I was trying to follow the above link for setting up mqtt as a windows service to run silently at background.
but, can't follow what the author wants to say in step one and two.
neither there is any space for comments/questions.
I want to do this so that I don't need to input username and password every time the remote machine is started.
If you have any idea how to setup. any alternate option for not inserting the password in windows. or any suggestion please share. thnx
I can't answer your specific question, but I can recommend the winsw "windows service wrapper" package to turn any executable into a service:
I can also tell you that the Windows install of the mosquitto mqtt broker ( installs itself as a service automatically so this should solve your problem.
I'm quite surprised you couldn't ask the question on the original post - there is a comments form on it -
Do you have the Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit installed? have you unzipped RSMB as the author describes? if so, the commands he lists should work for you.
As Roger says, another alternative is to use mosquitto which is similar to RSMB but is free from the license restrictions.
I use send mail on automation anywhere but program error massage,
"The destination mailbox was not found or could not be accessed."
please Knowledgeable person help advice me.
thank you.
If you are using a community edition then the send email command won't work most probably. But if you are using Enterprise editions then check the following:
Check if the all mails given are correct.
In AA client goto Tools->Options->Email settings and check the correct host and port number.
If the above methods don't work that means the SMTP settings of the your system are not done or your system doesn't have enough authorization. Either you may have to raise some request in your organization to open that particular port for you or something similar to get it fixed.
Since 12h the website (Wordpress website) that is hosted on Google Cloud Platform has a time out issue. After 60 seconds of trying to load the website, the following message appears "The connection has timed out".
When trying to connect with SFTP, same issue.
What should I do to resolve this?
Since two different services stopped to work at the same time it
sounds like a networking issue. There is a timeout, therefore there is the server not answering at all to the requests.
What to do?
I would proceed with this general troubleshooting steps, if you want you can upload your question with the result of these commands/question to proceed with the troubleshooting.
First of all I would check if you are able to ping the
external/public IP of the instance.
I would check if the firewall rules allows TCP80/TCP443 and TCP22, Notice that on GCP you need to create the rule and assign the TAG to the machine from its detail page if the the rule does not apply to the whole network.
Are you able to ssh into the instance?
I would check if the processes are actually listening netstat -tuplen
If you are able when logged into the machine do you have access to the internet? Are you able to ping external IP? If not whats about internal IP?
I would go to the "activity" page of your Google Cloud Console to check which actions have been taken while the instance was still running.
I would check as well the history of the Linux machine to check if you run some commands acting on the network configuration of the machine.
Note that if you cannot SSH into the machine you can always access through serial console setting a password for your username through a startup script.
I had the possibility to take a look into the project, the machine was stopped due to issue with the billing account (it was closed) after the free trial period ended.
I would suggest you to go again trough the documentation regarding the upgrade of the billing account
If you have still some doubts or question after you perform this operations you can file a case at this link with the billing team and they will help you to solve the issue.
I'm new to networking so please tell me if this isn't allowed, I'm also not to sure how to even ask this question, or if I'm even asking the right question.
Ok, I want to create a .mobileconfig file that will connect on demand to my server, and block a few ad DNS names so all the traffic on my iPhones will be processed through a "DNS blocker" on a linux Ubuntu server, yet I can't find any information on how to do this. I don't know how to search for it as everything I search fails to be what I'm looking for. I have the mobile configuration file ready to go, but I can not figure out how to make the phone send it's traffic through a file that says block "" for example.
I hope this makes sense, sorry for the noob post, I'm just trying to learn and I can't find help.
Edit: need help on the software side of routing all traffic through DNS blocker Ubuntu Linux vps, have ssh root access
I am working with intuit SDK tech support on this without much luck. I was hoping someone here might know what object this error might be referring to.
I am basically sending a request from one computer to QuickBooks on another machine via PowerShell and Remote Data Sharing (RDS) Client/Server provided in the QuickBooks SDK. The relative portion of the Powershell script looks something like this..
$myQBXMLRP = New-Object -com QBXMLRP2.RequestProcessor
The first line instantiates the COM object QBXMLRP2.RequestProcessor. The second line opens a connection with QuickBooks. RDS Client on the local machine receives the OpenConnection request and passes it on to the RDS Server on the machine where QB resides which in turn opens the connection with QB. The second line is throwing the following error...
Exception calling "OpenConnection2" with "3" argument(s): "Public key exchange error: Object already exists
Reading here in stackoverflow and elsewhere via google I see that this error occurs to other programmers not dealing in any way with QuickBooks, so I am hoping somone here might be able to help me figure out how to fix the problem.
I have QB/RDS working fine prior to this installation. So I know it should work as is. Something is hung up on this computer, the server computer, or ????
Your mileage may vary. I cleared the following file, reboot and reinstall RDS then things are back to normal. It was on a Windows Server 2012 but you get the idea. You need to change your view options so these folders are not hidden. Worths a shot, and I hope this helps.
Clear one of the key files created by RDS by prior runs or installations
Is there a way to run Growl as a Windows Service? I searched around SO, but have not found a solution, please let me know if there is one out there already.
The excellent link to AlwaysUp, provided by mservidio, clearly states that visual notifications will likely be a problem:
Note: When you run Growl as a Windows Service, it may not be visible on your desktop. This
may render the visual notifications useless but the non-visual notifications (email,
forwarding, etc.) should function normally.
I would guess that the reason for this is that growl will try to send notification to the user who started Growl... which is whatever is configured in your windows service, e.g. SYSTEM. Which means you won't see them, because growl doesn't run for your user session.
I have also been wondering how to direct notifications to specific users / sessions. There doesn't seem to be any documentation on this, so I must assume it's currently not supported.
Have you tried Microsoft's Srvany? Its pretty basic but should get the job done if your needs are the same.
This tutorial showing how to configure Growl with AlwaysUp should give you an idea of what to expect when running Growl as a Windows Service.