placed it in the same place as the one I made in Interface Builder. Initially they both move offscreen and on screen when commanded. however, once the iAd shifts in and out, the view I made in interface builder will slide out. The view I made programatically will stay put.
My best guess at this point was Auto layout or something to do with constraints. The IB view was sliding out rather than simply disappearing and It definitely was not using UIView's animation methods. Thus the only other thing that I could think of that could cause animations to happen are constrains. (eg rotating a view with view's that have constriaints will automatically resize in a smooth fashion.
so I took a look at the constraints of the view by calling the constraints method in an NSLog. It printed out a huge list of constraints. I did not add these explicitly, which means they were added automatically.
There may be a connection between these constraints. The question now is, why is the iAD banner triggering the view to basically spring back to its former place?
When the banner shifts in and out, it will layout the subviews. Views without any constraints are given automatic constraints. These constraints place it in the same location as it's place in the xib.
You can try changing the constraints.

Creating an animation such as iOS 8 Weather App

I want to create a view in which I like to have animation such as the one present in iOS 8 Weather app.
I try to explain more what I have done. If anything is incorrect please guide me.
In the top I put a label for the temperature. (The big one)
Below that label, I put another label to show some text. In the Weather app, there is the horizontal scrollview showing the hourly forecast.
Next is the Table view.
What I want to achieve is that when I start scrolling, the first label disappear smoothly and the second one go to top of the screen and the TableView stretches to show more content.
When I scroll back to the top, I want the whole process to revert.
What is the best way to do this?
I've recently re-created the iOS8 Weather app's scrolling effect for an app I'm creating.
The complete code is too long to post here but for anyone who's interested, I've put it on GitHub. You can download and run the project to see how it looks. Improvements to the code are welcome:
UIScrollView with masked content.
It works like this:
You have one scrollview (the size of the screen), which contains a subview (the mask) which in turn has a subview (the content). We also add a large label to the top of the screen (in the Weather app, this displays the temperature).
Then you use the scrollViewDidScroll delegate method to keep the mask fixed to the screen as the user scrolls. You also use this method to stretch the mask upwards at first.
Fixing the mask to the screen means that the mask's subviews (our content) also becomes fixed. But we want it to scroll, so we do the opposite to the content of what we did to the mask (again, using scrollViewDidScroll).
We need the mask to actually behave as a mask, so we set clipsToBounds = YES on the mask.
Finally, we use the scrollview's offset during scroll to move and fade the big label at the top of the screen.
To make it behave exactly like the iOS8 Weather app, we need to also do the following:
Cancel any scroll touches that happen above the mask, i.e. over the large temperature display.
Ensure that the initial scroll that moves the temperature display is completed programatically if the user doesn't complete it.
Add a sideways-scrolling subview which is anchored to the top of the mask.
I haven't done these yet, though.

What is the best way to animate the size of sub view in a UIScrollView?

I've got a scrollview that allows the user to scroll between different pages and then tap on one to have it expand so that they can read the page in full, a little like how one changes tabs in Safari on the iPhone. Changing the frame size of each sub view is a bit of a pain when rotating as the scroll position is getting lost as the content size of the sub view has to change too. I was wondering if there was a more effective way of
resizing the views for entering 'viewing' mode or rotating the device.
The solution to your first problem is when you want to expand the view, pull it out of the scrollView then add it to self.view.subviews with an appropriate frame, then animate the frame to fill the screen. When done with it do the reverse, shrink it, then when its back to the appropriate size stick it back in the scrollView.
If for some reason this does not work - the scrollview is showing other stuff that gets moved when you remove the view, then instead of just removing your view from it, create a simple UIView of the same size as the view you will expand, and essentially replace the view you pull out with the "placeholder" view.

UIView coordinate transforms on rotation during keyboard appearance

iPad app; I'm trying to resize my view when the keyboard appears. It amounts to calling this code at appropriate times:
CGRect adjustedFrame = self.frame;
adjustedFrame.size.height -= keyboardFrame.size.height;
[self setFrame:adjustedFrame];
Using this technique for a view contained in a uisplitview-based app works in all 4 orientations, but I've since discovered that a vanilla uiview-based app does not work.
What happens is that apparently the uisplitview is smart enough to convert the coordinates of its subviews (their frame) such that the origin is in the "viewer's top left" regardless of the orientation. However, a uiview is not able to correctly report these coordinates. Though the origin is reported as (0,0) in all orientations, the view's effective origin is always as if the ipad were upright.
What is weird about this is that the view correctly rotates and draws, but it always originates in the literal device top left. How can I get the view to correctly make its origin the "top left" to the viewer, not the device's fixed top left? What am I missing? Please, for something so trivial I've spent about 6 hours on this already with every brute force technique and research angle I could think of.
This is the original source which doesn't work in this case:
move up UIToolbar
OK, I don't know what the ACTUAL answer is to the original question, but I can say with certainty that one way to resolve the issue is to always ensure that you don't manipulate a viewController's view directly. Always wrap your view inside a container view inside the main "view", then have that container view adjust its position etc as needed. Works exactly as the splitview does, probably because in both cases now the view in question is a subview of the main "view". What a relief!
