Delphi DirectX Component Installation - delphi

I have downloaded one DirectX Animation Project from a forum.
When I am trying to load the project in Delphi XE2 I am getting one error message:
“Class TDXDraw” and ” Class TDXDDIB” not found.
Then I load the project ignoring the error message. Again I am getting error message for the following component like “DXDraw1: TDXDraw”, “DXDIB1: TDXDIB” and “Background: TDXDIB”. Hence I have downloaded “DXSDK_Jun10.exe” and installed. But the error is the same.
I think, the error occurs due the DirectX components are not imported in DelphiXE2.
Which components are to be imported and how?

Those look like (un)DelphiX component names. Take a look at for DelphiXE2 support.


Delphi 10 Seattle - [dcc32 Error] E2161 Error: RLINK32: Unsupported 16bit resource in file "C:\Development\Testing\Unit1.dfm"

I have an issue with the compile of a long running project which is now showing the error indicated above. The issue arises from a specific component which is in herrited from TCombobox. If I place the component in on a blank form with no other controls the project will compile and run. I then save the project and re-open then re-compile the project will give the error. The only solution is to remove the component and put it back in which then allows the project to compile and run until it is closed and re-opened again.
I am currently upgrading from XE4 to 10 Seattle and have two identical copies of the full project code and the error is occuring in both.
Any ideas would be most appreciated
When this occurred in a Delphi 10.2.3 app, I noted that a similar app had System.UIConsts above several FMX entries in the Uses clause, so I moved it up in this app and the problem went away.

EPackageError caused by a unit that is implicitely imported

I'm currently involved in a Delphi XE5 project and I'm facing a problem that I could not solve. I have a Delphi project group that conists of one EXE; this EXE loads multiple runtime BPL's dynamically. These BPL's are also part of the project group. However, when I run the application, I got the error 'Project {MyProject.exe} raised exception class EPackageError with message 'Cannot load package 'PumpMethod'. It contains unit 'FlEdit', which is also contained in package 'eXtractionUnitMethod'.
I already searched on SO, and I've found the cause. Especially Is "implicitly imported" always a bad thing in Delphi packages? was of big help. During compilation, both BPL's of my project, emit the following message:
[dcc32 Warning] PumpMethod.dpk(46): W1033 Unit 'FlEdit' implicitly imported into package 'PumpMethod'
Other one as well:
[dcc32 Warning] eXtractionUnitMethod.dpk(46): W1033 Unit 'FlEdit' implicitly imported into package 'eXtractionUnitMethod'
But the point is that FlEdit, a textbox control that allows only the input of floats, is already part of an installed package. This package, 'Spark190.bpl', contains the control, and thus also the FlEdit unit. I've registered it and the control appears on the Tool palette. This is the project with the control:
There is also a project DclSpark190.bpl, but that is a design time package (contains the registering of the controls). When I close this project group and create a new one, I can drag/drop 'My float edit' on a form, and this runs all fine.
When I now open the project group with the EXE, and build the BPL's I got this message:
This again seems okay for me. The Spark package (with the FlEdit) is now included in the 'requires' list:
But when I compile again, the 'the following changes...' is shown again. That looks abnormal to me; the Spark BPL is already included in the requires list? So:
Q1: Why is that happening? Is it a bug in Delphi XE5? Do I something wrong here?
Also, the 'FlEdit' implicitly imported into package 'PumpMethod' is still not away:
Q2: I think I've put FlEdit in a separate package 'Spark'. Both BPL's contain 'Spark' in the required package list, but still the warning (W1033) is shown. What else can I do?

xercesxmldom file not found in Delphi XE4

I am migrating my Delphi 7 code to Delphi XE4.
In one of the files in Delphi 7, I found xercesxmldom in the uses. I found that its dcu is placed in C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Lib.
When I tried to compile this file in Delphi XE4 environment, I got error xercesxmldom.dcu not found. I searched my entire C drive but it was not there anywhere.
I thought it is deprecated now. So I commented it out as it was nowhere used in the file and project compiled successfully.
Now when I try to open dfm file by double clicking on it, I get error No matching Dom Vendor: "XercesXML".
When pressed OK, dfm opens fine. I don't know why am I getting this error message?
The error you are seeing is because, although you have stopped referring to the xercesxmldom unit, your code still sets the DOM vendor to XercesXML. You'll need to choose a different DOM vendor. You need to locate everywhere in your program where you assign to the DOMVendor property and modify it accordingly.

Fatal Error upgrading Adobe Director Movie from Version 10 to 11.5

So, i'm loading an old project to do some updates. The project has been upgraded a few times in the past without issue. However, upgrading to 11.5 is producing the dreaded error: A Fatal Error Has Occurred. Click OK to Quit.
The next screen produces MS C++ Runtime Error:
Runtime Error!
The app has ... terminated in unusual way... Please contact support team ...
Completely useless error so i'm wondering if anyone has discovered common causes. This project does have an old 3rd party Xtra called MasterApp. However, all the other casts and .dir files upgrade fine when using this Xtra. The only thing unique about the files that fail is they are both over 200mb.
since the error message of director does not help, I would suggest you to try these things to narrow the error:
-Open the files in Director 10 an copy all Cast Members etc into a new file. Try if that helped.
-Remove the xtra fro the files and see if that helps. If it helps, than try to replace - for example by the BudApi-Xtra.
-Does your casts have big media which are not images? Sounds oder Videos for example? I would suggest lokking at them first.
-Try to convert the files on a windows PC.
BTW: Do you have the latest version of D11.5? MayBe there is an update that you can install.

Unit SysUtils was compiled with a different version of SysConst.SMonitorLockException when trying to compile project in Delphi 2009

I'm trying to compile a project and I'm getting this error.
The error occurs in a RemObjects source file, but I think it doesn't have anything to do with RemObjects.
Anyway this error is too generic, and I don't quite get why it happens, so how can I solve it?
The problem was that we translated the unit SysConsts and the Interface changed, removing that unit solved the problem.
This error occurs if you mix libraries. You are probably using a (third-party) library that is compiled with a different version. Try to get the latest version, or recompile if you have the source.
If the problem persists, try to get a minimal subset of the project to find the offending unit / dcu file.
