Using Azure with Ninject InSessionScope class in an MVC project -

I have a few classes that are instantiated using ninject "Session Scoping" - because these objects get passed between controller methods and then only get persisted once, this technique worked well for this project.
With Azure's multi-hosting capabilities I assume that InSessionScope is no longer reliable because any of the servers could be servicing my request.
Does anyone know if I am wrong and can still use Session Scoping with Azure or does anyone know of an alternative to this?

In this case you would use a custom session state provider that works with Windows Azure:
Session State Provider for Windows Azure Caching
Azure Providers
Now if you use a session state provider other than InProc, you'll need to make sure that whatever you store in session is serializable. You should test this since this might have an impact on how your application works today.


How can I use Linked services in Azure Data Factory to manage an OAuth Web Activity

I have setup a Linked Service in Azure Data Factory to use in a Copy Activity to access Graph APIs, which require use of the OAuth protocol, which works fine. I now want to extend that to use the same Linked Service with a Web Activity. But in tests, it is returning "Empty Token"; Am I missing a (simple) config. option, or am I misunderstanding something?
Earlier, I used explicit Token fetch, which also works fine, but as my queries will - in Production - take longer than the (default) Token TTL, I did not want to have to implement Token refresh, at least not if the Linked Service will handle it for me.
I'm grateful to for pointing out that I need also to specify, in the Web Services Settings Tab, the Authentication as Managed Identity, with the accompanying Resource as, for my Use Case

Is there any way to work with sessions without locking on ASP.Net MVC site?

Is there any way to work with sessions without locking on ASP.Net MVC site ?
Session lock mechanism leads many problems;
When your site slow down little bit, users are start to hit "F5" on the keyboard. When they do this, requests are starting to wait each other. All those requests are hanging on IIS at "RequestAcquireState" state for session module.
If a user made a simultaneous requests this will happen. Because session module in IIS and default session provider (Or generally custom ones) has both lock mechanism.
Implementing a Session-State Store Provider
Session State Providers
There is locking, because your workflow can be manipulated if you are not carefully designed your process. Been hacked is way big problem for you comparing with performance issues...
But if you designed your process for shared, semi-consistent state store, (Or simply maybe there is no need to use) can we remove locking situation from our way completely?
Yes we can remove lock from our way with "UnlockedStateProvider".
It designed for MVC and not implements .Net SessionStateStoreProviderBase because, IIS session module also has locking mechanism.
It is a simple ActionFilterAttribute provide state store for you via HttpContext.
It has also Redis provider so you can use safely in web farm, Azure or AWS.
Please take a look:
Note: Developed for advanced usage and not a replacement for any SessionStateProvider...

Current recommendation for enabling session in Azure Websites for Session variables and TempData?

I have a MVC3, ASP.NET 4.5 web application deployed on Azure Websites, using SQL Azure.
Currently I am using some "inproc" Session variables which I need to remove since I am going to start using multi website instances. I could just store the Session variable values in the SQL Azure DB, but I am also using TempData, which also uses Session state, "under the bonnet". Due to TempData use, I do need to implement an "out of proc" session solution.
I have seen some recommendation for using AppFabric caching, but I am unsure whether this is still current, and whether it is correct for Azure websites.
Also my development setup is on a Windows 7 machine with SQL Server 2008 R2. So a solution should be transferable with minimum pain.
There is also a "thread agility" issue with session variables, and a open source solution has been created using REDIS caching, but I have no experience of this, or REDIS. See: GitHub site
So thoughts I have are:
1) Angieslist/AL-redis custom provider, see: GITHUB link . Not entirely sure that this can be used in a Azure Websites application.
2) Appfabric. Not sure if this is relevant or current for Azure Websites.
3) SQL Azure session provider.
4) Azure Table storage.
5) Use a custome TempData provider to persist via cookies ie, and then remove other session variables.
I would be very grateful for advice on a good Azure Websites session implementation mechanism which is simple. My data is pretty simple. I think I have one object which I quess I will need to serialize, probably via Json.NET
If you have more than one instance of an Azure Web Site, sticky sessions are enabled by default by the load balancer. This means that a user will be directed to the same instance (server) and that you'll be able to use session state in your app.
You may also find the Distributed Caching section (Ch 12) of this ebook helpful

can Membership Providers be request specific

In a multi-tenant (seperate database per client) model is possible or even desireable to use either the Microsoft MembershipProvider or the SimpleMembership providers?
the original membership provider is configured from the web.config and the Simplemembershipprovider (in MVC4 template) has a method which initialises the database per application start rather than per session or request.
Is it the case that the membership/simplemembership providers are therefore tied into the application or inprinciple is it a sensible fit to change the database connection to point to the requesting clients database per request?
It's possible with my custom membership provider:
Create your custom IAccountRepository on top of the one in the SqlServer package. A lot easier than implementing your own provider.
I've seen and implemented something very similar to that, based on code from ASP.NET: Supporting Dynamic Applications.
This is not the same as what you are asking - the goal here it to use the same membership database, but with a different Application Name for each client.
I am not sure how you can set the connection string dynamically though - SqlMembershipProvider does not expose that property. You might start with Initialize, but as you've said, it doesn't run on each request. There is also the option of creating your own provider, and creating an internal SqlMembershipProvider per request.
We established that we needed to use dependancy injection to add custommembership providers per tenant request. Through thorough investigation it was apparent that we couldnt modify the connection for the membership provider and ensure it hadnt been remodified by another request prior to completion of the request. Due to its singleton design.

MVC3 StorageSessionStateProvider - Do I need it?

I notice in the azure examples they are using:
<sessionState mode="Custom" customProvider="TableStorageSessionStateProvider">
Can someone explain what this is used for with MVC3? I'm very confused about session state. Do I really need to use it if my application does not have anything like a shopping cart? Is it needed if I just want to do simple authentication? I removed the code from my web.config and my authentication still seems to work.
If you're publishing your application to Azure and you're using Session in any way (this includes MVC's TempData) then you will probably need to use some kind of central storage for session, rather than using the default "InProc" provider which just stores the user's session in the application's own memory. With azure, you can use, among others, SQL Azure or the AppFabric Cache (still in CTP).
Here is a good lab for AppFabric:
And here's one for SQL Azure (not supported):
This is because you could have mutiple instances running or you instance could be moved at any given moment.
It sounds like your application doesn't currently use Session State so you won't need to worry about it. (although, remember that the TempData dictionary uses Session under the hood)
