Does the Twitter API auto shorten URLs - oauth

I know this question has been asked before however the answers I found where a little old and I know that twitter has now made the service manditory on all posts recently. I'm just wondering if when using the oAuth API service it will automatically shorten any url? Anyone know what the current process in play is? Do I still need to shorten the url pre posting?
Thanks very much

Yes. Even when using OAuth, all links will be wrapped in short URLs. Even if the link is shorter than 20 characters!
See the post in the discussion groups.
There is also some documentation about recent and upcoming changes to shortening (2012-04-12).
You can shorten the URL yourself if you want, but it will still get wrapped.


Zapier to look up Twitter URL mentions

Is it possible to create a Zap that will look-up URL mentions on Twitter?
Been scratching my head with this one, since simply entering URL into Zapier's Twitter Search field doesn't seem to do the trick.
Is it at all possible? Twitter uses its URL shortening service on all links posted. Might this be a reason for me not being able to find any mentions of my URL even when I post one myself? Twitter's native search function finds URL just fine, but not Zapier.
OK, I think I figured it out.
First, use Twitter's special "url" prefix for URL search:
url:amazon - will find URL with the word “amazon” anywhere within it.
Second, most importantly, it looks like the Twitter account I used for testing got ignored after a couple of same URL posts. So be aware of that too.

twitter api 1.1 url count alternative

I've been using the old url api(v1) to get the count of a given url, lately I needed to get also the re-tweets and started searching about that.
this is the exact url I'm using right now:
As I viewed with some reading the v1 api is deprecated but at least it's still working.
I found some questions on the dev page of twitter:
those are a little old questions and have no specific solving to the problem. I mean, the most near solution was using the search api(search/tweets) which could be good but not a exactly replacement for the urls/count method.
Please note that Twitter's search service and, by extension, the
Search API is not meant to be an exhaustive source of Tweets. Not all
Tweets will be indexed or made available via the search interface.
also it has a limit for 100 results at maximum per 'page', even it throws the link to get the next set of objects, thats good but when the search reaches 1 million of results I'll need to get page over page to now how much tweets I got and having to do to much request to the api...
I sought some question over the dev page on twitter suggested using the stream api, I've tried using (statuses/filter) but that don't work very well given a URL as track param(which they said that is the keyword to track).
So, anyone who's been using the old urls/count has found a reliable alternative with the new apiv1.1, especiffically to get the tweets and re-tweets for a given url ?
The official suggestion by Twitter staff is that either the search/tweets endpoint (having just the last 7 days data) or the Streaming API be used (handling yourself the counters, making everything just too complicated for a d*mn counter).
As an extra warning, the old endpoint ( will stop working on November 20th, and according to this blog post from Twitter there are no plans to replace it with anything in the short term and they are even removing the count from their own buttons.

Twitter streaming API not tracking URLs

Have gone through
Per documentation it should be able to track URLs such as but I can't seem it to be tracking such URLs. It just doesn't return me any result when I tweet this URL and track it using Streaming API. Am I missing something?
Pretty late, but I found this by Google so this might help someone...
There are a few answers to this. The main answer being that Twitter treats URLs differently than anything else.
First, make sure you do NOT include the "www".
Twitter currently canonicalizes the domain “” to “” before the match is performed, so omit the “www” from URL track terms.
For me, sending the track parameter as "" and then tweeting "a test, please ignore:" worked perfectly.
You can NOT, in general, ask for substrings of URLs:
URLs are considered words for the purposes of matches which means that the entire domain and path must be included in the track query for a Tweet containing an URL to match.
But if you are willing to take every tweet from the whole domain (and a bit more edge cases), Twitter will accommodate:
Finally, to address a common use case where you may want to track all mentions of a particular domain name (i.e., regardless of subdomain or path), you should use “example com” as the track parameter for “” (notice the lack of period between “example” and “com” in the track parameter).
All quotes are from the Twitter docs:
They have more information, including examples.
Good luck!

good twitter4j documentation

I have been trying to mess with the twitter4j library for some time now, and cannot seem to get it to work.
The web site and documentation there has proven to be less than helpful, and all the resources I have been able to dig up are really old and most likely irrelevant.
Does anyone have any good resources on this stuff (right now, the oauth portion of it)? I am also trying to use this library via Coldfusion, if that makes a difference.
I have been able to create a (what I believe to be) valid request token and url (as I can get to twitter and login), but when I use the tokens that come back to reconstruct an access token later, it always bombs out with some kind of error...
Yes, the official doc is explaining only basic usages.
Twitter4J is best explained at the example codes located in twitter4j-examples/src/main/java/.
And the community is very active and you can expect getting answers promptly.

How would I find all the short urls that link to a particular long url?

Basically I want to know how many people have tweeted a link to a url, but since there are dozens of link shortener out there I don't see any way to do this without having access to all of their url maps. I found a previous question here but it was over a year old and didn't have any new answers.
So #1, does anyone know of a service/API for doing this?
And #2, can anyone think of a way to accomplish this task other than submitting the long url in question to all the popular link shortening sites?
ps- I'm also open to comments about why this is impossible or impractical.
You could perform a Google search (or the equivalent via API) for any pages that link to your page. This is done with the link: keyword. So if you're trying to figure out how many people link to (regardless of whether it's through a link shortner URL), then you would just do a Google search for
Note that this will only find pages that have been indexed, so pages that haven't been crawled, or pages that get crawled infrequently, will not show up in the results until a later date (if at all).
Since all sites have different algorithms for shortening the URLs, and these are different sites that most likely do not share their data with each other, how can you hope to find all of them in a single or small number of queries?
All you can do is brute-force it, and even then this might not be any good if a site is content to create a new value for the same long-form URL (especially if you send a different long-form URL that maps to the same place, like rather than
In order to really get this to work, there would have to be a site that ALREADY automatically collects all of this information from every site, which the URL shortening sites voluntarily call. And even if you wrote such a site, that doesn't account for the URL-shortening sites already out there who already have data!
In short, I do not see how this is remotely possible, unless I'm wrong about there being such a database somewhere out there.
So months after asking this question I came across a solution to a similar question, that is how to tell how many times a link has been shared on facebook. The solution, via a simple new API call:
returns the following json data:
"id": "",
"shares": 1627
