Instagram like photo editing feature - ios

I have seen apps like Instagram and many more, could take a photo and change the colour of the image, as in fade, brightness, gray-scale, and various image processing effects added to it.
I need to try this out, so can someone help me find a good tutorial, to begin with.
For now, my program could take the picture from the camera, but I am unable to process the image as shown on Instagram.

Here is an open source image filter library that might help:


Ios how to recognize a simple Logo on a white background?

I'm trying to write an app that recognize a logo saved in app bundle and readed as UIImage. I have did a search before make this question, the only free solution seems to be OpenCv. I have tried it in a demo i had download from toptal_logo_detector . The demo works and i can find my logo everywhere i place it. Anyway the camera is very slow, too slow to use it in a real app. Maybe there's a way to optimize it, but my question is another.
I have to recognize a vector logo (always the same logo) centered in a white background ,something like this wifi logo:
My only solution is the complex OpenCV? There's a free and simpler way to achive the result: YES here there's your logo/No there isn't ?
I found this tutorial (with project download) that does what you want using OpenCV

How to preview automatically edited image after picking with UIImagePickerController

I my app users can take and save photos, but before I save them on disk, I have to compress and downscale them. Is it possible to show automatically edited image in a standard preview screen right after user captured the image with UIImagePickerController? Or should I build my own camera with AVFoundation? If so, could anyone suggest some lightweight opensource camera for my purposes?
You're going to have to build your own solution with AVCaptureSession, which is not hard, since you more than likely will want to keep the original photo in a temp file, compress it, show it on a custom view with an image view in it and then ask the user if they want to save it or not.
Here's Apple's Docs but there are plenty tutorials on how to do this

Create custom UIImagePickerController to set aspect ratio of camera

Stack Overflow maybe has 1000 threads addressing and re-addressing cropping images on iOS; many of which contains answers claiming to work just like Instagram (my guess is they never open Instagram). So instead of simply using the word Instagram, let me describe the functionalities of what I am trying to do:
I want to create CustomUIImagePickerController such that:
CAMERA: I can either set the exact dimension of the image that the camera takes; or on the very next screen (i.e. retake/use image) have a custom rectangle that the user can move to crop the image just taken.
GALLERY: (same as above:) set the dimensions of the frame that user will use to crop the image.
So far on SO one answer comes close: the answer points to
But the crucial problem with that project is that it only works with gallery. It does not work with camera.
So lastly, if you look at the Instagram app for iOS-7, it takes complete control of the picture taking experience. How do I do that? I don’t want to have my users go through the whole standard iOS UIImagePickerController experience and then on top of that have them go through my own cropper just to load an image. That’s simply terrible user experience. How many steps or screens does one need to take or load a picture? Right? I know I can't be the only developer who would love to solve this problem. I don’t mind being the one to find the solution and then share it with the world. But presently I don’t even know where to start?
Does anyone have any ideas where I might start?
BTW: the following are not answers:
how to change the UIImagePickerController crop frame
Set dimensions for UIImagePickerController "move and scale" cropbox

AV Foundation Capture Image

My basic task is to capture a part of an image and then use it. To give you an overview, I am creating an app based on OCR, I allow to user to take a picture using camera. However, rather than processing the entire image, I only want some part of it to be selected and send for processing (Preferably a rectangle). So, to sum it up, I want an overlay to be provided, and I want the image inside that overlay to be further used rather than the entire clicked image.
Now, by my understanding, I realize that AVFoundation is the tool to capture the image, however in my app I have used UIImagePicker. I am totally confused since I am a newbie and not sure hot to proceed ahead. Appreciate all for the help. Thanks again
There is fine open source library for OCR in iOS :
This will work best if the image resolution is 150 * 150 . For more in formation of other libraries you can also refer the SO question:OCR Lib

iPad - taking a picture from the front camera and recognizing a driver's license

Is there any software or SDK out there that can take a picture of a driver's license and recognize it? I'm thinking something like how bar code scanners work where you place the bar code infront of the camera within a specified box and it takes a picture of it.
I don't know any frameworks which may integrate this process, but have you considered doing it manually in few steps? Whole process may look like this:
Add box overlay to UIImagePicker camera view
Capture the picture
Use some OCR tool on it (for example see this: Getting text from image on ios (image processing))
Take license number, decode it and do whatever you want
