Rotate/Resize Controls behave unexpectedly when JQueryUI widgets are used with Fabric.js - jquery-ui

I just discovered Fabric.js and though the documentation is a lacking a bit, it seems like it will handle everything I need for an HTML-based Dream Board tool I'm building. It appears that it doesn't play well with JQueryUI, though.
When I set any of my objects to be JQueryUI widgets, button, dialog box, etc...the control handles seem to be non responsive on the top half of my canvas items, and even on the bottom, the hit areas for resizing/rotating are greatly reduced, which makes the items hard to manipulate. Has anyone run into this? Is this a known issue? I checked github and have tried to search SO to no avail.
Thank you! - No JQuery UI Widgets...behaves how I'd expect. - Click 'Add Image', you'll get an image, but compared to the other page, you'll notice that the corners of the image aren't as can move the image ok, but rotating and scaling is ver hit-or-miss.

The problem must be in offsets. jQueryUI is probably modifying height of those buttons, which moves canvas slightly down, comparing to how it was during initialization.
I explained this — and why it happens in Fabric — in more detail here.


iPad viewport issue with some elements and not others

I have a site ( that scales properly for everything except the menu bar. It's a fixed width site and I've set the viewport meta tag appropriately. For some reason, the menu items are scaling up instead of down so they wrap instead of fitting as they should.
Anyone seen anything like this before?
The issue is only on the iPad, not on 'real' computers. The scaling issue is there on Chrome on the iPad as well. The menu should have 5 items, but the last two wrap and because it's white lettering on white back ground, you might not have noticed it.

Delphi: Right aligned panel flickers upon resizing form

it should be simple but I don't find how to do it.
I create a form with a right aligned panel that I color in blue for example.
If I grab my forms left edge and resize it back and forth horizontally quickly, I would like the right panel not to move or flicker. As its position is unchanged, there is no reason why it should not stay completely steady. Does anybody know a simple trick to solve this apparently simple problem?
This is just a fact of life with Windows GUI apps. You can see the same effect in a WinForms app and indeed even in mainstream Windows apps. For example, open an Explorer window and do exactly the same operation, resize by grabbing the left hand edge of the window. You will see exactly the same effect. You can see the same effect by resizing from any edge. Word and Excel behave in the same way.
My guess is that Windows repaints in the sizing loop before it sends the resizing message that allows the app to realign its controls.

Is Flash Player "Low quality" setting only about anti-aliasing?

It not just my curiosity, recently I've received a bugreport concerning one of my AS3 applications. This bug can be reproduced only if the quality in flash player is set to LOW (HIGH/MEDIUM - everything is ok). The bug changes the application behaviour, but it's a mystery for me, why it happens only for LOW quality while quality is said to influence rendering and visual appearance, not the code or behaviour.
Briefly, I have a menu panel (MovieClip) with several items (also MovieClips). Very simple, it appears on a screen after a MouseEvent and a user moves a cursor from one element down to another. When the cursor reaches the edge of the second item, the menu suddenly disappears.
In my code panel hiding is set on mouse click or mouse out.
Personally, I think, that the problem is in Tweener, I have to use that old piece of code. The menu panel is shown when mouse is above a user icon, and concurrently with the help of Tweener I produce some simple effects on this icon.
I have explored adobe and firefox (my app is for web browsers and the bug is reported for firefox) bugtrackers, but so far I have found nothing. Maybe misbehaviour of flash player 11 with Arrays, already fixed... I've run out of ideas.
From the docs:
Specifies low rendering quality: graphics are not anti-aliased, and bitmaps are not smoothed.
If it only happens when rendering it set to low, then it's probably a timing issue - i.e., the bug has always been there, but because you're wrapping up rendering earlier, you can trigger then bug. Is the bug reporter's computer a slow one? Is there a lot happening at once? Is the menu being removed, set to invisible, or repositioned?
Like #jeremynealbrown said, try and separate out your class to a simple project to make sure there's nothing wrong with your logic there.
Another method, override the removeChild() method, and visible and x and y properties to see which one is setting it, then put traces before all calls that call these to see what's triggering it.
If you think the problem is in Tweener, add a MOUSE_OVER listener to the menu panel that calls something like removeAllTweens(), no matter the state of the menu panel. If the bug doesn't happen anymore, this will show you that it's related to the tween engine.

Help with html select replacement

I hate default select control, that's because it can't be styled in IE using CSS.
This is why I developed a new select control from scratch, using HTML + CSS + JavaScript.
I did a great job in the past two days matching CSS and HTML together, but today I discovered a bug wich looks very hard for me to fix.
In IE 7, when I have tow controls on the same page, the one from top does not overlay the one from bottom.
See the image: coolrgb dot com/files/select-help.jpg
Download the demo page (HTML + CSS + Javascript): coolrgb dot com/files/
Please help me, this control looks so nice for me and I want to use it on all my projects from now on. This bug killed my hopes and lot of time.
Thank you.
If you give each control the same z-index, then you will not have control over the stacking order.
I would suggest modifying your control to behave more like a real SELECT element: only one can be open at a time, or losing focus causes it to close. Alternately, you can set a high z-index when the control has focus, and a lower one when it does not.
Another thing to look out for: try putting some other controls like radio, checkbox, and select under your control. You might find that IE also will not hover over those even if you give them a different z-index (as #grawity explained in his answer). This is why you'll typically see widget demos displayed on top of these elements, as shown here:
A typical hack to fix this is to use an iframe, but that probably deserves a different question altogether.
Edit: After rereading the question, this answer now seems totally unrelated, but I'm keeping it here anyway.
Not really an answer, but an attempt to explain:
In Internet Explorer, <select> tags are implemented as simple windowed controls, while all other elements are windowless controls (this allows them to be styled). That's why these tags are always on top and don't follow the z-order rules. (The drop-down menu part must be styleable so it's a windowless control, and so it shows under the main part.)
In Firefox all elements are windowless, and in IE8 they should be too.

Seeking a way to have a "Hover button" to expand a section

i have a flow panel that i'm adding extra items to it at runtime based on whether they have chosen to show all the items. that's all works fine; the expansion is controlled by a toolbar button.
the trouble is we'd like the user to be able to move his mouse over the "+" sign to expand the section.
initially i looked at TSpeedButton (OnMouseEnter) but even when it's "Flat", the focus rectangle still shows and so the glyph isn't centered. the main problem with this solution is it's appearance.
then i looked at making a descendant of TImage. that's a bit "unconventional" but it'd work. in OnMouseEnter or OnClick, it'd toggle an internal boolean "Expanded" flag and then load the appropriate picture from a resource. i have a dislike for unconventional solutions like that.
i need to add it to a few different screens so it's probably prudent for me to have/build a component for this. i have JVCL but i don't see anything suitable offhand.
thank you for your comments/help!
I always liked the approach used by the ModelMaker Code Explorer.
For example, when you're adding a new method, some rarely-used stuff is displayed collapsed ('Options and Directives' in the image below).
When you hover over the text, you notice that it's actually a flat button. (Except that it's not - I believe Gerrit does some custom painting magic here).
When you click this button, a panel appears. Button is still there, but with a new image. You can click it to close the panel.
The state of this toggle button is preserved between sessions. IOW, even if you restart the Delphi, next tima you invoke 'Add Method', the 'Options and Directives' panel will appear exactly as you left it the last time.
i have a dislike for unconventional solutions like that.
Over the past few years, I have grown a bit suspicious of unconventional UI solutions — which is what you seem to be creating here. Why not just use a button that the user actually has to click? That seems to be much more common in the software I use, be it MS Office or programming utilities. Also, I'd make the button somewhat larger: in the screenshot, it really seems like a tiny little thing you have to target with your mouse cursor. Oh well, and if I'm bugging you with advise you haven't asked for anyway, why not give it ">>" as a caption instead of "+"? And if you'd give it a textual caption with a mnemonic as well, it'd actually be keyboard accessible. All this should make your UI better and more intuitive. I guess.
I do apologize for not answering your question, but I hope you'll spend 2 minutes thinking whether your users would actually prefer this solution :-)
Good luck!
Actually, I think that using a TImage in this situation is pretty conventional. I have seen many people suggest using the TImage, when either the TButton, or any of its associates did not have the right amount of control for whatever the developer was trying to do.
Have you tried a TBitBtn? I think when you get rid of the text it centers whatever image you have associated with it. I just checked in Delphi 6, all I have installed on this machine, and it had the MouseMove event.
