I am using libsvm with precomputed kernels. I generated a precomputed kernel file for the example data set heart_scale and executed the function svmtrain(). It worked properly and the support vectors were identifed correctly, i.e. similar to standard kernels.
However, when I am trying to run svmpredict(), it gave different results for the precomputed model file. After digging through the code, I noticed that the svm_predict_values() function, requires the actual features of the support vectors, which is unavailable in precomputed mode. In precomputed mode, we only have the coefficient and index of each support vector, which is mistaken for its features by svmpredict().
Is this a issue or am I missing something.
(Please let me know how to run svmpredict() in precomputed mode.)
The values of the kernel evaluation between a test set vector, x, and each training set vector should be used as the test set feature vector.
Here are the pertinent lines from the libsvm readme:
New training instance for xi:
<label> 0:i 1:K(xi,x1) ... L:K(xi,xL)
New testing instance for any x:
<label> 0:? 1:K(x,x1) ... L:K(x,xL)
The libsvm readme is saying that if you have L training set vectors, where xi is a training set vector with i from [1..L], and a test set vector, x, then the feature vector for x should be
<label of x> 0:<any number> 1:K(x^{test},x1^{train}), 2:K(x^{test},x2^{train}) ... L:K(x^{test},xL^{train})
where K(u,v) is used to denote the output of the kernel function on with vectors u and v as the arguments.
I have included some example python code below.
The results from the original feature vector representation and the precomputed (linear) kernel are not exactly the same, but this is probably due to differences in the optimization algorithm.
from svmutil import *
import numpy as np
#original example
y, x = svm_read_problem('.../heart_scale')
m = svm_train(y[:200], x[:200], '-c 4')
p_label, p_acc, p_val = svm_predict(y[200:], x[200:], m)
#train the SVM using a precomputed linear kernel
#create dense data
max_key=np.max([np.max(v.keys()) for v in x])
arr=np.zeros( (len(x),max_key) )
for row,vec in enumerate(x):
for k,v in vec.iteritems():
#create a linear kernel matrix with the training data
K_train=np.zeros( (200,201) )
m = svm_train(y[:200], [list(row) for row in K_train], '-c 4 -t 4')
#create a linear kernel matrix for the test data
K_test=np.zeros( (len(x)-200,201) )
p_label, p_acc, p_val = svm_predict(y[200:],[list(row) for row in K_test], m)
My LightGBM regressor model returns negative values.
For XGBoost there is objective='count:poisson' hyperparameter in order to prevent returning negative predicitons.
Is there any chance to do this ?
Github issue => https://github.com/microsoft/LightGBM/issues/5629
LightGBM also supports poisson regression. For example, consider the following Python code.
import lightgbm as lgb
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot
# random Poisson-distributed target and one informative feature
y = np.random.poisson(lam=15.0, size=1_000)
X = y + np.random.normal(loc=10.0, scale=2.0, size=(y.shape[0], ))
X = X.reshape(-1, 1)
# fit a Poisson regression model
reg = lgb.LGBMRegressor(
reg.fit(X, y)
# get predictions
preds = reg.predict(X)
print("summary of predicted values")
print(f" * min: {round(np.min(preds), 3)}")
print(f" * max: {round(np.max(preds), 3)}")
# compare predicted distribution to the empirical one
bins = np.linspace(0, 30, 50)
pyplot.hist(y, bins, alpha=0.5, label='actual')
pyplot.hist(preds, bins, alpha=0.5, label='predicted')
pyplot.legend(loc='upper right')
This example uses Python 3.10 and lightgbm==3.3.3.
However... I don't recommend using Poisson regression just to achieve "no negative predictions". The Poisson loss function is intended to be used for cases where you believe your target is Poisson-distributed, e.g. it looks like counts of events observed over some regular interval like time or space.
Other options you might consider to try to achieve the behavior "never predict a negative number from LightGBM regression":
write a custom objective function in one of the interfaces that support it, like the R or Python package
post-process LightGBM's predictions, recoding negative values to 0
pre-process the target variable such that there are no negative values (e.g. dropping such observations, re-scaling, taking the absolute value)
LightGBM also facilitates an objective parameter which can be set to 'poisson'. Follow this link for more information.
An example for LGBMRegressor (scikit-learn API):
from lightgbm import LGBMRegressor
regressor = LGBMRegressor(objective='poisson')
I'm using sklearn for SVR (regression) using an RBF kernel. I'm want to know how the inference is done under the hood. I thought it was a function of the support vectors, function mean, and gamma, but it appears I'm missing one aspect (probably some scaling based on how close 2 points are.
Here is "my Equation" that I've tried in the graph's below.
out = mean
for vect in vectors:
out = out + (vect.y - mean) * math.exp(-(vect.x - x) ** 2 * gamma)
When I do just 2 points spaced away, my equation matches what skLearn reports with svr.predict.
With 3 training points and 2 close together, my equation does not match what svr.predict gives:
Given the support vectors, gamma, and mean, and anything else needed, what is the equation for SVR inference with RBF kernel? Can those be obtained from the sklearn svr class?
The equation that works for me using sklearn library and SVR inference with RBF kernel is as follows with python code:
# x and y is already defined, and is the training data for the SVR
svr = svm.SVR(kernel="rbf", C=C, gamma=gamma, epsilon=epsilon, tol=tol)
vectors = []
for i in svr.support_:
vectors.append([x[i][0], y[i]])
out = svr._intercept_[0]
for vect, coef in zip(vectors, svr._dual_coef_[0]):
out = out + coef * math.exp(-(vect[0] - x) ** 2 * gamma)
I found that svr._intercept_[0] contains the y offset for the function.
I found that svr._dual_coef_[0] contains the coefficients to multiply each of the exponentials by.
I found that svr.support_ contains the indexes of the elements in your training set used as the support vectors.
I realize I'm accessing what is intended to be accessed within the svr class only, however, I don't see an official API method for accessing these variables, and this is working for me for now.
I'm a beginner and making a linear regression model, when I make predictions on the basis of test sets, it works fine. But when I try to predict something for a specific value. It gives an error. The tutorial I'm watching, they don't have any errors.
dataset = pd.read_csv('Position_Salaries.csv')
X = dataset.iloc[:, 1:2].values
y = dataset.iloc[:, 2].values
# Fitting Linear Regression to the dataset
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
lin_reg = LinearRegression()
lin_reg.fit(X, y)
# Visualising the Linear Regression results
plt.scatter(X, y, color = 'red')
plt.plot(X, lin_reg.predict(X), color = 'blue')
plt.title('Truth or Bluff (Linear Regression)')
plt.xlabel('Position level')
# Predicting a new result with Linear Regression
ValueError: Expected 2D array, got scalar array instead:
Reshape your data either using array.reshape(-1, 1) if your data has a single feature or array.reshape(1, -1) if it contains a single sample.
According to the Scikit-learn documentation, the input array should have shape (n_samples, n_features). As such, if you want a single example with a single value, you should expect the shape of your input to be (1,1).
This can be done by doing:
import numpy as np
test_X = np.array(6.5).reshape(-1, 1)
You can check the shape by doing:
The reason for this is because the input can have many samples (i.e. you want to predict for multiple data points at once), or/and each sample can have many features.
Note: Numpy is a Python library to support large arrays and matrices. When scikit-learn is installed, Numpy should be installed as well.
i wanted to code the linear kernel regression in sklearn so i made this code :
model = LinearRegression()
weights = rbf_kernel(X_train,X_test)
for i in range(weights.shape[1]):
then i found that there is KernelRidge in sklearn :
model = KernelRidge(kernel='rbf')
pred = model.predict(X_train)
my question is:
1-what is the difference between these 2 codes?
2-in model.fit() that come after KernelRidge(), i found in the documentation that i can add a third argument "weight" to fit() function, i would i do that if i already applied a kernel function to the model?
What is the difference between these two code snippets?
Basically, they have nothing in common. Your first code snippet implements linear regression, with arbitrary set weights of samples. (How did you even come up with calling rbf_kernel this way?) This is still just a linear model, nothing more. You simply assigned (a bit randomly) which samples are important and then looped over features (?). This makes no sense at all. In general: what you have done with rbf_kernel is simply wrong; this is completely not how it is supposed to be used (and why it gave you errors when you tried to pass it to the fit method and you ended up doing a loop and passing each column separately).
Example of fitting such a model to data which is a cosine (thus 0 in mean):
I found in the documentation for the model.fit() function that comes after KernelRidge() that I can add a third argument, weight. Would I do that if I had already applied a kernel function to the model?
This is actual kernel method, kernel is not samples weighting. (One might use kernel function to assign weights, but this is not the meaning of kernel in "linear kernel regression" or in general "kernel methods".) Kernel is a method of introducing nonlinearity to the classifier, which comes from the fact that many methods (including linear regression) can be expressed as dot products between vectors, which can be substituted by kernel function leading to solving the problem in different space (Reproducing Hilbert Kernel Space), which might have very high complexity (like the infinite dimensional space of continuous functions induced by the RBF kernel).
Example of fitting to the same data as above:
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.kernel_ridge import KernelRidge
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
X = np.linspace(-10, 10, 100).reshape(100, 1)
y = np.cos(X)
for model in [LinearRegression(), KernelRidge(kernel='rbf')]:
model.fit(X, y)
p = model.predict(X)
plt.scatter(X[:, 0], y)
plt.plot(X, p)
I am trying to use RBFNN for point cloud to surface reconstruction but I couldn't understand what would be my feature vectors in RBFNN.
Can any one please help me to understand this one.
A goal to get to this:
From inputs like this:
An RBF network essentially involves fitting data with a linear combination of functions that obey a set of core properties -- chief among these is radial symmetry. The parameters of each of these functions is learned by incremental adjustment based on errors generated through repeated presentation of inputs.
If I understand (it's been a very long time since I used one of these networks), your question pertains to preprocessing of the data in the point cloud. I believe that each of the points in your point cloud should serve as one input. If I understand properly, the features are your three dimensions, and as such each point can already be considered a "feature vector."
You have other choices that remain, namely the number of radial basis neurons in your hidden layer, and the radial basis functions to use (a Gaussian is a popular first choice). The training of the network and the surface reconstruction can be done in a number of ways but I believe this is beyond the scope of the question.
I don't know if it will help, but here's a simple python implementation of an RBF network performing function approximation, with one-dimensional inputs:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def fit_me(x):
return (x-2) * (2*x+1) / (1+x**2)
def rbf(x, mu, sigma=1.5):
return np.exp( -(x-mu)**2 / (2*sigma**2));
# Core parameters including number of training
# and testing points, minimum and maximum x values
# for training and testing points, and the number
# of rbf (hidden) nodes to use
num_points = 100 # number of inputs (each 1D)
num_rbfs = 20.0 # number of centers
x_min = -5
x_max = 10
# Training data, evenly spaced points
x_train = np.linspace(x_min, x_max, num_points)
y_train = fit_me(x_train)
# Testing data, more evenly spaced points
x_test = np.linspace(x_min, x_max, num_points*3)
y_test = fit_me(x_test)
# Centers of each of the rbf nodes
centers = np.linspace(-5, 10, num_rbfs)
# Everything is in place to train the network
# and attempt to approximate the function 'fit_me'.
# Start by creating a matrix G in which each row
# corresponds to an x value within the domain and each
# column i contains the values of rbf_i(x).
center_cols, x_rows = np.meshgrid(centers, x_train)
G = rbf(center_cols, x_rows)
plt.title('Radial Basis Functions')
# Simple training in this case: use pseudoinverse to get weights
weights = np.dot(np.linalg.pinv(G), y_train)
# To test, create meshgrid for test points
center_cols, x_rows = np.meshgrid(centers, x_test)
G_test = rbf(center_cols, x_rows)
# apply weights to G_test
y_predict = np.dot(G_test, weights)
plt.title('Predicted function')
error = y_predict - y_test
plt.title('Function approximation error')
First, you can explore the way in which inputs are provided to the network and how the RBF nodes are used. This should extend to 2D inputs in a straightforward way, though training may get a bit more involved.
To do proper surface reconstruction you'll likely need a representation of the surface that is altogether different than the representation of the function that's learned here. Not sure how to take this last step.