I am trying to post an image to twitter using update_with_media.json.
The following is a working code to update tweet with statuses/update.json
local url = "http://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/update.json"
local consumer_key = ""
local consumer_secret = ""
local token = ""
local token_secret = ""
local post_data =
oauth_consumer_key = consumer_key,
oauth_nonce = get_nonce(),
oauth_signature_method = "HMAC-SHA1",
oauth_token = token,
oauth_timestamp = get_timestamp(),
oauth_version = '1.0',
oauth_token_secret = token_secret
post_data["status"] = "Hello Twitter!"
post_data = oAuthSign(url, "POST", post_data, consumer_secret)
r,c,h = http.request
url = url,
method = "POST",
headers =
["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
["Content-Length"] = string.len(rawdata)
source = ltn12.source.string(post_data),
sink = ltn12.sink.table(response)
Now how do I modify the above code to upload images?
The url would be "http://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/update_with_media.json" and
headers["Content-Type"] would be "multipart/form-data"
But where and how do I specify the image to be uploaded?
Ok I got this working some time back..
This post by velluminteractive provides a good library to deal with twitter.
Admittedly the code is for a game engine called Corona SDK. But it shouldn't be too hard for others to use by removing Corona-specific elements from it.
When calling the HERE authentication service (https://account.api.here.com/oauth2/token) from one of the controllers of the RoR APP (Rails 5.0.6/ruby 2.6.1) I get a 401: "401300 Signature mismatch. Authorization signature or client credential is wrong"
The Key, secret, Authorization header, content type, request body etc ... are the same as the ones used by Postman.
Postman always returns a 200 OK but the rails app systematically returns "401"
Any suggestions on what the problem is?
def fetch_new_token
api_url = 'https://account.api.here.com/oauth2/token'
api_access_key_id = CGI.escape(ENV['my_access_key_id'])
api_access_key_secret = CGI.escape(ENV['my_access_key_secret'])
draft_api_nonce= [('a'..'z'), ('A'..'Z')].map(&:to_a).flatten
api_nonce=(0...20).map { draft_api_nonce[rand(draft_api_nonce.length)] }.join
api_timestamp = (Time.now).strftime('%s')
api_url_normalized = CGI.escape(api_url)
api_signature_method= CGI.escape('HMAC-SHA256')
api_normalized_string = 'POST&'+api_url_normalized+'&'+api_grant_type_for_req_body+CGI.escape('&'+api_parameters_string)
api_signing_key = api_access_key_secret+'&'
digest = OpenSSL::Digest.new('sha256')
api_signature = OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest(digest, api_normalized_string, api_signing_key)
# convert the HASHING result to a URL ENCODED base64 string.
api_signature_encoded = (Base64.strict_encode64(api_signature))
api_authorization_string = ('OAuth consumer_key="'+api_access_key_id+'",signature_method="'+api_signature_method+'",timestamp="'+CGI.escape(api_timestamp)+'",nonce="'+CGI.escape(api_nonce)+'",version="'+CGI.escape(api_version)+'",signature="'+CGI.escape(api_signature_encoded)+'"')
connect_token_request = Faraday.new(url: 'https://account.api.here.com') do |faraday|
faraday.response :logger, nil, bodies: true
faraday.request :json
faraday.headers['Accept'] = 'application/json'
faraday.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
faraday.headers['Authorization'] = api_authorization_string
faraday.adapter Faraday.default_adapter
response_token_request= connect_token_request.post('/oauth2/token', 'grant_type=client_credentials' )
puts response_token_request.body
#json = JSON.parse(response_token_request.body)
req_status = #json['httpStatus']
puts "The status returned in the body is:::: #{req_status}"
puts "===== ///// ======"
puts "===== ///// ======"
req_error_code = #json['errorCode']
puts "The ERROR CODE returned in the body is:::: #{req_error_code}"
I don't know RoR but I had the same problem in Javascript and this script solved my problem:
const axios = require('axios')
const cryptoJS = require('crypto-js');
const btoa = require('btoa');
exports.getToken = (app_key, app_secret) => {
let url = "https://account.api.here.com/oauth2/token";
let key = encodeURI(app_key);
let secret = encodeURI(app_secret);
let nonce = btoa(Math.random().toString(36)).substring(2, 13);
let timestamp = Math.floor(Date.now()/1000);
let normalizedUrl = encodeURIComponent(url);
let signing_method = encodeURI("HMAC-SHA256");
let sig_string = "oauth_consumer_key="
let normalised_string = "POST&".concat(normalizedUrl).concat("&").concat(encodeURIComponent(sig_string));
let signingKey = secret.concat("&");
let digest = cryptoJS.HmacSHA256(normalised_string, signingKey);
let signature = cryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(digest);
let auth = 'OAuth oauth_consumer_key="'
return axios({
method: 'post',
url: url,
data: JSON.stringify({grantType: "client_credentials"}),
headers: {
'Content-Type': "application/json",
'Authorization': auth
I am trying to connect to Binance api from my Rails application. But every time I am getting 401 unauthorized error message from Binance. Below is my code.
class Binance
END_POINT = 'https://api.binance.com'.freeze
KEY = 'my-binance-key'
SECRET = 'my-binance-secret'
def self.account_info
url = "#{END_POINT}/api/v3/account"
query_string = "timestamp=#{DateTime.now.strftime('%Q')}"
digest = OpenSSL::Digest.new('sha256')
signature = OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest(digest, SECRET, query_string)
url = "#{END_POINT}/api/v3/account?#{query_string}&signature=#{signature}"
response = RestClient.get(url, headers: { 'X-MBX-APIKEY': KEY })
Here is a link from Binance api with example:
I was playing with QLDB of Amazon with ruby and used the aws-sdk-qldb and aws-sdk-qldbsession gem. I was getting result as IonBinary. But not able to decode and parse it.
Following is the code
cred = Aws::Credentials.new(ENV['AWS_ACCESS_KEY'], ENV['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'])
qldb_session_client = Aws::QLDBSession::Client.new(region: 'ap-southeast-1', credentials: cred)
start_session_req = Aws::QLDBSession::Types::StartSessionRequest.new
start_session_req.ledger_name = 'ledger-test'
command_request = Aws::QLDBSession::Types::SendCommandRequest.new
command_request.start_session = start_session_req
resp = qldb_session_client.send_command(command_request)
session_token = resp.start_session.session_token
command_request = Aws::QLDBSession::Types::SendCommandRequest.new
command_request.session_token = session_token
command_request.start_transaction = Aws::QLDBSession::Types::StartTransactionRequest.new
resp = qldb_session_client.send_command(command_request)
transaction_id = resp.start_transaction.transaction_id
command_request = Aws::QLDBSession::Types::SendCommandRequest.new
command_request.session_token = session_token
command_request.execute_statement = Aws::QLDBSession::Types::ExecuteStatementRequest.new
command_request.execute_statement.transaction_id = transaction_id
command_request.execute_statement.statement = 'select * from testing'
resp = qldb_session_client.send_command(command_request)
now if I use the following code
I get
{:ion_binary=>"\xE0\x01\x00\xEA\xEE\x9A\x81\x83\xDE\x96\x87\xBE\x93\x89firstname\x88lastname\xDE\x9D\x8A\x8Dtesting first\x8B\x8Ctesting last", :ion_text=>"[FILTERED]"}
I am not able to decode this ion_binary using binary parser.
Decoding the stream is likely to be done with Aws::EventStream::Decoder#decode. That said, somewhat like below should work.
I am using Net::HTTP::Post to send a request to a pre-determined url, like so:
my_url = '/path/to/static/url'
my_string_parameter = 'objectName=objectInfo'
my_other_string_parameter = 'otherObjectName=otherObjectInfo'
request = Net::HTTP::Post.new(my_url)
request.body = my_string_parameter
However, I know that my_url expects two string parameters. I have both parameters ready (they're statically generated) to be passed in. Is there a way to pass in multiple strings - both my_string_parameter as well as my_other_string_parameter to a post request via Ruby on Rails?
EDIT: for clarity's sake, I'm going to re-explain everything in a more organized fashion. Basically, what I have is
my_url = 'path/to/static/url'
# POST requests made to this url require 2 string parameters,
# required_1 and required_2
param1 = 'required_1=' + 'param1_value'
param2 = 'requred_2=' + 'param2_value'
request = request.NET::HTTP::Post.new(my_url)
If I try request.body = param1, then as expected I get an error saying "Required String parameter 'required_2' is not present". Same with request.body=param2, the same error pops up saying 'required_1' is not present. I'm wondering if there is a way to pass in BOTH parameters to request.body? Or something similar?
Try this.
uri = URI('http://www.example.com')
req = Net::HTTP::Post.new(uri)
req.set_form_data('param1' => 'data1', 'param2' => 'data2')
uri = URI('http://www.example.com/')
res = Net::HTTP.post_form(uri, 'param1' => 'data1', 'param2' => 'data2')
puts res.body
For more request like Get or Patch you can refer This offical doc.
You can send it like this.
data = {'params' => ['parameter1', 'parameter2']}
request = Net::HTTP::Post.new(my_url)
If your params are string:
url = '/path/to/controller_method'
my_string_parameter = 'objectName=objectInfo'
my_other_string_parameter = 'otherObjectName=otherObjectInfo'
url_with_params = "#{url}?#{[my_string_parameter, my_other_string_parameter].join('&')}"
request = Net::HTTP::Post.new(url_with_params)
If your params are hash It would be easier
your_params = {
'objectName' => 'objectInfo',
'otherObjectName' => 'otherObjectInfo'
url = '/path/to/controller_method'
url_with_params = "#{url}?#{your_params.to_query}"
request = Net::HTTP::Post.new(url_with_params)
I have an account with Bitly which personalizes my URL shortening. How can I use the API to sign in and shorten a list of URLs?
Here is my solution in python using python requests library
import base64
import requests
import json
credentials = 'USERNAME:PASSWORD'
urls = ['www.google.com', 'www.google.co.uk', 'www.google.fr']
def getShortURLs(urls):
token = auth()
return shortenURLs(token, urls)
def auth():
base_auth = "https://api-ssl.bitly.com/oauth/access_token"
headers = {'Authorization': 'Basic ' + base64.b64encode(credentials)}
resp = requests.post(base_auth, headers=headers)
return resp.content
def shortenURLs(token, long_urls):
base = 'https://api-ssl.bitly.com/v3/shorten'
short_urls = []
for long_url in long_urls:
if long_url:
params = {'access_token':token, 'longUrl' : 'https://' + long_url}
response = requests.get(base, params=params)
r = json.loads(response.content)
return short_urls