JIRA 4.2.1 & JIRA 4.3.3 integration through email - jira

I want to integrate 2 JIRA instances through email, one uses Jira 4.2.1 and the other uses 4.3.3.
one instance has certain custom fields, another has certain custom fields, both of the JIRA instances has to interchange the issue details, updates of the issue, through email. i.e both has to be in sync.
For Example
1) if an issue is created in Instance 1, a mail will be triggered and using that email, Instance 2 will create an issue there.
2) Also, if there is a update for an issue in Insance1 then a mail will be triggered to Instance 2 which will update the same issue in Instance 2.
Hope it clears !!

If I got your intentions right, i believe that there is an easier way to do so using the Jira remote API. For example, you could easily write a Python script, using the XML-RPC library, comparing the two systems and updating them if needed.
The problem with the email method you suggested is that you could easily create an endless loop of issue creating...
First, create a custom field in both instances, and call it something like "Sync". This will be used to mark issues once we'll sync them.
Next, enable the RPC plugin.
Finally, write a script that will copy the issues via RPC, example:
# Sample Python client accessing JIRA via XML-RPC. Methods requiring
# more than basic user-level access are commented out.
# Refer to the XML-RPC Javadoc to see what calls are available:
# http://docs.atlassian.com/software/jira/docs/api/rpc-jira-plugin/latest/com/atlassian/jira/rpc/xmlrpc/XmlRpcService.html
import xmlrpclib
s1 = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy('http://your.first.jira.url/rpc/xmlrpc')
auth1 = s1.jira1.login('user', 'password')
s2 = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy('http://your.second.jira.url/rpc/xmlrpc')
auth2 = s2.jira1.login('user', 'password')
# go trough all issues that appear in the next filter
filter = "10200"
issues = s1.jira1.getIssuesFromFilter(auth1, filter)
for issue in issues:
# read issues:
for customFields in issue['customFieldValues']:
if customFields['customfieldId'] == 'customfield_10412': # sync custome field
# cf exists , dont sync!
# no sync field, sync now
proj = issue['project']
type = issue['type']
sum = issue['summary']
desc = issue['project']
newissue = s2.jira1.createIssue(auth2, { "project": issue['project'], "type": issue['type'], "summary": issue['summary'], "description": issue['description']})
print "Created %s/browse/%s" % (s.jira1.getServerInfo(auth)['baseUrl'], newissue['key'])
# mark issue as synced
s.jira1.updateIssue(auth, issue['key'], {"customfield_10412": ["yes"]})
The script wasn't tested but should work. You'll probably need to copy the rest of the fields you have, check out this link for more info. As well, this is just one way sync, you have to sync it the other way around as well.


Multiple Class Instances Of EventMachine Rails

I am trying to bind to two diferenet SMSCs through SMPP 3.4 from a single rails application using the ruby-smpp gem.
Following the example included on the documentation of this gem I have two configuration blocks pointing to the different ISPs i.e.
config_1 = {
config_2 = {
I go on to declare and run two instaces of the gateways as shown below:
gw_1 = SampleGateway.new
gw_2 = SampleGateway.new
I am able to bind to the respective ISPs but the problems I am experiancing are as follows:
Whenever one of the binds is lost (i.e. on unbound), both ISP connections are lost.
When I initiate/send an SMS to a particular ISP at least 2 times the number of SMSes will be sent throught that ISP (i.e. if i send 1 SMS throught ISP1, 2 SMSes will be delivered on the handset)
Any ideas as to how I can prevent the above from happening, or should I connect to the ISPs with two different rails apps?
The samplegateway provided by the project is not suitable for your usecase. if you check https://github.com/raykrueger/ruby-smpp/blob/master/examples/sample_gateway.rb#L64 the EventMachine connection is stored in a class variable, which means your second call gw_2.start(config_2) will just overwrite the first one.
You should probably orient yourself on the https://github.com/raykrueger/ruby-smpp basic usage and write your own Gateway

Rails: Simplest way of sending mail when X is true

So I've been looking for the simplest way to send an e-mail when X column of Payments table in the database is == 'condition'. Basically what I want is to add a payment and set a date like 6 months. When 6 months have passed I want to send the mail. I've seen many solutions like using Whenever cron jobs and others but I want to know the absolute simplest way (perhaps using Rails only without relying on outside source) to keep my application light and clean. I was thinking I could use the auto generated created_at to evaluate when x time has passed.
Since you have a column in your db for the time to send email, make it a datetime datatype and you can set the email date as soon as the event payment event is created. Then, you can have a rake task where,
range = Time.now.beginning_of_day..Time.now.end_of_day
Payment.where(your_datetime_custom_column: range).each do |payment|
and you can run this task everyday from the scheduler.
The "easiest" way is to use Active Job in conjunction with a state machine:
EmailJob.set(wait: 6.months).perform_later(user.id) if user.X_changed?
The problem with this is that the queue will accumulate jobs since jobs don't get handled right away. This may lead to other performance issues since there are now more jobs to scan and they're taking up more memory.
Cron jobs are well suited for this kind of thing. Depending on your hosting platform, there may be various other ways to handle this; for example, Heroku has Heroku Scheduler.
There are likely other ways to schedule repeating tasks without cron, such as this SO answer.
edit: I did use a gem once called 'fist_of_fury', but it's not currently maintained and I'm not sure how it would perform in a production environment. Below are some snippets for how I used it in a rails project:
in Gemfile
gem 'fist_of_fury'
in config/initializers/fist_of_fury.rb
# Ensure the jobs run only in a web server.
if defined?(Rails::Server)
FistOfFury.attack! do
ObserveAllJob.recurs { minutely(1) }
in app/jobs/observe_all_job.rb
class ObserveAllJob
include SuckerPunch::Job
include FistOfFury::Recurrent
def perform

Rails Griddler and conversation / email threading

I'm trying to work out how best to connect / thread a chain of emails. This seems like such a common problem that I was surprised that I couldn't easily locate information on how other people have dealt with it. The only thing I found was a post about JWZ threading which looked more concerned with parsing together a thread in one email. I was wondering if anyone could point to me some current solutions.
I'm using the thoughtbot griddler gem to process incoming emails into a model Message(s) and a separate model Contact(s), and I have a third model for storing replies, e.g. Reply.
My current thinking is to thread them by the unique contact and the subject line. But then again the subject line will change slightly. e.g. from "This subject" -> "Re: re: This subject" I could use regex to try parsing out "re:"s or I could use something like amatch to do string comparisons?
But then again, what to do about the same subject appearing for the same user 2 months later? Also add some logic regarding the current date so that threads only use recent emails. Then there might be something else useful stored in the email header itself?
User (by unique email address)
Unique Subject line (regex re: processing issues?)
Current date (emails must be date relative to each other)
Some other clues to look for in the email header?
I have i rough idea of how to do it, I'm just curious to see some current implementations, I just can't seem to find any.
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated!
Email threads are a linked list, the information in the headers contains enough information to reconstruct the list from its component parts.
Introspect the email headers and to look for some specific headers.
The key ones you'll use are Message-ID, In-Reply-To and References. These headers give you information about which message was replied to and what other ids matter to the email thread itself.
The easiest way to find information about the headers of an email is to open the 'Original Message' in gmail (from the more menu).
There is a new gem named Msgthr, which is an implementation JWZ's algorithm. It's not matching subjects, senders or dates, so it's not exactly what you're looking for, but I think it's a good start.
The neatest thing about Msgthr is that it's container-agnostic, hence you don't have to install requirements such as TMail, as in Frederik Dietz's ruby port. This also means it can be used for other types of communications.
Here's some sample code, given a list of messages, let's group them into threads:
thr = Msgthr.new
threads = {}
[1, 11, 12, 2, 21, 211].each{ |id| threads[id] = [id]}
my_add = lambda do |id, refs, msg|
thr.add(id, refs, msg) do |parent, child|
threads[child.mid] = threads[parent.mid]
# Create the following structure
# 1
# \
# | 1.1
# \
# 1.2
# 2
# \
# 2.1
# \
# 2.1.1
my_add.call(1, nil, '1')
my_add.call(11, [1], '1.1')
my_add.call(12, [1], '1.2')
my_add.call(2, nil, '2')
my_add.call(21, [2], '2.1')
my_add.call(211, [21], '2.1.1')
thr.rootset.each do |cnt|
threads[cnt.mid][0] = cnt.msg
Disclosure: I'm one of the contributors to the gem.

Rails TMDB API Browse to Find

TMDB.org recently made a change to their API which removes the capability to browse their database.
My Rails app used to use the tmdb-ruby gem to browse the TMDB database, but this gem only worked with v2.0 of the API, which is now defunct.
TMDB.org recommends using this gem, and since it is forked from the gem I previously used, it makes it a bit easier.
My PostgreSQL database is already populated with data imported from TMDB when v2.0 was still extant and when I could use the browse feature.
How can I now use the find feature (ie: #movie = TmdbMovie.find(:title => "Iron Man", :limit => 1) ) to find a random movie, without supplying the title of the Movie.
This is my rake file which worked with the older gem.
I would like to know how to have it work the same way but whilst using the find instead of the browse.
I don't think find is what you need in order to get what you want (getting the oldest movies in the database and working its way up to the newest movie). Looking at the TMDb API documentation, it looks like they now have discover that may have replaced the browse that you used to use.
I don't see discover anywhere in Irio's ruby-tmdb fork, but it looks like most of the specific methods they have (like TmdbMovie.find) call a generic method Tmdb.api_call.
You should be able to use the generic method to do something like:
api_return = Tmdb.api_call(
page: 1,
sort_by: 'release_date.asc',
query: '' # Necessary because Tmdb.api_call throws a nil error if you don't specify a query param value
results = api_return["results"]
results.delete_if &:nil?
results.map!{|m| TmdbMovie.new(m, true)} # `true` tells TmdbMovie.new to expand results
If this works, you could even fork Irio's fork, implement a TmdbMovie.discover method supporting all the options and handling edge cases like TmdbMovie.find does, and send them a pull request since it just looks like they haven't gotten around to implementing this yet and I'm sure other people would like to have this method as well :)

Not able to set meta data on a resque-status hash

As per the resque-status home page on GitHub I should be able to pass back data from a job. For some reason this does not seem to be working for me. If anyone else has encountered this problem and worked around it I would like to know how.
I am using resque-status with JRuby 1.6.5 in a Rails 3.2.3 application.
Passing back data from the job
You may want to save data from inside the job to access it from outside the job.
A common use-case is web-triggered jobs that create files, later available for download by the user.
A Status is actually just a hash, so inside a job you can do:
status['filename'] = '/myfilename'
Also, all the status setting methods take any number of hash arguments. So you could do:
complete('filename' => '/myfilename')
Apparently such functionality is not implemented, as read on
we've found a work around using the function set_status to add the required data to the status hash:
set_status({"my variable" => "my value" })
hope this helps!
