MyFaces Test Framework not working with JSF 2.1 - jsf-2

we have a lot of tests that uses Myfaces Test Framework for JSF 2.0.
Problem is we can't get it to work with JSF 2.1. Does anyone know a workaround or a way to solve this?
When we run the tests we get the following error: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Application was not properly initialized at startup, could not find Factory: javax.faces.application.ApplicationFactory
It works fine with jsf 2.0 though.
A typical use case in our code:
// code block;
assertFalse("Error message not expected. ", facesContext
JSF 2.1 has a few syntax changes so my guess would be that's the problem.

MyFaces Test 2.0 works with 2.0 and 2.1. In fact, MyFaces 2.1 uses myfaces-test20-1.0.4 as test dependency, and inside the code you can find a lot of tests using that library.


Weld 2.0.Final, Tomcat 7 and JSF 2.2

At the moment we use the above combination, with the exception that we are still on JSF 2.1.
But I do miss the View Scope very strong in the CDI environment, I tried to update to JSF 2.2 while keeping the rest in place.
Now I encountered several problems with the javax.faces.view.ViewScoped. Views are dropped even if the ViewId didn't change, and other strange effects.
Now, I wonder if the choosen combination is valid at all. Does Weld 2.0 support JSF 2.2 and vice versa ?

Cannot create a session after the response has been committed - PrettyFaces MultiPageMessagesSupport on Glassfish4

I have a Java EE app where I use JSF2 + PrettyFaces + EBJ3 + Glassfish
I just recently updated to Glassfish4 which is the default Server implementation for Java EE 7 and I started getting issues with PrettyFaces.
I have configured on my faces-config.xml:
to enable for Faces Messages to be passed around correctly and displayed on screen.
But since I upgraded from Glassfish3 to 4 I started getting this issue:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot create a session after the response has
been committed
at com.ocpsoft.pretty.faces.util.FacesMessagesUtils.saveMessages(FacesMe
at com.ocpsoft.pretty.faces.event.MultiPageMessagesSupport.afterPhase(Mu
If I remove the listener from faces-config.xml none of the Faces messages are displayed on screen.
I am using PrettyFaces to have nice well formatted URLs to enhance SEO on my site. I wish I couldn't have to replace it or refactor my app to not use it since I already mapped a lot of the navigation flow using it. Does somebody know a better option for this scenario?
I really appreciate any suggestions. Thanks.
I don't recommend to use MultiPageMessagesSupport if you are deploying to a "modern" container with JSF 2.2 support. The MultiPageMessagesSupport phase listener has been developed for JSF 1.x. JSF 2.x added support for persisting messages across redirects. Just execute this code before redirecting:

How do I use CODI Conversation? Specifically, how to end it?

Based on advice posted here and here, I looked into and installed MyFaces CODI with my application. My biggest concern was overcoming the shortcomings of Weld's implementation of #ConversationScoped feature. After some hiccups I got it running on my GlassFish 3.1 development platform, and I converted all my beans to use
import org.apache.myfaces.extensions.cdi.core.api.scope.conversation.ConversationScoped;
In the end it seems like I am now not much further along than I was before. I do not have to call the conversation.begin() method anymore, which is good, but the beans hang around after the browser has left the page and come back.
What I was hoping for was the functionality of JSF 2.0 #ViewScoped that works with CDI. Once the user leaves the page, the backing bean should be discarded and re-created again if the user comes back. Is there a way to do this with CODI?
Incidentally, the documentation says it will pick up the #ViewScoped annotations and process them properly. I tried this and got and Weld wouldn't deploy it.
P.S. I am using myfaces-extcdi-dist-jsf20 version 0.9.5. I tried installing the core and JSF 2 optional module akibe but it would not deploy on my GlassFish/Weld platform. Any advice here much appreciated.
UPDATE 1: I ended up trying the ViewAccessScope annotation supported by CODI, and that seems to do what I wanted.
Follow-up question. The latest bundle that the maven repository that Apache maintains is 0.9.5 -- Can someone post the pom.xml segment that fetches the latest version?
Call conversation.close() before returning - ensure that you imported the correct annotation org.apache... and not javax... - see Wiki or use the ViewAccessScope instead. We are using: bundle in Glassfish 3.1.1 without problems. myfaces-extcdi-bundle-jsf20-1.0.1.jar is the only jar you need. Please also note that there is no "it". With CODI you have fine-grained groupable conversations instead of the monolithic and inflexible stuff you get with standard CDI conversations.
The set-up for the latest version with a Maven build is also in the Wiki.

JSF 2 and Websphere 7.0 don't want to run

I am having some trouble with JSF2 and websphere 7.0. I have searched in the internet but nothing. The thing looks to be that websphere puts its 1.2 libraries and override my 2.0 libs. The app is working fine in apache-tomcat
Thirst of all, when i try to get an xhtml page (with simple html the app works, the problem is with jsf) the server shows the error:
could not find factory: javax.faces.context.FacesContextFactory
i've read that i had to use the "parent last" option in the class loader section, but it didn't worked. Then i went to jsp and jsf options on the web module properties, and there i can choose between Sun reference implementation 1.2 and MyFaces 1.2, the sun was selected, so i choose myfaces and now the error is another one: if i try to go to "something.xhtml", it redirects to "something.jsf", which doesn't exists..
any idea?
It seems that you didn't include the JSF implementation on your classpath.
Here's how I solved it.
Use the following library: javax.faces-2.1.7.jar
If you are on PrimeFaces 3.1: primefaces-3.1.1.jar
Application Server instance: Class Loading - Parent Last
Enterprise Application instance (war Module): Class Loading - Parent Last
Make sure to remove all Servlet Container libraries such as those needed by Tomcat.

Using Struts2 in NetBeans6.9

Im newly using Struts2 now,but previously i used to work with Struts1.3.While using struts2 with netbeans6.9 IDE i'm facing problem.Actually i want to know what's the real difference between struts1&2 on implementation?.Is there any difference between them in the development?
Perhaps this thread will help: Struts 1.x vs Struts 2.x
