iOS Save State when device turns off or battery drains - ios

I have an app that syncs records created on the phone with a web-server.
When app does not have internet connectivity, it store everything locally (Core Data) and then syncs it when internet is available again.
Now a user has come up with a valid user case scenario ... say he is in an airplane making records (without network) ... so everything is getting stored locally. All is well till the air hostess commands him to switch off the phone. While in the app he immediately turns if off. Now the data is getting lost. I am saving sate while app goes in background or even when phone is locked. But how do I warrant for this?
When user switches off the phone (long-pressing lock button), they still have to slide a bar and devices takes some time before switching off ... so there is some time I can save state in ... which delegate method is called during this time?

Your app will get applicationWillResignActive, applicationDidEnterBackground, applicationWillTerminate calls, in that order.
You can use applicationWillTerminate as a cue to save stuff.
However it is standard good practice to make sure your data is saved periodically as you go along and not just in these situations - what about if your user has entered lots of lots and data and then your app crashes, the data will be lost.
I'm not very familiar with Core Data but surely it must have atomic save ability.


Can I prevent iOS closing email compose window, losing user data

I have a group email app where customers create emails in a standard iOS compose window. If they write a long email, then switch apps to do a memory intensive task, iOS may close the compose window, losing the contents of their email.
Is there a way to prevent the window being closed? or a way to ensure iOS saves the email to drafts before closing it?
I am wondering if I am not retaining a link that I should be, perhaps?
Can anyone else confirm whether they see the same problem?
The best way to do this is to understand the App Life Cycle on iOS.
When the App is running in background, the method applicationWillTerminate will be called, this is one of your options to save the content of the email. But this method is not called every time, it is only called when your app isn't suspended or when the user reboots his device.
One solution is to save this data inside the method applicationDidEnterBackground, it is called as soon as your app starts to run in background. And reload the data inside application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions, this allows you to perform any final initialization before your app is displayed to the user.
Is there a way to prevent the window being closed? or a way to ensure iOS saves the email to drafts before closing it?
There's nothing you can do to prevent the window from being closed, because iOS is killing the app. What you can do is to save the email at some point before that happens. Since the user obviously can't modify the email while the app is in the background, saving the message when the app goes into the background would be a good choice. That way, you'll have the data saved if iOS does end up killing the app, and you can check to see if there's a saved message that needs to be restored when the app launches.
If you take that approach, though, you'll also have to figure out a way to help the user get back to their saved message, which means that you also need to keep track of how they got there in the first place so you can recreate that state. If it's just a simple message, maybe all you need to do is to open a message editor view and set it up with the saved message. In general, though, this can be a thorny problem. Luckily, Apple has provided a nice solution...
The View Controller Programming Guide for iOS has a section called Preserving and Restoring State, which explains how you can set your app up to automatically save and restore its state. With a relatively small amount of work, you can set your app up so that the user will never even notice that the app has restarted -- if they launch it after iOS has killed it, the app will recreate the view controllers so that it looks like the app was running the whole time, even if the device was shut down in the interim.

Bring terminated iOS app to Foreground state once internet is available

App works without internet and I'm storing user data in CSV file using xcode. When internet is available, I want to send this CSV file over the net weather the app is in terminated or suspended state. Is there a way around to bring app in foreground/background state from terminated/suspended state when internet is available?
Yes, but it will be pretty annoying.
Whenever you loose a server connection to an app's instance, schedule a push notification. When that gets handled (e.g. the device is online and receiving the push), you may start a background task that uploads the data.
Besides abusing the push notification service and annoying your users (because of the decreasing battery life from the persistent networking and constant push notifications), you will need a massive back end to hold connections to all active app installations.
So, yes, but please don't.
Since the data may only change when the app is 'alive', can't you rely on background fetch and background upload tasks, queueing unsuccessful uploads?

How to run run a process frequently as a background service ios

I am working on ios app that used to read ticket data as a barcode scanner. It needs to upload data frequently to a web server, Like two or three times a day. I have done the sync function. I just wanted to run the function when the app is run in background.
This is not possible on iOS, Apple is not allowing any kind of background service on iOS.
The options you are left with is setting your apps background mode to fetch and implement application:performFetchWithCompletionHandler:. But it is totally up to ios if and when this method is called.
You could misuse one of the other background modes to keep your app open in the background, but Apple might reject your app for doing so. Also user might complain about you app draining battery.
What kind of data is that you need that you have to update it two to three times a day? I would say the when the app is opened by the user would be a good time to update, because this is when the user is expecting new data.
If you need to inform the user about some data changes you should be pull it in the app but a server should send a push notification to inform the user that there is new data.

icloud core data sync

I am starting out with building a iOS app which will utilize core data and will sync its data with other devices through iCloud. I was thinking of giving a "Sync" button so that the data is not modified at random moments by data from iCloud. The following situation would then occur :-
User A is working on device A and adds two records. User B is currently working on device B and does not press the Sync Button. At night, the user B decides to update the data in device B and presses the Sync Button (I have the following questions regarding this situation) :-
Can the method mergeChangesFromContextDidSaveNotification insert those two records after the Sync button is pressed ? (I think it can. However, just want to confirm before proceeding ahead with this model)
Is it possible to access the properties of those two objects before inserting them into the database of device B ?
I do not think that iCloud is designed for your use case. iCloud syncs data across devices for the same user i.e. one that is logged in with the same Apple ID in more than one device. The idea is that when the user opens the app on a different device, he can continue working with the data he created / modified on another device before.
There is quite a bit of latency in the updates, so even if you enable / disable syncing via a "Sync" button the actual delivery time is not guaranteed and can take pretty long in some cases depending on connection speeds, chance, the state of Apple servers, etc.
Instead, you could devise a customised solution based on your own server and data scheme.
Since you're using iCloud with Core Data-- no, you can't do anything like this. When iCloud syncs Core Data changes, it does so in the background. It downloads the changes, saves them to the data store, and then, after it's done it tells you about the change that has already happened. Calling mergeChangesFromContextDidSaveNotification does not save the changes-- they're already saved. What that call does is update your managed object context with new data from the persistent store. You get notified of new insertions after they have already happened. Think of the "did import" notification as if it were a "did save" notification from another thread, telling you about something that's already finished.
Now, if you have already loaded a managed object when you receive the import notification, you could compare its current properties to those from the most recent incoming change update. If you don't already have the object in memory, you can't get its old values, because they've already been overwritten.

iOS app upload data to server as soon as network is available

I have an app that tracks wildlife where the user enters data based on their observations (eg. user enters they see 3 moose). The data is then uploaded to a server. However, because this app will be used out in the field where there is often no internet connection, I want to save data if there is no connection, and upload the data as soon as the network is available
I know about Reachability, but it looks like I can only check if the internet connection is available at that moment, and doesn't check in the background for internet connectivity
So to summarize:
If there is an internet connection when users submits data, then that's fine.
If there is no internet connection, when user submits data, I want to save this data. As soon as there is an internet connection, I want the data to be uploaded, without needing the user to open up the app again. I can't rely on the user to open the app again causing the data to be submitted, because they will likely only use this app out of the range of cell towers, and will likely NEVER run the app in a location with a network connection, so it would have to automatically submit this data for them.
Looking around, I can't find an answer so I'm beginning to this even possible?
No, Apple don't allow applications to run indefinitely in the background for this purpose, and they don't allow applications to be triggered remotely or anything of that nature. At best you could have your application run in the background to get notifications about major location changes, but you'd have to have it as a proper feature rather than a hack to get around this limitation, otherwise your application won't get approved by Apple.
I know it's possible to utilize the network in the background but only for a limited time after the user closes the app. You could create a timer which checks for a network connection (using Reachability or by pinging Google) and set the timer to fire every minute after the app closes. It's not a very efficient solution but it may work. You should look into how long you can maintain a connection after the app close though, I think it is 5-10 minutes.
