How ultra Editor Updation works? - updating

I'm having an Editor called Ultra Editor. In this editor i have created a file called "test.txt" with the contents of " This is Test Text ". I didn't close the ultra Editor Page. Now I opened this test.txt with the notepad Editor and changed the contents to "This is Test Text Welcome ! " and saved it with the same name. Now i moved my cursor to focus on Ultra Editor Window. Immediately the Ultra editor came up with the modified text. My Question is How this Ultra Editor knows the other editor modifying the File. How the Editor changed the file without any "Refresh" stuffs ?

It probably triggers some code to refresh the file from disk when you make it the foreground program. TextMate and MacVim have this behavior as well.
In windows one such event is Control.GotFocus. In OS X there's applicationDidBecomeActive.


Why is my Octave GUI editor so buggy? How can I fix it?

The editor for the GUI is a complete mess. When I create a brand new script, the spacing and font are relatively ok.
However, if I open any existing function, it is shown with way too much space between lines, and spaces and tabs show way more space than they should. An example is shown below:
I tried selecting the Edit - Preferences - General - Use custom file editor options, and chose "notepad++ -n%l %f. I have notepad++ installed already on my computer.
When I selected this option and clicked ok, the Octave GUI crashed. When I tried to reopen a file now, I get the error "could not start custom file editor".
If I change the font, it temporarily fixes the issue. But none of the changes persist. Often clicking OK crashes octave. And any time it's reopened, the fonts revert to default, and the spacing problems returns.
How can I make the editor show an appropriate leading and space width?
I would also like to be able to further customize, if possible. For example I'd like it to use a dark theme. But for now just showing a reasonable space between lines would make this at least useable.
I'm using Windows 10, Octave version 6.4.0

how to read the SPYDER code analysis message box with keyboard shortcut

Is it possible to read the contents of the spyder code analysis message box in the editor without have to use the mouse?
It would be nice to read the messages as one scrolls through the editor with the arrow keys

Select Text in vertical in Spyder text Editor

Is there a way for selecting text in vertical in Spyder3 Text Editor? What I mean is something equivalent to Alt + Shift in Atom text editor for example:
(Spyder maintainer here) No, there's no way to do that in Spyder, sorry. Unfortunately it's not so easy to implement it with our current editor code.
You can write text code in 'sublime' editor and perform all sorts of shortcuts there. to select matching text in the sublime editor, first select/highlight that text using the cursor and then press Ctrl+D as many times you want, sublime will keep highlighting matching text in the whole text file. To select all matching entries simply press Alt+F3 (in windows).

Aligning left and right on the same line in WordPad

Is it possible to align texts left and right on the same line in WordPad? For example, I want my name to the left and the date to the right. Both on the same line. How can I do this?
While WordPad does not allow you to modify the alignment of tab stops the RTF format supports tab stops with alignments and WordPad can display and edit documents containing such tab stops, for example when you create them in Microsoft Word and save as RTF.
If you don't have access to Microsoft Word you can create the tab stops in WordPad, save the file as RTF, then open it with a text editor and modify the tab stop definitions you are interested in.
Here is an example:
I created a simple RTF document in WordPad which contains the text Left<tab>Middle<tab>Right and created two tab stops. I want the first tab stop to align centered and the second tab stop to align right.
Then I save the document in RTF format on my desktop and open it in notepad. It looks like this:
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\nouicompat\deflang1031{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Calibri;}}
{\*\generator Riched20 10.0.14393}\viewkind4\uc1
\pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\tx3976\tx7242\f0\fs22\lang7 Left\tab Middle\tab Right\par
Notice the \tx3976 and \tx7242 commands which define the tab stop positions (generally you look for \tx followed by some number).
Now you can insert the \tqc command for center-aligned tabstops or the \tqr command for right-aligned tabstops. You enter that command in front of the \tx command you want to modify. The RTF document now looks like this:
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\nouicompat\deflang1031{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Calibri;}}
{\*\generator Riched20 10.0.14393}\viewkind4\uc1
\pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\tqc\tx3976\tqr\tx7242\f0\fs22\lang7 Left\tab Middle\tab Right\par
Now you can save the document and exit notepad, when you reopen the file in WordPad you should see it displaying with the correct tab stop alignments. It is also possible to move the tab stops around in WordPad without losing the alignments.
Tested on Windows 10 but it probably will work on earlier versions of WordPad since the required commands are not exactly new.
It's not possible using proper formatting.
For example, in Microsoft Word/LibreOffice Writer you'd use left- and right-aligning tabs, as demonstrated in this howto for Word. However, WordPad only has left-aligning tabs.
It is possible to fake it, as it was done in the old days (and still now, by those who don't know better), by clever usage of spaces (or a mix of spaces and tab stops).

Eclipse - preview source in separate window on mouse click?

I'm looking for a way to be able to preview code related to what's under my cursor in a separate window when I click the mouse/touchpad. Eg. definition for methods / member variables etc.
Something like the results of Ctrl+Click but instead of opening the file in my main editor window, I'd like to see the results in a small window below the main editor window (a 'code preview' window).
Ideally, the 'code preview' window doesn't hide any code surrounding the preview of the item under the cursor.
This happens for eg. in Source Insight & VSlick. It gives the ability to browse another section of the code in a small window while the main source is open in the main window.
I find it very useful.
Is there any way / plugin etc to do this in ADT/Eclipse ?
I'm new to Eclipse and using the ADT flavor (Eclipse Platform 4.2.1.v20130118) for Android Java dev.
Press Shift and hover the mouse cursor over the method or variable - it will show a small popup with the source preview.
You must be sure it is enabled in Preferences (Preferences->Java->Editor->Hovers, "Source" line should be checked).
Checked with Eclipse 4.4.
