How are non-ASCII file names encoded in RAR files? - delphi

I have a RAR file with non ASCII letters in filenames. I tried decoding it in Delphi. My code works fine for ASCII filenames but it failed on these. It is not WideChar, nor UTF8. I found RAR specs here:
but it says nothing about the character encoding.
I tried but all links to RARs are dead (almost every link is dead there; I even contacted admin but he didn't respond and didn't fix links).
It seems it is not an 8bit encoding, but no idea what could it be.

This is the only paragraph that says something about the name:
0x200 - FILE_NAME contains both usual and encoded
Unicode name separated by zero. In this case
NAME_SIZE field is equal to the length
of usual name plus encoded Unicode name plus 1.
If this flag is present, but FILE_NAME does not
contain zero bytes, it means that file name
is encoded using UTF-8.
It seems that it is UTF-8, but you say it is not. Can you try again?


Japanese characters interpreted as control character

I have several files which include various strings in different written languages. The files I am working with are in the .inf format which is somewhat similar to .ini files.
I am inputting the text from these files into a parser which considers the [ symbol as the beginning of a 'category'. Therefore, it is important that this character does not accidentally appear in string sequences or parsing will fail because it interprets these as "control characters".
For example, this string contains some Japanese writings:
iANSProtocol_HELP="�C���e��(R) �A�h�o���X�g�E�l�b�g���[�N�E�T�[�r�X Protocol �̓`�[���������щ��z LAN �Ȃǂ̍��x�#�\�Ɏg�����܂��B"
DISKNAME ="�C���e��(R) �A�h�o���X�g�E�l�b�g���[�N�E�T�[�r�X CD-ROM �܂��̓t���b�s�[�f�B�X�N"
In my text-editors (Atom) default UTF-8 encoding this gives me garbage text which would not be an issue, however the 0x5B character is interpreted as [. Which causes the parser to fail because it assumes that this is signaling the beginning of a new category.
If I change the encoding to Japanese (CP 932), these characters are interpreted correctly as:
iANSProtocol_HELP="インテル(R) アドバンスト・ネットワーク・サービス Protocol はチーム化および仮想 LAN などの高度機能に使われます。"
DISKNAME ="インテル(R) アドバンスト・ネットワーク・サービス CD-ROM またはフロッピーディスク"
Of course I cannot encode every file to be Japanese because they may contain Chinese or other languages which will be written incorrectly.
What is the best course of action for this situation? Should I edit the code of the parser to escape characters inside string literals? Are there any special types of encoding that would allow me to see all special characters and languages?
If the source file is in shift-jis, then you should use a parser that can support it, or convert the file to UTF-8 before you parse it.
I believe that this character set also uses ASCII as it's base type but it uses 2 bytes to for certain characters, so if 0x5B it probably doesn't appear as the 'first byte' of a character. (note: this is conjecture based on how I think shift-jis works).
So yea, you need to modify your parser to understand shift-jis, or you need to convert the file to UTF-8 before parsing. I imagine that converting is the easiest.

file encoding on a mac, charset=binary

I typed in
file -I*
to look at all the encoding of all the CSV files in an entire directory. A lot of the file encodings are charset=binary. I'm not too familiar with this encoding format.
Does anyone know how to handle this encoding?
Thanks a lot for your time.
"Binary" encoding pretty much means that the encoding is unknown.
Everything is binary data under the hood. In text files each byte, or sequence of bytes, represents a specific character, and which character in particular depends on the encoding the file was encoded with/you're interpreting the file with. Some encodings are unambiguously recognisable, others aren't (e.g. any file is valid in any single-byte encoding, you can't easily distinguish one single-byte encoding from another). What file is telling you with charset=binary is that it doesn't have any more specific information than that the file contains bits and bytes (Capt'n Obvious to the rescue). It's up to you to interpret the file in the correct encoding/interpret it as the correct file format.

Why/how does the browser decide ☃.net goes to

If we type into firefox or chrome
It takes us to
Which is a mirror of
What I don't understand is by what rules the unicode snowman can decode to xn--n3h, it doesn't look anything like utf-8 or urlencoding.
I think I found a hint while mucking around in python3, because:
>>> '☃'.encode('punycode')
But I still don't understand the xn-- part. How are domain names internationalised, what is the standard and where is this stuff documented?
It uses an encoding scheme called Punycode (as you've already discovered from the Python testing you've done), capable of representing Unicode characters in ASCII-only format.
Each label (delimited by dots, so has five labels) that contains Unicode characters is encoded in Punycode and prefixed with the string xn--.
The label encoding first copies all the ASCII characters, then appends the encoded Unicode characters. The Unicode characters are always after the final - in the label, so one is added after the ASCII characters if needed.
More detail can be found in this page over at the w3 site, and in RFC 3987. For details on how Punycode actually encodes labels, see the Wikipedia page.

Weird encoding replacing

I have a file. I don't know how it was processed. It's probably a double encoding. I've found this link about double encoding that solved almost my problem:
It has all the double encodings substitutions to do like:
À àÁ
Unfortnately I still others weird characters like:
Do you have an idea on how to clean these weird characters? For the ones I know I've just made a bash script and I've just replaced them. But I don't know how to recognize the others. I'm running on linux so if you have some magic commands I would like that.
The “double encodings substitutions” page that you link to seems to contain mappings meant to fix character data that has been doubly UTF-8 encoded. Thus, the proper fixing routine would be to reverse such mappings and see if the result makes sense.
For example, if you take A with grave accent, À, U+00C0, and UTF-8 encode it, you get the bytes C3 A0. If these are then mistakenly understood as single-byte encodings according to windows-1252 for example, you get the characters U+00C3 U+00A0 (letter à and no-break space). If these are then UTF-8 encoded, you get C3 83 for the former and C2 80 for the latter. If these bytes in turn are interpreted according to windows-1252, you get À as on the page.
But you don’t actually have “À”, do you? You have some digital data, bytes, which display that way if interpreted according to windows-1252. But that would be a wrong interpretation.
You should first read the data as UTF-8 encoded, decode it to characters, checking that all codes are less than 100 hexadecimal (if not, there’s yet another error involved somewhere), then UTF-9 decode again.

How to read unicode characters accurately

I have a text file containing what I am told are unicode characters, for example:
\320\222\320\21015-25'ish per main or \320\222\320\21020-40'ish per starter
Which should read:
£15-25'ish per main or £20-40'ish per main starter
However, when viewing this text in Firefox, the output is mangled with various unwanted characters.
So, are these really unicode characters? And if so, how can I convert them to a form which is displayable correctly?
You need to:
know the encoding of the text file
read the data without losing information (either by reading it as binary or by reading it as text with the right encoding)
write the data with the right encoding (either by writing it out in binary and specifying the original encoding, or writing it out as text in an encoding which you also specify in the headers)
Try to separate out the problem into "reading" and/or "writing". Do you know the encoding of the file? What do you have to do with the file? When you've written it with backslashes, is that actually what's in the file (i.e. an escaped form) or is it actually just a "normal" text encoding such as UTF-8?
