Is there a 3rd party google maps API for iOS - ios

I need to remove mapkit from my iOS app but still need google maps. In this particular instance I merely need satellite views that are zoomable and scrollable. Markers would be nice, but not required.
I can use a webview with javascript, but I'd prefer a mapkit-like API so I can simply transition away from mapkit without significant effort.
Are there third party google map APIs I can use that allow me to use google maps on iOS devices without invoking Apple's built in mapping API?

Google released their new Maps SDK for iOS yesterday. It can be found here:

If you are looking for an alternative library, there are a few:
RouteMe which is open source and supports multiple map sources.
MapBox is a third party service with an iOS SDK

The Google Maps terms of service specifically prevents direct tile access. You will not be able to legally use Google Maps tiles on iOS outside of MapKit.


Custom Google Maps Style using Google Maps API in iOS

Is there a way to change style of map in iOS using Google Maps SDK?
I know it's possible using Javascript SDK:
It's possible to style Google Maps for iOS. Google also provides a really nice generator for it:
UPDATE (October 2016):
Recently Google have implemented this feature. #sativa has the right answer.
Although it's possible on the web, as of now you can't do this through Google Maps SDK for iOS. There's a feature request that you can join.

Google Maps SDK doesnt return directions

I've installed Google Maps SDK for iOS thinking that I would get the directions between two places, like , the web API but following the tutorial what it seems is that it just opens the Google Maps app, which can also be done without the SDK.
Am I understanding it wrong or the Google Maps SDK only offers open the app?
Well, it depends exactly what you mean and want by "directions".
The Google Maps SDK for iOS does not itself do any sort of directions.
What you can do is use the Google Maps Directions web service to obtain information, then use that information to create a GMSPolyline which then can be rendered atop your in-app map. So basically it can show the line between point A and B, which is some level of directions, but may or may not be what you're wanting. Here's a YouTube video from Google that shows how to do this, and some sample code from Google's Mano Marks.
But if what you want are turn-by-turn directions, spoken directions, etc., no, the SDK cannot do that; you have to launch the external Google Maps app.

City search in iOS

Is there any native city name search feature in iOS SDK?
For example, in lafourchette application -
How in this application done search feature?
(you can see it at attached gif Example of city name search)
It is use native Apple SDK for retrieving cities or some outside internet service?
You can use both the iOS Maps SDK or a third-party service such as Google Maps SDK or even Foursquare API. I'm not sure which one lafourchette uses but here are some useful links to get you started:
iOS Maps SDK (CLGeocoder or MKReverseGeocoder)
Google Maps SDK
Foursquare API
The concept you are talking about is called Reverse Geocoding, and can be found in the iOS docs. There are also several third party companies like Google who do this as well.

Is Google Maps IOS SDK free to use?

We have a commercial web application and we are planning to develop android and iOS apps(free) for our customers
Is google maps ios sdk is free to use in my app?
we want to open google maps app from our app using custom url scheme to show driving directions. Does this approach have any restrictions?
There is nice FAQ about your questions on Google Developers website:
Is google maps iOS SDK free to use in my app?
we want to open google maps app from our app using custom url scheme to show driving directions. Does this approach have any restrictions?
Google Map API for Business - Usage Limits
The google maps iOS sdk is free for use. i have already integrated google map api functionality on one of my phonegap application. After making some minor changes in to the sdk you can enable the real time navigation on the google map as well.
so you can do a lot with the google sdk.
Hope this will help.
It actually depends, if you are using advanced feature eg Street View, it charges, but for basic feature, it is free for native app, but JS query is not free (eg wrapped by Webview) is not free.
Checkout the official website for more detail and accrete information:

is it possible to develop turn by turn navigation for ios app?

I am trying to develop turn by turn navigation app for iphone and ipad.
I have been searching these whole day but it seemed like there is no way to build it without having map data api. (I don't think google map provides that api)
Although I can launch google map app in my app but I would like to do it without using google map app. (without using [UIApplication sharedapplicaiton] openURl...etc)
I just would like to ask if it is possible and feasible to build an ios turn by turn navigation app.
Thank you very much
It's pretty difficult to imagine making a navigation app without some source of map data. An alternative to Google Map API is the OpenStreetMap API. Here is a page on developing OpenStreetMap apps for iOS, which includes a list of currently existing apps. So yes, it's feasible.
A large company with many resources can build this type of app. Apple does not provide any type of API for this. You would need a data source for your maps and a data source and algorithm to give directions. You cannot use Google Maps directions in IOS directly. So the answer is yes it's possible but unlikely to make any money in the app store due to the large initial investment and strong competition.
now iOs 6.0 has replaced google map with built in maps that very easy to implement and a lot of features are also built in
