Cannot use grails in domain class - grails

I have static method in a domain class that returns a url. I need to build that url dynamically but isn't working.
static Map options() {
// ...
def url = controller: "Foo", action: "bar" )
// ...
I get the following errors:
Apparent variable 'g' was found in a static scope but doesn't refer to a local variable, static field or class. Possible causes:
You attempted to reference a variable in the binding or an instance variable from a static context.
You misspelled a classname or statically imported field. Please check the spelling.
You attempted to use a method 'g' but left out brackets in a place not allowed by the grammar.
# line 17, column 19.
def url = controller: "Foo", action: "bar" )
1 error
Obviously my problem is that I am trying to access g from static context, so how do I get around this?

The g object is a taglib, which is not available inside a domain class like it would be in a controller. You can get at it through the grailsApplication as shown here: How To Call A Taglib As A Function In A Domain Class
A better way to do this in Grails 2+ is through the grailsLinkGenerator service, like so:
def grailsLinkGenerator
def someMethod() {
def url = 'foo', action: 'bar')
In both cases, you'll need to do some extra work to get grailsApplication/grailsLinkGenerator from a static context. The best way is probably to grab it off the domainClass property of your domain class:
def grailsApplication = new MyDomain().domainClass.grailsApplication
def grailsLinkGenerator = new MyDomain().domainClass.grailsApplication.mainContext.grailsLinkGenerator

If you're using Grails 2.x you can use the LinkGenerator API. Here's an example, I am re-using a domain class I was testing with earlier so ignore the non-url related functionality.
class Parent {
String pName
static hasMany = [children:Child]
static constraints = {
static transients = ['grailsLinkGenerator']
static Map options() {
def linkGen = ContextUtil.getLinkGenerator();
return ['url' 'test', action: 'index')]
Utility Class with Static Method
class ContextUtil implements ApplicationContextAware {
private ApplicationContext context
void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext context) {
this.context = context
static LinkGenerator getLinkGenerator() {
Bean Def for New Utility Bean
beans = {
contextUtil(ContextUtil) { bean ->
bean.factoryMethod = 'getInstance'
If you need the base URL, add absolute:true to the link call.


Grails default value for domain class attribute of user defined type

I have a domain class Plan which is like:
class Plan{
String name
static constraints={
Another domain class is User:
class User{
// Other attribures and code
// ....
Plan plan
static constraints = {
// other constraints..
plan(nullable:false, defaultValue: Plan.findByName("default"))
Above code gives me error:
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Method on class [mypackage.Plan] was used outside of a Grails application. If running in the context of a test using the mocking API or bootstrap Grails correctly.
at mypackage.User$__clinit__closure1.doCall(User.groovy:31)
The line above in error is
plan(nullable:true,defaultValue: Plan.findByName("default"))
Also I have defined the default plan in BootStrap.groovy:
new Plan(name: "default",brandPartner: null,secRole: null).save(failOnError: true, flush: true)"initPlans: No default plan found, hence created a new default plan!")
So how should I set the default value for plan attribute(which is of user defined type)?
Use an interceptor instead of constraint:
class User{
Plan plan
static beforeInsert = {
if( !plan ) Plan.withTransaction {
plan = Plan.findByName 'default'

Grails - access static config object in codec class

I am currently updating my Grails project in order not to use the deprecated ConfigurationHolder class.
This goes fine in most cases, but I am facing trouble in my custom codec classes, where I have been using the following approach until now:
import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.ConfigurationHolder as CH
class MyCodec {
static boolean myStaticConfigProperty=CH.config.myStaticConfigProperty
static encode = { something ->
Direct injection using
def grailsApplication
does not work in this case since this will be injected as a non-static object.
Instead I have tried to use the approach suggested in this post getting-grails-2-0-0m1-config-info-in-domain-object-and-static-scope, but I cannot make it work even after injecting the grailsApplication object into my codec metaclasses in the bootstrap:
class BootStrap {
def grailsApplication
def init = { servletContext ->
for (cc in grailsApplication.codecClasses) {
cc.clazz.metaClass.getGrailsApplication = { -> grailsApplication }
cc.clazz.metaClass.static.getGrailsApplication = { -> grailsApplication }
Could anyone suggest an approach that will allow me to access the config object in a static way inside codec classes?
I'd suggest something like this completely untested code:
class MyCodec {
static def grailsConfig
static boolean myStaticConfigProperty = grailsConfig.myStaticConfigProperty
static encode = { something ->
class BootStrap {
def grailsApplication
def init = { servletContext ->
for (cc in grailsApplication.codecClasses) {
cc.grailsConfig = grailsApplication.config
If all of your codec classes just need the same one configuration property, you could skip injecting the grailsApplication and/or the config object entirely, and just set the one static property from BootStrap.
it works for me in grails 2.2.3
import grails.util.Holders as holders;
class MyFileCodec {
static encode = {file ->
def configPath= holders.grailsApplication.config.share.contextPath
return "${configPath}/${}"
grails.util.Holders has been introduced since grails 2.0, it's the way to access config object.

Grails domain class properties from properties file

In my grails application I want to read some values from properties file and set it to Grails Domain class static property at startup.
Class A{
static myValues="1,2";
class B{
static myValues="2,3";
In the above example I have directly given the inputs..Instead of that I want to read it from one file which will have the following
Is it possible to do that in grails.Help me please.
If you put in grails-app/conf then it'll be in the classpath and this code in grails-app/conf/BootStrap.groovy will load the properties and set the values:
class BootStrap {
def init = { servletContext ->
def props = new Properties()
def cl = Thread.currentThread().contextClassLoader
props.load cl.getResourceAsStream('')
props.each { key, value ->
def clazz = Class.forName(key, true, cl)
clazz.myValues = value
Obviously you'll need to check that the properties file is available, that the classes, exist, etc.

Role based domain class field access in grails

I am developing a grails application.In that some cases I want to control the domain class fields based on the role.So that in each call to getter setter method of domain class I want to apply some filter based on role(Logged in user's role).I am assuming that grails will create getter setter method at runtime for the domin classes.So while writing grails code is it possible to apply this logic.If it is possible then how to apply?
Domain Class :
class Book{
String name;
double price;
def index={
Book book=Book.get(1);
println book.price;
In the above code "println book.price;" this line should work only for particular role.For some other role it should throw some exception.
Is it possible achieve?Is there any plugin to do this?
Please give some help on this....Thanks
You can create get/set methods for the properties you want to control access to and put your security logic there. Assuming you've written your own security service or are using a security plugin like the Spring Security (Acegi) plugin you would:
class Book{
String name;
double price;
def authenticateService
void setPrice(double price) {
if(!authenticateService.ifAllGranted('ROLE_PRICE_FIXER')) {
throw new Exception("You are not authorized to set book prices")
this.price = price
double getPrice() {
if(!authenticateService.ifAllGranted('ROLE_PRICE_FIXER')) {
throw new Exception("You are not authorized to get book prices")
return this.price
I am not aware of any plugin that allows access controls to be put on domain properties.
You could also consider using a custom validator or a spring errors object to catch attempts to set a field before saving it.
EDIT: Here is an example of what I was thinking. You could generalize quite a bit more and the code here hasn't been tested so it probably won't run as is.
class securedDomain {
String securedField
def fieldSetBy = [:]
def previousValue = [:]
static transients = ['fieldSetBy', 'previousValue']
static constraints = {
securedField(validator: { v, o ->
def access = User.findByName(fieldSetBy['securedField']).hasAccess('securedField')
if(!access) securedField = previousValue['securedField']
return access
void setProperty(String name, value) {
if(name == "securedField") {
fieldSetBy['securedField'] = session.user
previousValue['securedField'] = securedField
securedField = value
} else {
super(name, value)

How To Call A Taglib As A Function In A Domain Class

I need to call the Static Resources Plugin ( from my domain class.
This works perfectly in a controller:
def tstLink = resourceLinkTo(dir:"docs/${identifier}",file:originalFileName)
but in a domain class I get
Exception Message: No signature of method: static org.maflt.ibidem.Item.resourceLinkTo() is applicable for argument types: (java.util.LinkedHashMap) values: [[dir:docs/19e9ea9d-5fae-4a35-80a2-daedfbc7c2c2, file:2009-11-12_1552.png]]
I assume this is a general problem.
So how do you call a taglib as a function in a domain class?
I encountered this problem a while ago for an app I was working on. What I ended up doing was putting a call to the tag in a service method:
class MyService {
def grailsApplication //autowired by spring
def methodThatUsesATag(identifier, originalFileName) {
//This is the default grails tag library
def g = grailsApplication.mainContext.getBean('org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.web.taglib.ApplicationTagLib')
Then in my domain class, I could get to the service via spring autowiring as well:
class MyDomain {
String originalFileName
def myService //autowired
static transients = ['myService'] //Necessary so that GORM doesn't try to persist the service instance.
//You can create a method at this point that uses your
//service to return what you need from the domain instance.
def myMethod() {
myService.methodThatUsesATag(id, originalFileName)
Most taglibs rely on data from the controller so it's often not possible to reuse them while others concern view logic so often it's not something you would want to put in a domain class.
That said, I'm sure you have your reasons so maybe the source of the taglib will help:
class ResourceTagLib {
def externalResourceServerService
def resourceLinkTo = { attrs ->
out << externalResourceServerService.uri
out << '/'
if(attrs['dir']) {
out << "${attrs['dir']}/"
if(attrs['file']) {
out << "${attrs['file']}"
ie inject the externalResourceServerService into your domain class and the rest should be simple.
