Actionscript if statement to include file if variable is true - actionscript

I am creating a script to include hard code and click tags for web advertising. Basically I'm trying to make the process easier by having all of my html links in one file, but controlled with if statements.
So far it works fine, but I get kick backs from google/aol/yahoo because when they go through the swf they see these other html links, even though they are not being used, and kick back the banner.
I'm trying now to include two files, one with hard codes, and another with just click tags. And if a variable is true, include the hardcode file, if not ignore it. The syntax makes sense to me, but is throwing an error in flash still. Is there a better way of going about this?
Here is my code:
var video = "false";
var hardclicktags = "false"
#include ""
if( hardclicktags == "true" ){
#include ""
This works fine if is present in the file, but because of google/yahoo/aol still reading the other if statements I can't have any other html links inside of the file. So I would remove my from the folder before I publish. But this is throwing an error saying it can't find the file. To me though, because hardclicktags = "false" it should ignore this line all together.
Is there a way around this, or am I kind of stuck going about this a different way?
Thanks in advance!


Neovim Telescope Read File Into Current File?

Jumping on this lua-neovim bandwagon...Need help with Telescope, please.
In my old setup; I'd grab basic templates from my documents like:
<leader>gt :-1read ~/Documents/templates/
And then I just use vim's normal tab completion to get where I need to go, but with telescope's fuzzy search and preview window, this will go to the next level!
I can open my templates like this
lua require('telescope.builtin').find_files{ cwd = '~/Documents/templates/' }
I've tried several combos with :read and various brackets, to make it read the contents into the current file to no avail (just learning Lua now, so mostly just crash and bang methods)
I found this in the docs with vague mention to reading files
previewers.buffer_previewer_maker({filepath}, {bufnr}, {opts}) previewers.buffer_previewer_maker()
But I'm obviously missing something.
Ideally I'd want key combo in the mappings, that way I can open normally, or read it (bonus points if it inserts at the cursor) - along with the miriad of options already available.
mappings = {
i = {
["<C-n>"] = actions.cycle_history_next,
["<C-p>"] = actions.cycle_history_prev,
["<C-r>"] = actions.READ_FILE_INTO_BUFFER,
Anyways, I've spent way too long on this, and I'm sure one of you Lua/Neovim Geniuses will have the solution!

Python kivy filechooser reads wrong path

I'm trying to use Kivy as a GUI for my python app, which needs to read a file from the filesystem.
However, in some cases the kivy filechooser read wrong path or nothing causing an IndexError while I'm trying to set the read path for a text of a textfield.
I use the default example for reading files learned from
The relevant part of my app is in this function, where an exception handling is added as a not a good approach to handle this :)
def load(self, path, filename):
this will load the file and dismiss the dialog
print "Loading file..."
print "filename:",filename
print "path:",path
self.selected_file = filename[0]
self.file_text_input.text = self.selected_file
except IndexError as ie:
print "Something made a boo-boo...try again"+str(ie)
self.show_popup("ERROR","Somehow I couldn't load the file:\nCheck the permissions or move it to other place")
self.show_popup() is just a helper function, which shows a popup with the set function params.
The basic error is that filename[0] will throw an IndexError since it does not read the correct path.
I'm using Linux with python2.7, and somethimes when I select a file in my home folder, the filename variable stores nothing, while path variable stores misteriously a random folder, for instance, /media, /opt, etc.
Did anyone meet this issue?
I found out why it was handled uncorrectly.
All the failures are caused by Kivy's
, which enables to click on folders and files via a list, but it also makes it possible to have a littel '>' sign at the beginning of every list element, which are directories.
I realized that when I used these '>' signs, then I get wrong path, but if I always clicks on the directories' list elements then everything works fine.
However, that little '>' cannot be disabled (for now), so the best and fastest alternate solution is using
Now everything is good :)

Getting FXAA to work

I am new to HLSL and in all of the tutorials I found there always seems to be a #include "Fxaa3_11.fxh" in each of them. I include this file and then it also makes a reference to another header file #include "Fxaa3_11.h" and as it goes I also include this file into my content pipeline and still gives me an error X1507: failed to open source file:... whichever way I go.
Is there any way to make a clean, single FXAA.fx file without enabling all this mess of external files?
If you want to compile your shader on the fly , you can use this function
Most important part when using includes is to provide a CompilerIncludeHandler ,include resolves are not automatically done for you (which is a good thing).
You override the open method, then read the include path from the parameters and return the content as a string.
If you just want to have if processed in content manager, Easiest way is probably just to copy paste the content of those header files in the main shader file (where the include is), and delete the include statement. Bit ugly but pretty simple.

Mysterious assets used in swf, not found anywhere in fla?

near the top of the code i see things like,
btn_dropdown._visible = false;
mcMenuBkg._visible = false;
but I can't find these assets anywhere in the library or in any code, how does this make any sense?
The movie clips in the library that look the same have different names and I can delete them entirely and they still show up when I compile and run, or I can add trace statements into their code and they never get called.
where on earth are these assets defined?
In theory, any clip you see at runtime could be dynamically created, by making an empty MC and drawing in whatever contents you like with the drawing API. However, if you see clips in the library that are similar to what's showing up at runtime, then it's very unlikely that that's happening.
Your first step should probably be another look through the library. Remember that instance names don't have to be the same as MC names; even if something is called "Menu Holder" in the library there might be an instance of it somewhere called "mcMenuBkg" or whatever. But the fact that you can delete stuff without changing the output is mysterious.
So, other possibilities: contents are being loaded externally, or imported via runtime sharing. If feasible, try moving your SWF to a temp directory and running it from there; that should break all loads (unless contents are loaded from a remote URL).
Or, you're looking at the wrong clips in the library. If it's a crufty project there may be unused stuff in there. Try expanding the library wide enough to see the "Use count" column, and select "update use counts" from the library menu. Anything with a count of 1 or higher is part of your FLA's stage content - either it's sitting on the main stage or it's a child of something that is. Clips with a use count of 0 may still be used if they have a linkage ID; they could be created at runtime with attachMovie(). However, for any clip with a use count of 0 and no linkage id, it's safe to assume that it's unused, and irrelevant to what happens at runtime.
If none of that helps, the only things that come to mind are sanity checks... open up everything on the stage and every clip with a linkage id, and check for empty/invisible MCs. Check the Movie's export settings to make absolutely sure the SWF you're checking is the same one being published. And just for grins, open up the "Scenes" panel and make sure that some diabolical fiend hasn't put important content on a separate scene where no sane man would look for it.
Vague answer for a vague question. :D Hope it helps...
You can create movie clips with code dynamically.
This means that you may not have them in your assets if you are unable to find them.
You can create any type of symbol using a constructor out of thin air with actionscript alone.
I would search the code for one of these
var mybutton:SimpleButton=new SimpleButton();
If they're being set to
_visible = false
you won't see them anyway - and as ActionScript 1/2 doesn't do runtime error reporting, the Flash player won't complain if they're not actually there on the stage. If they're not being used, just delete them.

Actionscript - combining AS2 assets into a single SWF

I have a flash project that I'm trying to export as a single SWF. There's a main SWF file that loads about 6 other SWFs, and both the main and the child SWFs reference other external assets (images, sounds, etc). I'd like to package everything as a single .swf file so I don't have to tote the other assets around with the .swf.
All the coding is done in the timeline, but the assets haven't been imported into the Flash Authoring environment and I don't have time to do that right now (there are too many references to them everywhere). I'm hoping that there's just an option I'm missing that allows this sort of packaged export, but I haven't found anything like that.
I don't have access to Flex or mxmlc (and as the AS is timeline-based, they wouldn't necessarily help me). Any thoughts?
PS...if there's no way of doing exactly what I'm saying, I could deal with having all the assets in a "assets" folder or something like that, so I'd just be toting around main.swf and an assets folder. The problem here is that all the references to the assets assume that they're in the same folder as the main.swf file, so everything's assumed to be there a way to change the scope of all external references in Flash (so, for example, all local references in the code are actually searched in /assets)?
You might be able to decompile your swfs into XML with swfmill/mtasc and use a fancy XSLT to recombine them and recompile with swfmill/mtasc.
If that doesn't work and if you're using MovieClip.loadMovie or MovieClipLoader.loadMovie you can overload their methods and intercept the url:
var realLoadMovie:Function = MovieClip.prototype.loadMovie;
MovieClip.prototype.loadMovie = function(url:String, method:String) {
return realLoadMovie("assets/" + url, method);
var test:MovieClip = createEmptyMovieClip("testclip", getNextHighestDepth());
You'll need to do some additional string parsing if the urls have a resource-type prefix such as file://
There's a base parameter you can add when you embed the swf, just like align, scale, etc. If base is set, all relative urls will be prefixed with whatever path you define (well, almost all; videos and file reference objects being the exception here).
Other than that, I'd go with nikaji's solution.
HI Justin,
It sounds like you need to look into using shared libraries. Check out:
