What's the use of the oauth_token_secret in Twitter OAuth? - twitter

I followed the tutorial on https://dev.twitter.com/docs/auth/implementing-sign-twitter to use OAuth on my homepage. Everything worked and after the last step I have an oauth_token (after converting it to an access token) and an oauth_token_secret. Now I want to post a new status on twitter. So I did everything on this page https://dev.twitter.com/docs/auth/authorizing-request which is just a post request to /1/statuses/update.json. On that page nothing is said about the oauth_token_secret, so I haven't used it in my request and just have put the oauth_token in it. After submitting the post request twitter gives me the status code 401 Unauthorized. Why that? Do I have to use the oauth_token_secret somewhere?

The token secret is used to hash the signature base. Something like a password. You don't send the password, you use it to compute a secure hash of the thing the service sent to you. You send that secure hash, then the service checks that secure hash against the request you sent. If they match, you're authorized.
The gory details are described in the OAuth spec, RFC 5849.
Twitter uses OAuth1.0a, but is mostly consistent with that spec.
here's the relevant bit:


Keycloak User Logout

I'm having trouble to allow users to logout from an application that uses Keycloak for access management.
I have found this topic being discussed here and there, but not clear instructions on how to handle the logout.
I tried to cause the logout of an user redirecting the browser to an endpoint of the following format:
What I used as "mytoken" was the access_token I had obtained making a post request to the endpoint:
passing to it parameters like the ones bellow:
and reading the body of the response. The content of the body was a json, like the one bellow:
'access_token': 'long_token_I_used_latter_as_token_hint_trying_to_logout',
'expires_in': 300,
'refresh_expires_in': 1800,
'refresh_token': 'other_long_token',
'token_type': 'bearer',
'not-before-policy': 0,
'session_state': 'a_shorter_code',
'scope': 'email profile'
My logout attempt resulted in the following message in Keycloaks log:
22:53:51,686 WARN [org.keycloak.events] (default task-24) type=LOGOUT_ERROR, realmId=playipintern, clientId=null, userId=null, ipAddress=, error=invalid_token
and the response said "We are sorry, session not active".
Now I'm aware that I should have used the id_token and not the access_token to logout, but received no id_token in the json.
Somewhere, someone said I should have included
in the parameters that I used to obtain the token. I did it, expecting to find an "id_token" field in the json, but nothing changed.
Someone else reported to have needed to create a scope (I believe using Keycloak's GUI) named "openid" to obtain the token. That didn't make much sense to me, but I tried it anyway and added the just created scope to the client scopes using Keycloak's GUI again. Oncemore, the json didn't change.
I tried to use the refresh_token as the id_token, but that also resulted in an invalid token message.
I don't know what to try now. Any help is appreciated.
Thank you.
/token endpoint returns only the access token by default. No refresh token is returned and no user session is created on the Keycloak side upon successful authentication by default. Due to the lack of refresh token, re-authentication is required when the access token expires. However, this situation does not mean any additional overhead for the Keycloak server because sessions are not created by default.
In this situation, logout is unnecessary. However, issued access tokens can be revoked by sending requests to the OAuth2 Revocation Endpoint as described in the OpenID Connect Endpoints section:
POST /revoke HTTP/1.1
Host: server.example.com
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Authorization: Basic czZCaGRSa3F0MzpnWDFmQmF0M2JW
You need to put your token in place of 45ghiukldjahdnhzdauz.
token_type_hint can take either access_token or refresh_token as value to define which type of token you want to revoke.
You will have to add scope=openid to your initial request to http://example.com/auth/realms/playipintern/protocol/openid-connect/auth (note the /auth instead of /token at the end) before the redirect from where you copied the access code.
You can find further information and explanation in this article.

How to authorize correctly with Trello via OAuth?

I am trying to Authorize via OAuth with Trello and I can't seem to get it right, even in postman.
I have followed their API docs and have got myself a developer key and I have used a little link they have in this article to get a valid auth token.
I tried including the API key and Auth token in the header and (in a separate test) in the body, as per their documentation.
Everything I try results in "unauthorized permission requested".
What am I doing wrong?
Ok so I had obviously made a mistake when trying the Header route.
It works now if I provide a header key called Authorization and the API key and Auth Token in the following format OAuth oauth_consumer_key="{{apiKey}}", oauth_token="{{apiToken}}".

How to request access token from Battle.net OAuth with authorization code?

I have a hobby project in mind to use battle.net login. I'm wondering how I can obtain the access token from the API after receiving the authorization code.
This is Oauth flow question rather than a battle.net question.
Currently I can successfully authorize the user for my app which is registered in dev.battle.net and then I try to use the authorization code returned from the battle.net login to obtain the access token by sending a request to https://<region>.battle.net/oauth/token.
However I keep receiving this error:
"error": "unauthorized",
"error_description": "An Authentication object was not found in the SecurityContext"
I use postman extension to send post requests to that uri. I authenticate my request with my client id and secret. I pass redirect_uri (https://localhost), granty_type (authorization_code), code(the code returned from the previous authorization step). However I keep getting the error above.
I couldn't find much about battle.net online. There are other oauth related help articles but couldn't really find my way.
Wondering if you can help me with this easy stuff. I'm just wondering what I'm skipping here.
Here is the documentation:
https://localhost is added in my mashery dev account's app settings.
Me again, I resolved this problem after trying almost every combination in the universe:)
Steps to apply:
Don't use the same authorization token for different access token trials, they are not valid
Always use https on every domain you test including localhost, you
redirect_uri must be https as well.
You must use the "basic authentication" in the header of your POST request while requesting the token from the authorization code you obtained from the previous step.
This is one of the most important ones: For requesting token, Pass redirect_uri, client key and secret as POST form parameters to the authenticated request. This is interesting because it's already an authenticated request; why would i need to pass my secret again? Anyways, that's how it works.
Here are the full text:
This is working prototype:

OAuth 2.0 for MVC - How does the RequestToken work?

I'm working with OAuth 2.0 for MVC, found here: http://community.codesmithtools.com/CodeSmith_Community/b/tdupont/archive/2011/03/18/oauth-2-0-for-mvc-two-legged-implementation.aspx
For anyone who's worked with this - I'm confused about the RequestToken. There is a controller implemented that lets you get a request token, which expires in 5 minutes, and you pass that token back in to get an AccessToken. But it never checks the request token for validity - it seems like you can pass in any access token you want to. What is the idea for the RequestToken here - are you supposed to create your own method of storing, referencing, and then deleting that token for those 5 minutes?
This is all about how OAuth works in conjunction with your application Id, application secret key and valid domains for your application. Here is the process in general
Your application sends a request to the OAuth provider using your application Id and secret along with a callback (return Url).
The OAuth provider gets the request, checks your application Id and secret and validates that the callback url is from a domain that you have specified for your application.
2a. If the callback url is not from a domain that you have specified, then the request is rejected with error.
2b If the callback url is from your domain, it returns a temporary request key to your server.
Given that you received a request key, you send that back to the OAuth provider to get the actual access token for the user.
Now, as to why the request key step is in place, this is to prevent and help protect 'bad people' from attempting to use your application id to falsely authenticate other users. By sending the request token to you (a callback URL that you have approved), the OAuth provider has confidence that the request actually came from your servers.
You most certainly could send any string back instead of the request token, but you would quickly get an error back from the OAuth provider as that request token does not correspond to any existing authentication request from any known application.
Lastly, I am not clear on what you mean by 'validating the request token'? You did not generate the token not probably do not have insight into the algorithm to generate the request token. Given that, I am not sure how you would validate this. If you are concerned about validating the first step, take a look at the Facebook OAuth process. In there, they recommend sending a request key as part of your return Url(as a query string parameter). That request key will come back to your application which you could then use as a validation that, indeed, this is a response to a request that you made. How you store and track that request key is up to you (session, database). In the PHP samples, they use a 'state' variable to track a unique/arbitrary string: Facebook OAuth Server Side Login Example (in PHP)

How to actually use Twitter provider in Kohana?

There are no clear docs or anything. shadowhand's demo repo is broken. How to actually use Twitter Oauth provider in Kohana 3.0?
It's a bit complicated, but the steps basically are:
Build an OAuth_Consumer
Build a OAuth_Provider (twitter)
Get a request token
Redirect them to the authorize_url
Get the callback
Exchange the request token for an access token
Make API calls
Here's an example controller that does all of that: https://gist.github.com/1267793
