Refresh current view iOS - ios

I found lots of "reloadData" for TableView questions here, but my case is different.
I have a notification App, that uses UILocalNotification to fire reminders.
I need to refresh my tableview in real time after an alert fires, without the need of closing and opening the app to do so...
User is viewing the scheduled reminders (tableView), when suddenly one of the reminders fires. At this moment, the tableView will reload, but only if the user quits application or go back to another view and open the tableView again. That can't happen cause the application breaks if the user press the row in the tableView witch showed the current reminder (that's already completed and doesn't exists anymore).
I need to reload tableView in real time, without leaving the tableView Controller view. any idea on how to do that?

When a local notification for your app fires while the app is in the foreground, the system sends the application:didReceiveLocalNotification: message to your app delegate. From there, you should notify the view controller (via a direct reference and message send or possibly with a custom NSNotification) to do whatever it needs to do in this case.


Perform action when opening app for the second time

When I open the app it fires the events viewDidLoad and viewDidAppear form my View Controller but when I close it and run it again it does not call any of them.
Any idea?
You need to read up on application states. Here is a link I found online outlining the different states:
What you really want is to be notified when your app becomes active.
Probably the easiest way is to implement the function applicationDidBecomeActive() in your app delegate. That will be called when your app becomes active as the foreground app either on launch, or when it returns to the foreground as the active app.
Note that if you want that notification sent to some object other than the app delegate you can listen for the UIApplicationDidBecomeActive notification.

how to give to activity alert in iOS swift?

Suppose App is in foreground and user does not interact with app for 5 min, App should give alert.
Suppose App is in background and it remain in background for more than 5 min App should give alert as soon as app comes in foreground.
Is there any standard way to do that?
For the background part, basically you want to have a Counter. This Counter should do
Observe UIApplicationWillResignActiveNotification notification. And record the time when the selector is called. Let's say it's lastActiveTime.
Observe UIApplicationDidBecomeActiveNotification notification. And inside the selector, compare the current time with lastActiveTime. If it's more than 5 minutes, you'll pop up the alert.
For foreground, you could use some assumptions such as if the top most view controller is the same, assume the user hasn't interacted with the app. You can have a timer that keep checking the top most view controller.

How to perform a segue when a UILocalNotification is fired?

I am making an app with multiple schedule alarms in the future. The design is that a Local Notification will fire, then when the user opens the app any time after this notification (either through Notification Action or just by tapping the icon on the home screen), the app will automatically show an Alarm view controller, which the user interacts with.
I know I can just call on a function with performSegueWithIdentifier with the Notification Action feature, but I would really like a comprehensive method that covers the case when the user ignores the notification, then launches the app with other methods.
Thank you for your help!

IOS Is there a way to send user to particular view after tapping "view" on notification?

I am using push notifications in my app and I would like to send user to particular view, not the view he last saw. Is it possible?
You need to implement the appropriate AppDelegate messages.
Specifically, you will receive the APNS payload on the application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:
You might also receive the payload in a different message, application:didReceiveRemoteNotification: if the application is active.
Then when you know that your app was launched because the user touched a notification, you can direct him to a specific view accordingly.
I don't think that you have control over what the user sees while app is starting app (opening animation). After the app is fully active, you can send him wherever you want to by opening proper view controllers, setting proper tab, etc...

iPhone UILocalNotification load specific view

I have my local notification working, but when I click View to come back to the app, in the app delegate I am trying to load a specific view, but it wont take. Is this possible or not? It always just comes back to the last view viewed.
When you tap "View" on the notification, it takes you back to your application, and your application shows whatever it was showing before (if it was backgrounded) or is launched.
If you need to show a particular UI in response to the notification, consider implementing the <UIApplicationDelegate> method -[<UIApplicationDelegate> application:didReceiveLocalNotification:]. In that method you can inspect the notification and transition to the appropriate interface.
