Using panning gesture to animate GCRect resize - ios

I'm drawing a few circles, each filled with an image. When the user pans I'd like to scale/resize the circles. So I called drawRect again and again, redrawing every GCRect until the gesture was completed - of course the animation was very choppy. In my case a UIScrollView doesn't fit the needs, because I don't want to scroll, but to scale the circles while the user is panning.
Is there any way except using OpenGL ES to implement this functionality?

Do you really need custom drawing for this? You can easily clip an image to a circle without drawRect.
Without -drawRect:
Using Core Animation you can set the corner radius of a layer. If all you want is to show an image inside a circle then you can put the image in an image view with a square frame and set the corner radius of the image views layer to half the width of the frame.
Now each time the user drags you can change the bounds and the corner radius of the image views layer. This will make it look like the circle becomes bigger/smaller.
If you require custom drawing
Maybe you are doing some custom shadows or blending that can only be done with Core Graphics. If so, you could apply a scale transform and stretch the image while the user is dragging their finger and only redraw once the finger lifts from the screen. That will be much, much cheaper and is also very easy to implement. Just create a scale transform (CGAffineTransformMakeScale(xScale, yScale);) and set it as the transform on the view with the circle (this will only work if each circle is its own view).
Note: You can still use the same trick (scaling while dragging and then redrawing) if you use the corner radius approach if you require the extra performance.


Smootly mooving a hole in UIImage?

I have a UIImageView displaing an image. This view's layer is masked with CAShapeLayer in order to create circular "hole" in the image. To create the hole I use UIBezierPath with .usesEvenOddFillRule = true.
It works fine when static. But I need that hole to move with user finger. To do that I create new UIBezierPath with even-odd rule each time user moves their finger. On smaller phones with smaller images it looks OK but on iPhone 6 Plus it is choppy.
Any ideas on how to make it smooth are very wellcome. I cannot just move the frame of masking CAShapeLayer - it would move the hole bot also hide some edges of the image. So the only way is to change its .path each time user moves finger and that is slow.
EDIT: matt's answer would work in some scenarios but not in my case: I am not displaying the whole image only a part of it defined by UIBezierPath. This part is most often oval (but can be rectangular or rounded rectangle) and it has "hole" cut in it. While the hole is mowing with users finger the displayed part/shape of the image does not change - it is static.
The ineficient solution that was in place so far wa:
Create UIBezierPath with boundary of displayed part of the image
Set 'even off fill rule' on it
Add UIBezierPath of the hole to it
Set it as path of CAShapeLayer with some opaque fill color
Use that CAShapeLayer as mask of the UIImageView
This procedure was repeated each time a user moved their finger. I cannot simply move the whole mask layer as that would also change the part of the image being displayed. I what it to stay static and move only the hole in it.
it would move the hole bot also hide some edges of the image
Well, I don't agree. Moving the mask is exactly the way to do this. I don't see why you think there's a problem with that. Perhaps the issue is merely that you have not made the mask layer big enough. It does not have to be the same size as the layer it is masking. In this case, it needs to be about 9 times the size of the masked layer (3 horizontal and 3 vertical), so that it will continue to cover the masked the layer no matter how far in any direction the user slides it.

iOS: How to fill a rectangle except in one area?

I've used the CGContext based routine to fill a rectangle, but this time I actually want to fill all of a rectangle EXCEPT one part of it. I know this is possible in other drawing systems for other platofrm but can it be done with core graphics on iOS?
Both borderWidth and cornerRadius are animatable properties. So you could just animate them directly (using CABasicAnimation). In that rendering, you'd go from no border and no corners to having a border and corners in an animated way.
If you want to animate the rectangular tracing of the border, you'd need to use a CAShapeLayer (because the end of its path is animatable) and provide the illusion that way.

Rotating an Scaling a UIBezierPath on Autorotate

I'm working on a simple drawing View. For this I add CAShapeLayers with a UIBezierpath to a UIView. My problem is, that on rotation the drawings will not resize. Instead it goes out of bounds.
Basically I try to imitate the behavior of the photo-app where have an image in portrait filling the whole screen and on rotation, it will scale it corresponding to landscape without changing the aspect ration.
I found solutions here which do the rotation at the same position, but I can't find anywhere how to do the scaling.

Is content drawn by drawRect able to animate using UIView animation?

On iOS, if there are two circles, both of which are UIView objects, then their center or frame can animate using UIView animation.
But the difficulty is, the container UITreeView containing these two circles, draw a line connecting the centers of the circles, using drawRect. In drawRect, I could use CG or UIKit to draw the line, and I chose to use UIBezierPath's moveToPoint and addLineToPoint to draw the line, which should actually just be CG calls underneath, but easier to use.
But when one circle animates to the other position, the line won't animate with it, so the animation can look kind of weird. Is there a way to make it animate?
I tried animating in the TreeView class instead of inside the UINodeView class (the circle), but that won't help. In fact, if I draw the circle using a random color in its drawRect method, when the circle moves slowly in the animation, the color won't change rapidly, suggesting that its drawRect isn't called. It probably is just CALayer that hold a cached image being animated.
So is there a way to make the line animate as well?
The other methods I can think of is:
1) Use a hack to use a UIView to hold the line also, so its frame can animate, but what if the circle moves so that the line needs to be drawn inside the UIView from (0, 0) to (200, 200), but now the line needs to slant the other way, drawing from (200, 0) to (0, 200), so in this case, it probably won't work. (But if I use some kind of transform to flip the image at the same time, it probably will work, but it seems complicated to consider when the transform should be used)
2) use CADisplayLink to do the animation, and just let it call [treeView setNeedsDisplay]; and in this case, the drawRect will be called for sure. (it can be an overkill, and since the whole background of the TreeView will be first erased, there might be a little flashing on the screen going on)
Or is there a simpler or better way?
You could assign your path to a CAShapeLayer (such as wrapping it in a UIView subclass that returns CAShapeLayer as its +layerClass). The path is assigned to the CGPath -path property (and note that UIBezierPath provides a CGPath property).
Then you have a line in a view that you can animate (such as a group animation using UIView +beginAnimations

Zoomable Graphics

I am trying to draw zoomable graphics onto the screen. I currently have a UIView inside of a ScrollView and I'm wondering what the best way is to go about handling/implementing zooming of the graphics I've drawn on the screen.
You'll probably want to use something along the lines of what I describe in my answer here.
During the pinch-zooming event, a transform will be applied to your UIView, which will zoom the content but will lead to blurring. Once the zooming event is finished, use the -scrollViewDidEndZooming:withView:atScale: delegate method to determine the new scale factor and resize and re-render your UIView appropriately. If you're doing your drawing using Core Graphics within the -drawRect: method of your UIView, this should be pretty easy to manage.
