DIOS Drupal SDK ARC problems in new Xcode? - ios

I'm trying to run the example program for Drupal iOS SDK as downloaded here https://github.com/workhabitinc/drupal-ios-sdk-example
But, I can't build the project because of the ARC problems as in the screenshot below.
How can I change the settings or code to make it compile?

I had the same issue - I resolved it by disabling ARC partially. I used ARC for all my code and disabled it for all downloaded stuff.
See How can I disable ARC for a single file in a project?
This is only a temporary fix, but I guess you just want to run it to see it in action so it should be feasible.


How can you permanently change iOS app configuration in Meteor Cordova?

Every time I meteor build, I have to open XCode and do the following:
remove and add an item from "Link Binary With Libraries" (Facebook SDK)
add a URL Type (custom URL scheme for my app)
add a "Required device capabilities" to "Custom iOS Target Properties"
How can I edit my Meteor project to have these steps done automatically, and to auto add things to AndroidManifest.xml?
In some way use mobile-config.js or cordova-build-override?
I'm happy to see another guy who is trying to build a hybrid application using Meteor / extending a Meteor Cordova iOS app, since I'm facing the very same issues. So I'm very happy to share my experiences and approaches with you. :-)
So far, I ended up with the following approach:
I created a base template for my iOS app using meteor build (not meteor run ios-device, since I did not know if Meteor does some optimizations for production code).
Then, I copied the whole Xcode project under /platforms/ios to another loaction and used this new project as my "master" project from then on. This project is being enriched with native code, e.g. it also includes the Cocoa Pods I'm needing.
Of course, I also did not want to copy files each and every time I trigger a new Meteor build. At least, I would like to have the Staging/www folder updated, as this is happening quite frequently.
So my first (rather naive) approach was
delete the Staging/www folder in the master project
replace it with a relative link (using Xcode's linking functionality) to the Staging/www folder inside the .meteor/local/.../ios/ project
This approach did not work, since the shell script used in the Meteor Xcode project can't handle these links.
My second approach is to create a symlink on the filesystem level instead. This works as it should, and I'm able to build the project in Xcode as it should.
I could have followed the same approach for the Cordova plugins folder, but I've decided to replace the plugins manually in order to get a better control over them, even it means a bit more effort then.
Having the symlink in place also means that Xcode's version management (and also SVN which I am using for everything) will ignore everything below Staging/www, which is good in my opinion, because I'm already versioning the webapp code in the Meteor project itself.
BTW: I've started a discussion thread on hybrid mobile app on the Meteor forums as well, but so far it did not get too much attraction:
Maybe we could follow up on Meteor-specific things there, to have the Meteor community participate in the discussion?
EDIT: I would also like to share an approach that failed completely, at least for me, maybe I was too dumb... Before I used Meteor's Xcode template as the starting point, I also tried it "the other way round", i.e. I started with my already existing Xcode app project and tried to include Meteor's / Cordova's part by hand. Using this approach, I never managed to set everything up correctly. I had lots of troubles and also had to tweak a lot of the compiler / linker flags to even get the code compiling. This grew me a lot of gray hairs. But even after I managed to get everything to compile, Meteor hang during startup - and I never figured out why.
One remaining problem I'm still facing is that Meteor's hot code push functionality seems to have some severe issues on iOS, that are also documented as GitHub issues. It can happen that the iOS app gets completely broken and needs to be reinstalled. I tried the mdg:reload-on-resume package, but this did not work as it should and made things even worse. As far as I can tell from the GitHub discussions, one should better disable hot code push until the Meteor team has addressed these issues. Breaking the app completely due to code pushes is not what my users would expect.
Unfortunately plist values (and assumably AndroidManifest.xml as well) can only be changed by a plugin:
Add entry to iOS .plist file via Cordova config.xml

IOS arc disabling for part of code [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How can I disable ARC for a single file in a project?
(18 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
I'm a newbie to IOS technology. I have been developing an app, in which I have to add around 10,000 mkannotations to my map. So I prefer to use clustering algorithm (probably using k_means). However, I found this beautiful external library at (https://www.cocoacontrols.com/controls/adclustermapview)
When I complied the example framework of this project and ran it on simulator everything works fine, however, when I add the required files to my project as they described, it raises a lots of errors regarding
release etc.
So I understand there is some issue with the arc compatibility in the project
Here are my questions
These retain, release methods being used in some project, does
that mean that they are developed with old versions of IOS?
If so, how do I resolve these error, other than manually removing them?
Is there a method in IOS, which allows me to compile a code
partially using one compiler and the remaining using other?
Select desired files at Target/Build Phases/Compile Sources in Xcode
Type -fno-objc-arc
Press Enter or Done
In xcode Edit-Refactor-Convert to Objective-C ARC select your app then check button.Finally click save button.
These retain, release methods being used in some project, does that
mean that they are developed with old versions of IOS? NO
If so, how do I resolve these error, other than manually removing
Is there a method in IOS, which allows me to compile a code
partially using one compiler and the remaining using other? You can disable ARC for some files.
This problem might be coming because you must be using ARC in your project while this framework is not. To remove ARC for particular classes go to Targets, then build phases tab, under the compile sources group add '-fno-objc-arc' as the compiler flag. This will make sure that ARC is skipped while compiling this class..

Facebook ios sdk disable ARC

I have a non-ARC project and i need to integrate Facebook SDK. As i understand, current version of framework (3.0.8) is to be used with ARC enabled. But i took a look at github master branch (actually both - master and preview) and... there are lots of retain/release/autorelease calls there and the project's 'Objective-C Automatic Reference Counting' is turned off.
So i guess, it doesn't support ARC from scratch and we need to run special script to build static library as boz mentioned. But 1 - there's no such script there anymore, 2 - examples on the same branch of github use ARC! As for me - it's better just use non-ARC sources from github, but is it guaranteed that everything will work fine? It's weird: original github source code is non-ARC, but samples are ARC-oriented. Thanks.
You can use the Facebook SDK whether your project is enabled for ARC or not. Just grab the SDK package from https://developers.facebook.com/ios (iOS dev center). Once you've downloaded and installed the SDK you can just follow the instructions in the Getting Started docs (under the iOS dev center) to set the SDK up.

write an iOS 5.1 app that uses a web service

I am fairly new to iOS programming and I'm trying to make an iOS 5.1 app that communicates with a server to receive information from a database. I got the server returning the needed information from the database by following this tutorial:
But then I tried to follow a the other half of the tutorial by the same guy:
In this one we use JSON, ASIHTTPRequest and MBProgressHUD, but I get a lot of errors when I run this because ASIHTTPRequest is no longer supported in iOS 5.1.
Can anyone point me in the right direction here? I you can show me another tutorial that works for iOS 5.1 that would be great. I have looked but I can't find any.
ASIHTTPRequest is most likely returning errors in your iOS 5.1 app because you're using ARC. ASIHTTPRequest wasn't written in ARC, which is why it's throwing tons of errors. But there's an easy workaround:
In Xcode 4's groups and files pane, select your project file at the top of the list.
Select your target towards the left hand panel.
You should now see a list of all the implementation (.m) files referenced and compiled throughout the course of the program.
Double click the implementation files for ASIHTTPRequest and add the following linker flag: -fno-objc-arc. This linker flag acts as a crossbridge between the old non-ARC files and your ARC-based project.
Although there may be residual warnings left, this trick should remove all other error messages associated with ASIHTTPRequest.
When I followed that same tutorial I got a lot of errors. and the build kept failing until I reliased it was because libz.1.2.3.dylib wasnt there. If you go to Build Phases, remove that from the list and add libz.1.2.5.dylib all mine worked first and I got the app working fully :)

Flex ANE, iOS and ARC

Good day
I have created a static library with Xcode. Then I compiled my ANE using adobe's ADT tool. Thereafter I've included the ANE in my FlashBuilder project. However, when attempting to package my project, I get the following error:
"Error occurred while packaging the application:
Undefined Symbols: "_obj_storeStrong", referenced from ...
"_obj_release", referenced from ...
My guess is that ARC is probably not supported for ANE's. I'm guessing that this is probably due to the fact that FlashBuilder is recompiling the entire AIR + the native libs into one iOS application, probably using their own compiler or something (which is why Air apps for iOS can be compiled on windows platforms as well), and this compiler is probably not 4.3 ready yet?
I have attempted adding the flag -fobjc-arc to my ios-platformoptions.xml as well (where this file is the parameter to the -platformoptions flag of adt), but still no joy. It results once again in an error when packaging. Perhaps any other flag I can try to use here?
Any corrections, suggestions, alternative ideas or comments will be most welcome. I am very new to Xcode, Objective C and ANE, so please excuse any incorrect statements or assumptions, and please correct me on these.
I would be glad if somebody can please confirm weather I am correct with my assumption that I cannot use ARC at this stage on ANE's.
Very late update, sorry.
You might be able to use ARC after all. There is a library called arc lite that I forgot to mention and it works. I created an ANE for MapKit on iOS targeting the 5.0.x SDK. When I tried to move to a device that only had 4.3.x ( could have been 4.3.3 or 4.3.5 ) the app crashed or would not compile. I found information on the arc lite library that is included in the newer sdks, followed the instructions on how to include this library and pow! A working ANE on a 4.3.x device without rewriting my code!
Hope all of this helps and half of my original comment :)
I don't think ARC is supported just yet. There isn't much to go on in terms of settings or examples of what the settings should be in Xcode. Take a look at any of the Xcode ANE projects you can get your hands on. You will see that most or all of the projects have:
Object-C Automatice Reference counting = NO
Objective-C++ Automatic Reference counting = NO
Take a look at the following:
Vibration ANE - On Adobe Devnet site
Liquid Photo - http://www.liquid-photo.com/2011/10/30/common-native-extension-issues/
Liquid Photo - http://www.liquid-photo.com/2011/10/28/native-extension-for-adobe-air-and-ios-101/
There are a lot of examples in Github but you have to find them via Google. Pull down the Xcode ANE projects and compare the settings.
Hope this helps!!!
