do some calculations in a table using dropdowncombo - delphi

I have a field in my database called 'Stock'. It displays how many items are there remaining for sale.Now I have a dropdowncombo with values like 1,2,3 etc... So now when I select an item in the grid and click the button SELL I would like the 'Stock' field of the item in question (in the grid) to decrease by the amount that was in the combo. So if the 'stock' was 100 and I sell 5 (dropdowncombo value) I would like the grid value to display now 95. I hope you know what I mean... I could do this with inserting a calculated field but I do not want to. Better an UPDATE ... Any ideas
something like UPDATE MyTable set STOCK = (Mytable.fieldbyname('stock').asInteger - dropdowncombo1.value)
dont have delphi here with me so unsure does this work on selected record in the grid...

abstable.FieldByName('stock').value := abstable.FieldByName('stock').value - strtoint(cxcombobox1.text);
This does the job ...


In Tableau how do I use RANK to calculate an "OTHER" field?

I'm new to Tableau so this may be an easy question about computations using RANK. I can't find any tableau HELP or other stack-overflow answer to this. Maybe this is a GROUP question. Maybe it's about OTHER.
I have a data set of 160 countries ( rows ) with a field for jetfuel consumption for each country.
I just want to make a bar chart like the attached image showing the 20 highest fuel-consumption countries by name ranked by jetfuel_consumption ( I can do that much) AND an 21st row computed country name titled "Rest of world" summing the remaining 140 countries together as if it were just another country like the bottom of this model .
I have a working valid computed field labelled "myrank" = RANK(AVG([Jetfuel Consumption]),'desc')
My thought was to simply calculate a new text field that would equal the country name for rank < 21 and then be the string "Rest of World" otherwise.
Such as:
IF ( [therank] < 11 ) [Country] ELSE "Rest of World" END
But that is not valid for an unspecified reason. I know I'm confused already about how to just specify the value of a field without something like SUM or AVG or AGG wrapping it, but this is a larger question.
What's the right way to make this view?
I've created simple dataset:
And I want to group TOP 3 countries by Consumption.
To do it I should create a set (click on Country in Dimension) and select TOP 3 By SUM(Cosumption):
Then create a calculated field to show Countries IN Set and "Others".
IF [Country Set] is a boolean expression "The country IN a set".
Drag and Drop corresponding fields and configure sort, for example:
Sets are convenient to dynamically change, expand and customize any visualization. More detailed:

Automatically fill out textbox doble clicking on an item in a listbox

Another beginners question, but this time about MS Access Controls.
I have a form where I have a list box full with many items.
What I need to do is when I double click on one of this item stored in the list box should all the textbox filled with an item stored on a different field from the same row where from my table.
I checked many tutorials already but didn't found a good solution.
Thanks for any help!
I have a table with several fields. The list box have the items from the first field(ID). The rest of the fields(Tile, Delivery Date, etc...) represented by text boxes in my form.
When I double Click on one item from the list box will populate the text boxes.
If I select the 5th item from my list box which represents the 5th row from my table every text box should have their item from the same row from the fields represented in the table.
I only want to edit the data stored in the table with this form.
Ok I finally get a solution for this one.
I using the DLOOKUP to get the data pulled to my form after the double-click event.
Dim ctrloop
For Each ctrloop In Me.lbReportID.ItemsSelected
strReportID = Me.lbReportID.ItemData(ctrloop)
Next ctrloop
Me.txtTitle = DLookup("[Title]", "tblreports", "[ID No] = '" & strReportID & "'")
The loop stores all report ID I have in my table. The DLOOKUP using this as a filter. It's like the WHERE in SQL.
When the program run will fill out my Title textbox looking through the title field in my tblreports table filtered with the strReportID.
It's working similarly like this SQL query which I using in a different textbox:
SELECT tblReports.[ID No]
FROM tblReports
WHERE (((tblReports.WorkPacage) = 'CDS'))
AND (((tblReports.State) <> 'Complete'));

Checkbox (or SOMETHING) to activate a row in Google Sheets

My wife runs a dance school, and occasionally needs to calculate the average age on a given date of a group of dancers. I'm not having a problem with the age calculation and averaging, but I wish to add a feature:
My sheet has all dancers in her company listed. Currently, we copy them all, paste to another sheet, and then delete the ones not included. That's a PITA, so instead I'd like to be able to put a checkbox in the first column, that when checked, would INCLUDE the associated age column in the calculation. So, she could just go down the list, click the included dancers, and it would calculate the average JUST for the selected ones and ignore everybody else.
Honestly, at this point, I have ZERO idea of where to start to do this and need a gentle push in the correct direction. Assume I'm an idiot and know almost nothing.
Here's an example sheet with the new checkbox feature to illustrate the function:
I placed the formula above the "Age" column (Column C), and the Checkboxes in Column A:
This also displays an error message in case no dancer's are selected.
Try this. It looks for 'y' in column A. Assumes names are in column B and ages in column C. You can adjust the columns to match you sheet, and change the 'y' to whatever value you want to enter. It will average the ages of the rows with 'y' in column A:

Printing sheets of labels in SSRS 2008 based on data in a table and specific quantities per label

I need to come up with a form in SSRS 2008 that prints labels based on information stored in a table or tables. So far I have been unsuccessful in my online searching. How do I tell SSRS that I want the KitOrder.QuantityCommitted quantity of labels to print for each item? (each item has it's own quantity) I will likely be printing labels for 20-30 items at a time. In case it's helpful to know, there are 18 blank labels per sheet.
edited 10/01/15
Sorry, I played around with with the example you gave and wasn't able to get my report to work. I am not an expert with SSRS.
I have 2 tables I am using to get the info I need for the labels and only need the columns listed below the table names at this point.
KitOrder INNER JOIN Item
KitOrderNumber ItemNumber
Quantity ItemDescription
I am using KitOrderNumber from a dropdown box - IN(#KitOrderNumber) - as my Parameter. The ItemNumber and ItemDescription print on the label. Would there be some custom code I could use that would return 3 labels when KitOrder.Quantity = 3 instead of just 1 label?
Edited 10/05/15 - I was finally able to get my report to work as needed. Thanks so much for your help. The sqlfiddle was quite helpful to me.
I hate when people suggest this when it's not necessary but I think this is one of the times that you'll need to manipulate your data in SQL before the report.
I can't think of an easy way to do it with SSRS that doesn't involve a lot of code.
You create a temp table with your possible quantities then cross join your table to create a separate record for each product based on the number in your Quantity field.
;WITH Quantities AS (
SELECT 1 + Num
FROM Quantities
WHERE Num <= 30
Select * from Products
CROSS JOIN Quantities
WHERE Num <= Quantity
This assumes that your data is in a table called Products.
If you have a query, you can SELECT your fields INTO a #Temp table and use that in the Select statement.
For the report, you can set the Columns peoperty on the Report to use as many columns as your label sheet has.
Here's an SQLFiddle I made that you can play with:!3/bb413/2

Delphi QuantumGrid GetSelectedRowIndex after sorting

I have D2006 and I am using DevExpress QuantumGrid 6 in a project. I am using it in unbound mode. I have several rows and I need to trigger an action when user select a row and click a button. That works fine when the grid is not sorted by user. I use this code to know the row the user has selected:
index := cxMainTable.DataController.GetSelectedRowIndex(0);
cxMainTable.DataController.Values[index, 0];
But when the user sort the grid by clicking in a column header, the index returned is right for the current order displayed but the values the second line returns is the value that you would expect if the grid was not sorted.
You have to distinguish between records and rows.
Maybe TableView.DataController.FocusedRecordIndex is what you want?
