Meaning of "test do" syntax - ruby-on-rails

I'm sorry if my question is silly because I just want to ask what does below line meaning in Ruby. (I'm reading a book about Rails as fast as possible for my course, so I don't have a firm grasp on the Ruby language.)
Here is a piece of code for unit test purpose:
class ProductTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
test "product attributes must not be empty" do // this line I don't know
product =
assert product.invalid?
assert product.errors[:title].any?
assert product.errors[:description].any?
assert product.errors[:price].any?
assert product.errors[:image_url].any?
The thing I want to ask is: At the line I don't know, the syntax test "...." do, what does it mean? Is it a function, method, class, something else?

This stuff is called a class macro, fancy name for a simple mechanism:
It is a class method (def self.test), that way you can use it in you class definition directly for example.
The normal way to write test cases (in Test::Unit) would be more like this:
def test_something_interesting
However, ActiveSupport (part of Rails) provides you this syntactical sugar so that you can write it like this:
test "something interesting" do
This method will then define a method with the name test_something_interesting.
You can find the implementation in Rails:

It's a block. Somewhere in the testing framework this method is defined:
def test(description, &block)
# do something with block
I highly recommend that you pick a good Ruby book and that you read it slowly.


Unit testing code that references Rails models without loading the models

I am trying to unit test a Plain Old Ruby Object that has a method which calls a class method on a Rails model. The Rails app is quite large (10s of seconds to load) so I'd prefer to avoid loading all of Rails to do my unit test which should run in under 1s.
class Foo
def bar
RSpec.describe Foo do
let(:instance) { }
it 'calls quxo on SomeRailsModel' do
expect(SomeRailsModel).to receive(:quxo)
The problem here is that I need to require 'rails_helper' to load up Rails in order for app/models/some_rails_model to be available. This leads to slow unit tests due to Rails dependency.
I've tried defining the constant locally and then using regular spec_helper which kind of works.
RSpec.describe Foo do
let(:instance) { }
SomeRailsModel = unless Kernel.const_defined?(:SomeRailsModel)
it 'calls quxo on SomeRailsModel' do
expect(SomeRailsModel).to receive(:quxo)
This code lets me avoid loading all of Rails and executes very fast. Unfortunately, by default (and I like this) RSpec treats the constant as a partial double and complains that my SomeRailsModel constant doesn't respond to the quxo message. Verifying doubles are nice and I'd like to keep that safety harness. I can individually disable the verification by wrapping it in a special block defined by RSpec.
Finally, the question. What is the recommended way to have fast unit tests on POROs that use Rails models without requiring all of Rails while also keeping verifying doubles functionality enabled? Is there a way to create a "slim" rails_helper that can just load app/models and the minimal subset of ActiveRecord to make the verification work?
After noodling a few ideas with colleagues, here is the concensus solution:
class Foo
def bar
require 'spec_helper' # all we need!
RSpec.describe Foo do
let(:instance) { }
let(:stubbed_model) do
unless Kernel.const_defined?("::SomeRailsModel") { def self.quxo(*); end }
before { stub_const("SomeRailsModel", stubbed_model) }
it 'calls quxo on SomeRailsModel' do
expect(stubbed_model).to receive(:quxo)
When run locally, we'll check to see if the model class has already been defined. If it has, use it since we've already paid the price to load that file. If it isn't, then create an anonymous class that implements the interface under test. Use stub_const to stub in either the anonymous class or the real deal.
For local tests, this will be very fast. For tests run on a CI server, we'll detect that the model was already loaded and preferentially use it. We get automatic double method verification too in all cases.
If the real Rails model interface changes but the anonymous class falls behind, a CI run will catch it (or an integration test will catch it).
We will probably DRY this up a bit with a helper method in spec_helper.rb. Such as:
def model_const_stub(name, &blk)
klass = unless Kernel.const_defined?('::' + name.to_s)
stub_const(name.to_s, klass)
# DRYer!
let(:model) do
model_const_stub('SomeRailsModel') do
def self.quxo(*); end
Probably not the final version but this gives a flavor of our direction.

Rails FactoryGirl defining syntax

While using factory girl gem, we create a factories.rb file with the syntax as
FactoryGirl.define do
factory :model do
So what exactly does FactoryGirl.define syntax means ?
Is it similar to
class FactoryGirl
def factory :model do
FactoryGirl, like many Ruby gems, defines a "domain specific language" or DSL for the purpose of simplifying configuration. This is a common pattern.
Your example looks like this:
FactoryGirl.define do
factory :model do
What's happening is the factory method is being called with the argument :model which is additionally passed a block. As always, the method in question is free to decide what to do with the block. In this case it is saved and executed later during the factory generation process.
Your re-interpretation of it doesn't make any sense as that's not valid Ruby. You cannot have a symbol as an argument specifier. Remember that factory is a pre-existing method, not one you're defining at that point.
If this is all a bit hazy you'll need to experiment with blocks more to see how they work within Ruby. They're used for a number of things so you need to understand how each sets expectations on what the block can do, what it should return, and how many times it will be called, if at all.
In ruby, anything with do end is a block and all blocks are attached to a method.
So in your example, FactoryGirl.define is a method call with a block as a parameter. factory :model is also a method call with a block as a parameter, but in this case the :model is also a parameter passed in.
You can think of the methods being defined in FactoryGirl conceptually like this:
class FactoryGirl
def self.define
yield # do something w/ the block passed in
def factory(model_name, &block) # do something w/ the block passed in

how to write and inherit from an abstract subclass of ActionController::TestCase

I have a bunch of Rails 3.1 controllers which all have very similar testing requirements. I have extracted out the common code (all Test::Unit style), e.g. the following three tests are completely reusable across all of them:
def create
new_record = { field_to_update => new_value }
create_params = { :commit => "Create", :record => new_record }
post :create, create_params
test "should_not_create_without_login" do
assert_no_difference(count_code) do create; end
test "should_not_create_without_admin_login" do
assert_no_difference(count_code) do create; end
test "should_create" do
assert_difference(count_code) do create; end
assert_redirected_to list_path
and I intended that it could go in an abstract class which inherits from ActionController::TestCase. Then each functional test would only need to override the abstract methods, ending up pleasingly small and clean, e.g.
class Admin::AvailabilitiesControllerTest < Admin::StandardControllerTest
tests Admin::AvailabilitiesController
def model ; Availability end
def id_to_change ; availabilities(:maybe).id end
def field_to_update; :value end
def new_value ; 'maybe2' end
def list_path ; admin_availabilities_path end
However, when I try this, it appears that the framework tries to run the test methods directly from the abstract class, rather than from the inherited class:
NoMethodError: undefined method `model' for test_should_not_create_without_login(Admin::ControllerTestBase):Admin::ControllerTestBase
test/lib/admin_controller_test_base.rb:7:in `count_code'
test/lib/admin_controller_test_base.rb:68:in `block in <class:ControllerTestBase>'
I've heard that other testing frameworks and gems can provide mechanisms for meta-programming of tests, so maybe I'm going about this in entirely the wrong way. But I've tried several things and looked at RSpec, coulda, shoulda, context, contest ... and I still can't see a way to achieve what I'm after. Any ideas? Thanks!
I finally figured this out - once I realised that this is a general Ruby Test::Unit issue rather a Rails testing issue, a quick google instantly revealed How do I inherit abstract unit tests in Ruby? which already had a good answer. Then the only missing piece was being able to use the syntactic sugar:
test "something should behave in a certain way" do
rather than
def test_something_should_behave_in_a_certain_way" do
I found the answer to this within the ActiveSupport codebase itself, under lib/active_support/test_case.rb:
extend ActiveSupport::Testing::Declarative
This module defines test as a class method (which is why extend is required rather than include).
So the complete solution looks like this:
# tests/functional/admin/availabilities_controller_test.rb
class Admin::AvailabilitiesControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
tests Admin::AvailabilitiesController
include Admin::ControllerTests
# non-reusable tests and helper methods specific to this
# controller test go here
# lib/admin/controller_tests.rb
module Admin::ControllerTests
extend ActiveSupport::Testing::Declarative
test "this test can be reused by anything which includes this module" do
The downside of this module-based approach is that you can't override the included tests. I guess that's just a fundamental limitation of Test::Unit - maybe the best answer is to move to RSpec, but I don't know it well enough yet to be sure.

Mocking/stubbing a method that's included from "instance.extend(DecoratorModule)"

I use a decorator module that get's included in a model instance (through the "extends" method). So for example :
module Decorator
def foo
class Model < ActiveRecord::Base
class ModelsController < ApplicationController
def bar
#model = Model.find(params[:id])
Then I would like in the tests to do the following (using Mocha) :
test "bar" do
get :bar
Is this possible somehow, or do you have in mind any other way to get this functionality???
Just an Assumption Note: I will assume that your Decorator foo method returns "bar" which is not shown in the code that you sent. If I do not assume this, then expectations will fail anyway because the method returns nil and not "bar".
Assuming as above, I have tried the whole story as you have it with a bare brand new rails application and I have realized that this cannot be done. This is because the method 'foo' is not attached to class Model when the expects method is called in your test.
I came to this conclusion trying to follow the stack of called methods while in expects. expects calls stubs in Mocha::Central, which calls stubs in Mocha::ClassMethod, which calls *hide_original_method* in Mocha::AnyInstanceMethod. There, *hide_original_method* does not find any method to hide and does nothing. Then method is not aliased to the stubbed mocha method, that should be called to implement your mocha expectation, but the actual method is called, the one that you dynamically attach to your Model instance inside your controller.
My answer is that it is not possible to do it.
It works (confirmed in a test application with render :text)
I usually include decorators (instead of extending them at runtime) and I avoid any_instance since it's considered bad practice (I mock find instead).
module Decorators
module Test
def foo
class MoufesController < ApplicationController
def bar
#moufa = Moufa.first
render :text =>
require 'test_helper'
class MoufesControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
# Replace this with your real tests.
test "bar" do
m = Moufa.first
get :bar, {:id => 32}
assert_equal #response.body, "foobar"
Ok, now I understand. You want to stub out a call to an external service. Interesting that mocha doesn't work with extend this way. Besides what is mentioned above, it seems to be because the stubbed methods are defined on the singleton class, not the module, so don't get mixed in.
Why not something like this?
test "bar" do
Decorator ={ def foo; 'foo'; end }
get :bar
If you'd rather not get the warnings about Decorator already being defined -- which is a hint that there's some coupling going on anyway -- you can inject it:
class ModelsController < ApplicationController
class << self
attr_writer :decorator_class
def decorator_class; #decorator_class ||= Decorator; end
def bar
#model = Model.find(params[:id])
which makes the test like:
test "bar" do
dummy ={ def foo; 'foo'; end }
ModelsController.decorator_class = dummy
get :bar
Of course, if you have a more complex situation, with multiple decorators, or decorators defining multiple methods, this may not work for you.
But I think it is better than stubbing the find. You generally don't want to stub your models in an integration test.
One minor change if you want to test the return value of :bar -
test "bar" do
assert_equal "bar", get(:bar)
But if you are just testing that a model instance has the decorator method(s), do you really need to test for that? It seems like you are testing Object#extend in that case.
If you want to test the behavior of, you don't need to do that in an integration test - that's the advantage of the decorator, you can then test it in isolation like
x =
#.... assert something about ...
Mocking in integration tests is usually a code smell, in my experience.

Constant Lookup with instance_eval in Ruby 1.9

The Short and Sweet
Running this code in Ruby 1.9:
FOO = "global constant"
class Something
FOO = "success!"
def self.handle &block &block
class Other
FOO = "wrong constant"
def self.handle
puts Something.handle{FOO}
puts Other.handle
I get "success!" and "wrong constant". How can I get both calls to print "success!"? This is not a contrived exercise for fun - I wouldn't waste people's time for that. I have a real-world problem, and I've whittled it down to the simplest possible example that demonstrates the issue. Read on for the "why".
A More Thorough Explanation
Calling Something.handle{FOO} works correctly. Ruby uses the definition of FOO given in the Something class. However, If I try to call it the same way from another class, it gives me the definition of FOO for that class.
I thought the idea of tighter constant looksups in Ruby 1.9 was to avoid problems like this. instance_eval is supposed to use the scope of its receiver (, in this case), not the scope of the calling block. It works for things like instance variables, but not for constants. This is not a problem of precedence - remove the "global" and "wrong" constants, and ruby still won't be able to find the remaining correct constant.
The real-world problem I'm having is that I have a module with several classes. I have a method that accepts a block, and runs the block in the context of the module. Inside that block, I want to be able to refer to those classes by their short names (like I can anywhere in the module itself), rather than having to prepend the module name.
This is painful:
ThirdPartyApis::MyAnswerSite.connection, do |question_id, answer_id|
question = ThirdPartyApis::MyAnswerSite::Question.find question_id
answer = ThirdPartyApis::MyAnswerSite::Answer.find answer_id question, answer
This is pleasant:
ThirdPartyApis::MyAnswerSite.connection, do |question_id, answer_id|
question = Question.find question_id
answer = Answer.find answer_id question, answer
So that's the long-winded explanation. Please don't offer workarounds that don't address my question. I appreciate the desire to explore other avenues, but my question is simple: can ONLY the Something class by modified, in a way that prints "success!" twice at the end? That's the test case, and any solution that fits this is my accepted answer, and its author is my personal hero for the week. Please!
I got it to work using the sourcify gem (gem install sourcify):
require 'sourcify'
FOO = "global constant"
class Something
FOO = "success!"
def self.handle &block
class Other
FOO = "wrong constant"
def self.handle
puts Something.handle{FOO}
=> success!
puts Other.handle
=> success!
edit: Oops, you could see where I was working on using bindings too, removed that code.
