Are there any callbacks available in the eventbrite api? - eventbrite

I would like to update a meeting as more people RSVP for the meeting. Currently I do not see any place to enter a callback URL for when attendees RSVP.

Great suggestion!
Eventbrite does not currently allow a callback url or web hook to be configured, exposing this type of activity.
However, you might be able to build this kind of notification system by placing a tracking pixel (or some similar web asset) on the event's order confirmation page.
If you can detect the HTTP referrer information from the request, it could probably be used to detect the event_id and order_id (which are embedded in the order confirmation page's url path).
Let me know if that works - #RyanJ


How to get the Slack DM channel ID of the Slack App

I have created a simple Slack App app where the only purpose is to send a message to a channel. I understand that there is the conversations.list API to list all public channels to get the correct ID.
However, as a first step, I just want to send the message to the app channel itself. If I use the D... ID it works as expected. No invite by the channel is needed. But how do I get this ID? conversations.list only returns publich channels, but no the app channel itself.
In Slack, there is no such thing as an app's channel. There is a DM channel between every user and your app/bot. In these terms, to send a DM message from your app/bot to the user, you need to know ID of this user and specify it as a channel argument of the postMessage API request.
The ability to pass a Slack user ID as channel is somewhat unique to chat.postMessage. If you try this with other API methods which expect a channel ID only (, you'll get "error": "channel_not_found". The docs state:
Begin a conversation in a user's App Home
Start a conversation with users in your App Home.
With the chat:write scope enabled, call chat.postMessage and pass a user's ID (U0G9QF9C6) as the value of channel to post to that user's App Home channel. You can use their direct message channel ID (as found with, for instance) instead.
Note: The above behavior assumes you're using the bot token. If you provide the user token instead, you'll make the user DM themselves.
Now, if you *do* need to get a user's App Home channel ID for use outside of chat.postMessage, keep reading... Here are three ways to do it, each with their own shortcomings:
1. chat.postMessage
Well, it's worth mentioning that if you are going to use chat.postMessage, it returns the resolved channel ID in its response: "channel": "D01234ABCDE". You can save this for later use.
The API method referenced in the docs above has been renamed to, which can be used to obtain the user's App Home channel ID:
Use the user token, and set users to the app bot ID, or
Use the bot token, and set users to the user ID.
Though, I've observed some weirdness with, which may or may not be a dealbreaker for you:
It requires stronger OAuth permission scopes than ones required to initiate a private DM with a user than chat.postMessage (a bot token with chat:write is insufficient), and
It behaves strangely with respect to the "open state" of a conversation. For example...
I tested this method with a user token.
The user for that token already had a DM channel with the app! (Doesn't that mean the conversation is already open?)
Strangely, the first response had is_opened: false (and subsequent responses had is_opened: true).
3. app_home_opened
The event app_home_opened fires when the user opens your App Home. If you handle this event, you can save the channel in the event payload on your server and use it later, obviating the need to later call
Since the event only occurs if and when the user opens your app's App Home, this approach is more of an optimization than a standalone solution.
4. A better way...?
Due to the drawbacks outlines above, if anyone knows a better way of getting the App Home channel ID for a Slack user, please, comment on this answer!
You can get the channel ID of the app channel through the GUI if you:
navigate to a message in the channel
go to the more actions men
select copy link
The channel ID will be the string following archives/ eg:
Using this approach would work for any channel in the slack app, though it's unlikely to be the best approach since it's manual vs something more programmatic.

Twilio: Dial extension number along with twilio number

I am using Twilio for inbound calls, where user can call an application through Twilio-Number (brought from Twilio) and will be redirected to admin.
Now, We want Admin to call User using same Twilio-Number. We wabt to call this as <Twilio_Number>#<user_id>. We want to pass <user_id> as extension, so that when Admin clicks on the link with tel=<Twilio_Number>#<user_id>, it will initiate a phone-call to twilio-number.
In our app, we will find user's mobile using his id and redirect call to user's mobile number.
I have referred this doc:
But would need few more details like:
How will Twilio recognize the extension number? And by which name is it provided in call-request parameters?
Currently, we received these parameters in twilio-voice call request
CallSid, AccountSid, ApiVersion, Direction, To, Called, Caller, From. In the same request-parameters, how I can get extension digits?
Have you had the chance to review the IVR information provided on Twilio's site? I believe it is a better solution for what you are trying to accomplish.
(Please follow the links to the next section at the bottom of the pages.)
After reviewing the documents, please open a support request with specific questions via
Look forward to your ticket.
Take care!
I don't know if you solved this problem yet (probably yes) but what you can do is, create a record in DB with the extension (id agent) and when Twilio go to your callback url updated the records depending of the state.
Hope this works to you. I'm doing this with the same scenario.

Using Twilio to respond to an SMS with a http redirect to an external webapp

so, when i send a text message to twilio number, i want it to trigger a specific event in the webapp via http POST. For example, by making a http call to the webapp URL ( which it process to trigger an event A in the webapp.
Can I do this with twilio? If,so is there a sample piece of code which I can refer.
From what I understand from your question, I think you can do the following.
With Twilio, when you login into here
You will find a list of your incoming numbers, I am assuming that you have already purchased a number. Once you click on a number in the list, you will find a page that where you can view and set various properties for the number you are looking at.
You will see a header called Messaging. Under that menu you will see a request Url.
you can set this to as per your example. you can also choose whether you would like to use a http post or a http get request type.
the link below, will help you further for handling the data that Twilio passes your application.

Eventbrite - Getting past events

I'm using, and I'm trying use the rest API to get all the previous events for my user (organizer in eventbrite). I am expecting to get events that have occurred in the past.
I'm using the following url:{MyOrganizerName}&app_key={MyAppKey}&date=past
However, I get nothing returned. ever. I am sure that have some events that happened in the past.
I am successfully getting events in the future. so there's nothing wrong with my client\app key\spelling\whatever.
With the newer Eventbrite APIv3 the endpoint changed to /users/me/owned_events The API comes with an API Explorer, which lets you see detailed debugging information for any endpoint just by going to it in a web browser.
Paste this url with your token id into your browser to get all past events:
The result is a paginated response of all the events your user account is organizing.
The event_search method is meant to return publicly available information about upcoming events only.
Try user_list_events instead:{YOUR_APP_KEY}&user_key={YOUR_USER_KEY}&event_statuses=ended
You also have the option of creating an Organizer Profile Page, allowing you to group similar events together. The organizer_list_events API call may be useful for folks who are using that feature.

EventBrite APi methods

I am trying to use this url for the event attendee information
I am not getting full details of the attendee, but response contains the attendee id only
but in the doc I can see the full repose!
what parameters I need to add for this one to get a full attendees information and also
I want to get all the attendees info in one shot itself ?
please help me to achieve above.
Thanks in advance,
If you have authorized Eventbrite's API docs to access your account, then your user-authentication credentials will automatically be added to any requests that you make using the documentation's 'Try it Now' feature.
If you add a user_key, or Oauth2.0 access_token to the request, then you should be able to successfully access your attendee information.
Your other option is to configure your event to have a public attendee list. This would allow any attendee information that is publicly visible on your event page to be available via the API URL that you shared (without requiring you to add your private authentication tokens). Make sure that you reserve the use of this feature for events where the attendees are comfortable disclosing this info.
