Samples/file extensions supported by iOS sampler - ios

I'm writing an iOS app which can play MIDI and output its content using the AUSampler and AUGraph classes. I know for sure it supports files like Soundfont (.sf2) but this one seems to be quite antiquated.
Question: Are there any other files or sample types which this framework supports?

The AUSampler also supports DLS format (.dls) and AUpreset format (.aupreset)


Play RTSP stream on iOS with LIVE555

How to modify the example "openRTSP" of Live555 to display a RTSP stream in a iOS App ?
You can look at dropcam
Personally I find it harder to use than some other frameworks including the ones we use, but the dropcam example should give yo what you need.
You can use MobileVLCKit which use live555 internally.
You can find more information here:

Inspecting a soundfont on iOS

It is possible using AudioUnits on iOS to create samplers that load and play soundfont (or SF2) files. This is a really great feature. The problem is that I don't see any interface for inspecting a soundfont to see: a) how many presets it contains and b) the names of the presets it contains.
It is possible to obtain the current preset name by first loading the soundfont into the sampler using AudioUnitSetProperty with kAUSamplerProperty_LoadInstrument and then calling AudioUnitGetProperty with kAudioUnitProperty_ClassInfo on the sampler. This is not very efficient however, and only tells you the name of the currently loaded preset. It also does not seem to tell you how many presets are contained in the soundfont.
How does one do these things without using 3rd party code (surely it is natively supported)?
Another option is a soundfont editor for OSX called polyphone
This is a very old question, but I do have another solution: my SoundFonts
application. It is available on the AppStore for a small fee, or you can use the source to build what you want.
The repo contains an SF2 parser in C++ that I reworked from some code I found online. The repo also contains a Python script that generates listing from a SF2 file. It uses the sf2utils Python package.

Using afconvert from iOS

Does anyone know if it is possible to convert a sound file in the Documents directory from within an app? I have a recorded sound file that will be available in iTunes File Sharing that I need to convert. Is afconvert available from within iOS?
I'm not sure from what format to what format you want to convert to, but converting audio during runtime is not as simple as the command-line afconvert tool.
Check out Apple's sample projects iPhoneACFileConvertTest or ConvertFile. I think these would be good starting points if you want to convert audio in your app.
For what it's worth, afconvert is just a handy command-line interface to the features of the ExtAudioFile API which you can find in -- Using this API you can convert from any supported file format/audio format combination TO any supported file format/audio format combination.

What type of video format is compatible with iPad to be embedded on the app? (Converted from SWF)

I am developing an app on iPad. One type of our data is flash (swf) files. I wonder what type of video format is the best to convert these flash files to, considering that the converted ones should be embedded on the app itself.
H.264 is standard de-facto nowadays, not only for iPad but for all other platforms too.

Ruby/Rails Audio Conversion Plugins?

I am looking for a good gem/plugin to convert user-uploaded audio files to different formats. One format in particular that I am interested in is converting to Apple .caf with ima4 compression for inclusion in an iPhone app.
I have been using afconvert on my mac for this so far, but I need to do it on my linux box, server-side. Ideally, I would be able to work into paperclip.
As an additional solution, ffmpeg could work, but I have not seen any .caf options for it. Anybody know of one?
The Sound eXchange project supports lots of audio file conversions. I've used this in the past to convert aiff files output by the OS X "say" program to ulaw files for Asterisk. This yields rather nice text-to-speech. For my purposes, I also found a Ruby extension on github called sox-ruby that wraps the libsox functions directly.
