Declaring a variable without assigning - f#

Any way to declare a new variable in F# without assigning a value to it?

See Aidan's comment.
If you insist, you can do this:
let mutable x = Unchecked.defaultof<int>
This will assign the absolute zero value (0 for numeric types, null for reference types, struct-zero for value types).

It would be interesting to know why the author needs this in F# (simple example of intended use would suffice).
But I guess one of the common cases when you may use uninitialised variable in C# is when you call a function with out parameter:
TResult Foo<TKey, TResult>(IDictionary<TKey, TResult> dictionary, TKey key)
TResult value;
if (dictionary.TryGetValue(key, out value))
return value;
throw new ApplicationException("Not found");
Luckily in F# you can handle this situation using much nicer syntax:
let foo (dict : IDictionary<_,_>) key =
match dict.TryGetValue(key) with
| (true, value) -> value
| (false, _) -> raise <| ApplicationException("Not Found")

You can also use explicit field syntax:
type T =
val mutable x : int

I agree with everyone who has said "don't do it". However, if you are convinced that you are in a case where it really is necessary, you can do this:
let mutable naughty : int option = None
...then later to assign a value.
naughty <- Some(1)
But bear in mind that everyone who has said 'change your approach instead' is probably right. I code in F# full time and I've never had to declare an unassigned 'variable'.
Another point: although you say it wasn't your choice to use F#, I predict you'll soon consider yourself lucky to be using it!

F# variables are by default immutable, so you can't assign a value later. Therefore declaring them without an initial value makes them quite useless, and as such there is no mechanism to do so.
Arguably, a mutable variable declaration could be declared without an initial value and still be useful (it could acquire an initial default like C# variables do), but F#'s syntax does not support this. I would guess this is for consistency and because mutable variable slots are not idiomatic F# so there's little incentive to make special cases to support them.


why identical() return true on two strings

I'm new to Dart. The documentation say: "To test whether two objects x and y represent the same thing, use the == operator. (In the rare case where you need to know whether two objects are the exact same object, use the identical() function instead.)"
So, if type this code:
var foo = 'bar';
var baz = 'bar';
print(identical(foo, baz));
If i've well understood, foo and bar do not reference the same object. So identical() must return false, isn't it ?
But it's not the case, at least in DartPad.
Where is the problem.
In this case foo and bar do reference the same object.
That is because the compiler canonicalizes string literals.
The specification requires most constants to be canonicalized. If you create const Duration(seconds: 1) in two places, it will become the same object. Integers, doubles and booleans are always canonicalized, whether constant or not (the language pretends that there is only one instance per value).
Strings are special in that the specification is not entirely clear on whether they need to be canonicalized or not, but constant strings need to be canonicalized for constants to make sense, and all the compilers do that.
A literal is a constant expression, so string literals are always canonicalized. That means that 'bar' denotes the same object no matter where it occurs in your code.
For several built-in "literals", you will always get identical true for equal values.
double (I think)

null with cast vs Unchecked.defaultof?

I have come across two ways to create a properly typed null value in F#:
// null with cast
let mutable x = null :> MyReferenceType
// Unchecked.defaultof
let mutable x = Unchecked.defaultof<MyReferenceType>
Is there any reason to favour one over the other?
There's no difference, sometimes there is just more than one way to do things. But usually Unchecked.defaultof() is used in a generic context where you don't know the type ahead of time and so you don't know the default. You certainly know that the default for MyReferenceType is null. So I would go with the first declaration. And actually, even that is a tad ugly, with the cast. Most folks would probably just write that as
let x : MyReferenceType = null

Warning produced by f#: value has been copied to ensure the original is not mutated

The first definition below produces the warning in the title when compiled with f# 3.0 and the warning level set to 5. The second definition compiles cleanly. I wondered if someone could please explain just what the compiler worries I might accidentally mutate, or how would splitting the expression with a let clause help avoid that. Many thanks.
let ticks_with_warning () : int64 =
let ticks_clean () : int64 =
let t = System.DateTime.Now
I cannot really explain why the compiler emits this warning in your particular case - I agree with #ildjarn that you can safely ignore it, because the compiler is probably just being overly cautious.
However, I can give you an example where the warning might actually give you a useful hint that something might not go as you would expect. If we had a mutable struct like this:
type Test =
val mutable ticks : int64
member x.Inc() = x.ticks <- x.ticks + 1L
new (init) = { ticks = init }
Now, the Inc method mutates the struct (and you can also access the mutable field ticks). We can try writing a function that creates a Test value and mutates it:
let foo () =
let t = Test(1L)
t.Inc() // Warning: The value has been copied to ensure the original is not mutated
We did not mark the local value t as mutable, so the compiler tries to make sure the value is not mutated when we call Inc. It does not know whether Inc mutates the value or not, so the only safe thing is to create a copy - and thus foo returns the value Test(1L).
If we mark t as mutable, then the compiler does not have to worry about mutating it as a result of a call and so it does not give the warning (and the function returns Test(2L)):
let foo () =
let mutable t = Test(1L)
I'm not really sure what is causing the warning in your example though. Perhaps the compiler thinks (as a result of some intermediate representation) that Ticks operation could mutate the left-hand-side value (System.DateTime.Now and t respectively) and it wants to prevent that.
The odd thing is that if you write your own DateTime struct in F#, you get a warning in both cases unless you mark the variable t as mutable (which is what I'd expect), but the behaviour with standard DateTime is different. So perhaps the compiler knows something about the standard type that I'm missing...

F# iteration over a Dictionary

I'm just starting with F# and I want to iterate over a dictionary, getting the keys and values.
So in C#, I'd put:
IDictionary resultSet = test.GetResults;
foreach (DictionaryEntry de in resultSet)
Console.WriteLine("Key = {0}, Value = {1}", de.Key, de.Value);
I can't seem to find a way to do this in F# (not one that compiles anyway).
Could anybody please suggest the equivalent code in F#?
What is the type of your dictionary?
If it is non-generic IDictionary as your code snippet suggests, then try the following (In F#, for doesn't implicitly insert conversions, so you need to add Seq.cast<> to get a typed collection that you can easily work with):
for entry in dict |> Seq.cast<DictionaryEntry> do
// use 'entry.Value' and 'entry.Key' here
If you are using generic IDictionary<'K, 'V> then you don't need the call to Seq.cast (if you have any control over the library, this is better than the previous option):
for entry in dict do
// use 'entry.Value' and 'entry.Key' here
If you're using immutable F# Map<'K, 'V> type (which is the best type to use if you're writing functional code in F#) then you can use the solution by Pavel or you can use for loop together with the KeyValue active pattern like this:
for KeyValue(k, v) in dict do
// 'k' is the key, 'v' is the value
In both of the cases, you can use either for or various iter functions. If you need to perform something with side-effects then I would prefer for loop (and this is not the first answer where I am mentioning this :-)), because this is a language construct designed for this purpose. For functional processing you can use various functions like Seq.filter etc..
resultSet |> Map.iter (fun key value ->
printf "Key = %A, Value = %A\n" key value)
(This is a shorter answer than Tomas' one, going to the point.) Dictionaries are mutable, in F# it's more natural to use Maps (immutable). So if you're dealing with map: Map<K,V>, iterate through it this way:
for KeyValue(key,value) in map do
DoStuff key value

F#: Why aren't option types compatible with nullable types?

Why aren't option types like "int option" compatible with nullable types like "Nullable"?
I assume there is some semantic reason for the difference, but I can't figure what that is.
An option in F# is used when a value may or may not exist. An option has an underlying type and may either hold a value of that type or it may not have a value.
That sure sounds like the Nullable structure.
Because of the runtime representation choice for System.Nullable<'T>.
Nullable tries to represent the absent of values by the null pointer, and present values by pointers to those values.
(new System.Nullable<int>() :> obj) = null
|> printfn "%b" // true
(new System.Nullable<int>(1) :> obj).GetType().Name
|> printfn "%s" // Int32
Now consider strings. Unfortunately, strings are nullable. So this is valid:
null : string
But now a null runtime value is ambiguous - it can refer to either the absence of a value or a presence of a null value. For this reason, .NET does not allow constructing a System.Nullable<string>.
Contrast this with:
(Some (null : string) :> obj).GetType().Name
|> printfn "%s" // Option`1
That being said, one can define a bijection:
let optionOfNullable (a : System.Nullable<'T>) =
if a.HasValue then
Some a.Value
let nullableOfOption = function
| None -> new System.Nullable<_>()
| Some x -> new System.Nullable<_>(x)
If you observe the types, these functions constrain 'T to be a structure and have a zero-argument constructor. So perhaps F# compiler could expose .NET functions receiving/returning Nullable<'T> by substituting it for an Option<'T where 'T : struct and 'T : (new : unit -> 'T)>, and inserting the conversion functions where necessary..
The two have different semantics. Just to name one, Nullable is an idempotent data constructor that only works on value types, whereas option is a normal generic type. So you can't have a
but you can have an
Generally, though there are some overlapping scenarios, there are also things you can do with one but not the other.
Key difference is that must test the option type to see if it has a value. See this question for a good description of its semantics: How does the option type work in F#
Again, this is from my limited understanding, but the problem probably lies in how each gets rendered in the IL. The "nullable" structure probably gets handled slightly different from the option type.
You will find that the interactions between various .Net languages really boils down to how the IL gets rendered. Mostof the time it works just fine but on occasion, it causes issues. (check out this). Just when you thought it was safe to trust the level of abstraction. :)
