Showing full expected and value information when ?_assertEqual fails - erlang

I'm coding a unit test where a (rather lengthy) binary is generated, and I want to assert that the generated binary equals the one I expect to be generated. I'm running eunit through "rebar eunit".
Thing is, when this assertion fails, the output is abreviated with "...", and I want to see the complete output so I can spot where the difference is.
I'm now using "?debugFmt()" as a temporary solution, but I'd like to know if there's an alternative to it (a config option or argument somewhere that can be applied to "?_assertEqual()" so the output is only shown when the assertion fails).
Thanks in advance!
EDIT: Due to legoscia's answer, I'm including a test sample using a test generator, with multiple asserts:
can_do_something(SetupData) ->
% ... some code ...
[?_assertEqual(Expected1, Actual1), ?_assertEqual(Expected2, Actual2)].

The best I can think of for actually showing the value in the console is something like this:
Actual =:= Expected orelse ?assert(?debugFmt("~p is not ~p", [Actual, Expected]))
?debugFmt returns ok, which is not true, so the assertion will always fail.
Alternatively, to use it as a test generator, the entire thing can be put inside ?_assert:
?_assert(Actual =:= Expected orelse ?debugFmt("~p is not ~p", [Actual, Expected]))

The way I usually achieve this is by having Eunit output XML files (in "Surefire" format, AKA "Junit" format). The XML files have much higher limits for term print depth, and thus probably contain the information you need.
Add this to your rebar.config:
%% eunit truncates output from tests - capture full output in
%% XML files in .eunit
Then you can find the results for module foo in .eunit/TEST-foo.xml. I find the files quite readable in a text editor.

1). Open your eunit sources. In my system:
cd /usr/lib/erlang/lib/eunit-2.3.2/src
2). Edit eunit_lib.erl in such way:
< format_exception(Exception, 20).
> format_exception(Exception, 99999).
3). sudo erlc -I ../include eunit_lib.erl
4). mv eunit_lib.beam ../ebin
5). Have a good day))

This PR introduces print_depth option to eunit:test/2:
eunit:test(my_test, [{print_depth, 200}]).
It should be available starting from OTP-23.
Setting print_depth to a larger number will decrease truncation of the output.


Understanding the output of with_stdout

Acordding to the documentation of maxima, with_stdout is a function that evaluates some expressions and writes the output according to this expressions to a file f. I tried to use this function with a simple example:
with_stdout ("data.txt", for x:0 thru 10 do print (x, x^2, x^3))$
But the output look like this:
<mth><n>0</n><st> </st><n>0</n><st> </st><n>0</n><st> </st></mth><mth><n>1</n><st> </st><n>1</n><st> </st><n>1</n><st> </st></mth><mth><n>2</n><st> </st><n>4</n><st> </st><n>8</n><st> </st></mth><mth><n>3</n><st> </st><n>9</n><st> </st><n>27</n><st> </st></mth><mth><n>4</n><st> </st><n>16</n><st> </st><n>64</n><st> </st></mth><mth><n>5</n><st> </st><n>25</n><st> </st><n>125</n><st> </st></mth><mth><n>6</n><st> </st><n>36</n><st> </st><n>216</n><st> </st></mth><mth><n>7</n><st> </st><n>49</n><st> </st><n>343</n><st> </st></mth><mth><n>8</n><st> </st><n>64</n><st> </st><n>512</n><st> </st></mth><mth><n>9</n><st> </st><n>81</n><st> </st><n>729</n><st> </st></mth><mth><n>10</n><st> </st><n>100</n><st> </st><n>1000</n><st> </st></mth>
instead of writting a table with three columns as it is supposed to do.
I don't even understand the first output. What I am missunderstanding or missing here?
It seems there is a bug triggered by Wxmaxima, I don't know if it is on maxima aswell.
Apparently wxMaxima overrides the default print function to generate XML tags (stuff like <foo> ... </foo>) which wxMaxima uses to indicate how stuff is displayed. I don't know if it's possible to directly call the default print function in wxMaxima; maybe, maybe not.
I can see a few options. (1) Call grind instead, which outputs the so-called 1-dimensional output. That's probably more suitable for file output anyway.
(2) Call printf, e.g. printf(true, "~a, ~a, ~a~%", x, x^2, x^3). printf recognizes many output options, as described by ? printf. It's possible printf calls are also intercepted by wxMaxima, I haven't tried it.
(3) Use the plain text, console Maxima interface, then print is sure to be the default.

Erlang regexp matching on Chinese characters

25> re:run("йцу.asd", xmerl_regexp:sh_to_awk("*.*"), [{capture, none}]).
** exception error: bad argument
in function re:run/3
called as re:run([1081,1094,1091,46,97,115,100],
How to make this work? 'йцу' are characters that don't belong in a latin charset, obviously; is there a way to tell the re module or entire system to run with a different charset for "strings"?
ORIGINAL QUESTION (for the record):
Another "Programming Erlang" question )
in Chapter 16 there's an example about reading tags from the mp3 files. It works, great. But, there seems to be some bug in a provided module, lib_find, which has a function for searching a path for matching files. This is the call that works:
61> lib_find:files("../..", "*.mp3", true).
and this call fails:
62> lib_find:files("../../..", "*.mp3", true).
** exception error: bad argument
in function re:run/3
called as re:run([46,46,47,46,46,47,46,46,47,46,107,101,114,108,47,98,117,
in call from lib_find:find_files/6 (lib_find.erl, line 29)
in call from lib_find:find_files/6 (lib_find.erl, line 39)
in call from lib_find:files/3 (lib_find.erl, line 17)
Ironically, the investigation led to finding the culprit in Erlang's own installation:
OK, this seems to mean Erlang is using a more restrictive default charset, which doesn't include hànzì. What are the options? Obviously, I can just ignore this and move on with my study, but I feel I can learn more from this one =) Such as - where/how can I fix the default charset? I'm a little surprised it's something other than UTF8 by default - so maybe I'm on a wrong track?
UTF-8 regexs are accessible by putting the regex pattern into unicode mode with the option unicode. (Note below that the string "^(.*\\..*)$" is the result of your call to xmerl_regexp:sh_to_awk/1.)
1> re:run("なにこれ.txt", "^(.*\\..*)$").
** exception error: bad argument
in function re:run/2
called as re:run([12394,12395,12371,12428,46,116,120,116],"^(.*\\..*)$")
2> re:run("なにこれ.txt", "^(.*\\..*)$", [unicode]).
And from your exact example:
11> re:run("йцу.asd", "^(.*\\..*)$", [unicode, {capture, none}]).
12> {ok, Pattern} = re:compile("^(.*\\..*)$", [unicode]).
13> re:run("йцу.asd", Pattern, [{capture, none}]).
The docs for re are pretty long and extensive, but that's because regexs are an inherently complex subject. You can find options for compiled regexs in the docs for re:compile/2 and the options for run in the docs for re:run/3.
Erlang has settled on the idea that strings, though still a list of codepoints, are all UTF-8 everywhere. As I work in Japan and deal with this all the time, this has come as a big relief to me because I can stop using about half of the conversion libraries I had needed in the past (yay!), but has complicated matters a bit for users of the string module because many operations there now perform under slightly different assumptions (a string is still considered "flat" even if it is a deep list of grapheme clusters, so long as those clusters exist on the first level of the list).
Unfortunately, encodings are just not very easy things to deal with and UTF-8 is anything but simple once you step out of the most common representations -- so much of this is a work in progress. I can tell you with confidence, though, that dealing with UTF-8 data in binary, string, deep list, and io_data() forms, whether file names, file data, network data, or user input from WX or web forms works as expected once you read the unicode, regex and string docs.
But that is, of course, a lot of stuff to get familiar with. 99% of the time things will work as expected if you decode everything incoming from outside as UTF-8 using unicode:characters_to_list/1 and unicode:characters_to_binary/1, and specify binary strings as utf8 binary types everywhere:
3> UnicodeBin = <<"この文書はUTF-8です。"/utf8>>.
4> UnicodeString = unicode:characters_to_list(UnicodeBin).
5> io:format("~ts~n", [UnicodeString]).
6> re:run(UnicodeString, "UTF-8", [unicode]).
7> re:run(UnicodeBin, "UTF-8", [unicode]).
8> unicode:characters_to_binary(UnicodeString).
9> unicode:characters_to_binary(UnicodeBin).

How to make the output of Maxima cleaner?

I want to make use of Maxima as the backend to solve some computations used in my LaTeX input file.
I did the following steps.
Step 1
Download and install Maxima.
Step 2
Create a batch file named cas.bat (for example) as follows.
rem cas.bat
echo off
set PATH=%PATH%;"C:\Program Files (x86)\Maxima-5.31.2\bin"
maxima --very-quiet -r %1 > solution.tex
Save the batch in the same directory in which your input file below exists. It is just for the sake of simplicity.
Step 3
Create the input file named main.tex (for example) as follows.
% main.tex
Evaluate $\f(x)$ for $x=\frac 1 2$.
\immediate\write18{cas "x: 1/2;tex(\f(x));"}
Step 4
Compile the input file with pdflatex -shell-escape main and you will get a nice output as follows.
Step 5
Apparently the output of Maxima is as follows. I don't know how to make it cleaner.
Now, my question are
how to remove such texts?
how to obtain just \frac{15}{4} without $$...$$?
(1) To suppress output, terminate input expressions with dollar sign (i.e. $) instead of semicolon (i.e. ;).
(2) To get just the TeX-ified expression sans the environment delimiters (i.e. $$), call tex1 instead of tex. Note that tex1 returns a string, which you have to print yourself (while tex prints it for you).
Combining these ideas with the stuff you showed, I think your program could look like this:
"x: 1/2$ print(tex1(\f(x)))$"
I think you might find the Maxima mailing list helpful. I'm pretty sure there have been several attempts to create a system such as the one you describe. You can also look at the documentation.
I couldn't find any way to completely clean up Maxima's output within Maxima itself. It always echoes the input line, and always writes some whitespace after the output. The following is an example of a perl script that accomplishes the cleanup.
use strict;
my $var = $ARGV[0];
my $expr = $ARGV[1];
sub do_maxima_to_tex {
my $m = shift;
my $c = "maxima --batch-string='exptdispflag:false; print(tex1($m))\$'";
my $e = `$c`;
my #x = split(/\(%i\d+\)/,$e); # output contains stuff like (%i1)
my $f = pop #x; # remove everything before the echo of the last input
while ($f=~/\A /) {$f=~s/\A .*\n//} # remove echo of input, which may be more than one line
$f =~ s/\\\n//g; # maxima breaks latex tokens in the middle at end of line; fix this
$f =~ s/\n/ /g; # if multiple lines, get it into one line
$f =~ s/\s+\Z//; # get rid of final whitespace
return $f;
my $e1 = do_maxima_to_tex("diff($expr,$var,1)");
my $e2 = do_maxima_to_tex("diff($expr,$var,2)");
print <<TEX;
The first derivative is \$$e1\$. Differentiating a second time,
we get \$$e2\$.
If you name this script, then doing z 3*z^4
outputs this:
The first derivative is $12\,z^3$. Differentiating a second time,
we get $36\,z^2$.
For the OP's application, a script like this one could be what is invoked by the write18 in the latex file.
If you really want to use LaTeX then the maxiplot package is the answer. It provides a maxima environment inside of which you enter Maxima commands. When you process your LaTeX file a Maxima batch file is generated. Process this file with Maxima and process your LaTeX file again to typeset the equations generated by Maxima.
If you would rather have 2D math input with live typesetting then use TeXmacs. It is a cross-platform document authoring environment (a word processor on steroids if you like) that includes plugins for Maxima, Mathematica and many more scientific computing tools. If you need to or are not satisfied with the typesetting, you can export your document to LaTeX.
I know this is a very old post. Excellent answers for the question asked by OP. I was using --very-quiet -r options on the command line for a long time like OP, but in maxima version 5.43.2 they behave differently. See maxima command line v5.43 is behaving differently than v5.41. I am answering this question with a cross reference because when incorporating these answers in your solutions, make sure the changes in behavior of those command line flags are also incorporated.

Easiest way to remove Latex tag (but not its content)?

I am using TeXnicCenter to edit a LaTeX document.
I now want to remove a certain tag (say, emph{blabla}} which occurs multiple times in my document , but not tag's content (so in this example, I want to remove all emphasization).
What is the easiest way to do so?
May also be using another program easily available on Windows 7.
Edit: In response to regex suggestions, it is important that it can deal with nested tags.
Edit 2: I really want to remove the tag from the text file, not just disable it.
Using a regular expression do something like s/\\emph\{([^\}]*)\}/\1/g. If you are not familiar with regular expressions this says:
s -- replace
/ -- begin match section
\\emph\{ -- match \emph{
( -- begin capture
[^\}]* -- match any characters except (meaning up until) a close brace because:
[] a group of characters
^ means not or "everything except"
\} -- the close brace
and * means 0 or more times
) -- end capture, because this is the first (in this case only) capture, it is number 1
\} -- match end brace
/ -- begin replace section
\1 -- replace with captured section number 1
/ -- end regular expression, begin extra flags
g -- global flag, meaning do this every time the match is found not just the first time
This is with Perl syntax, as that is what I am familiar with. The following perl "one-liners" will accomplish two tasks
perl -pe 's/\\emph\{([^\}]*)\}/\1/g' filename will "test" printing the file to the command line
perl -pi -e 's/\\emph\{([^\}]*)\}/\1/g' filename will change the file in place.
Similar commands may be available in your editor, but if not this will (should) work.
Crowley should have added this as an answer, but I will do that for him, if you replace all \emph{ with { you should be able to do this without disturbing the other content. It will still be in braces, but unless you have done some odd stuff it shouldn't matter.
The regex would be a simple s/\\emph\{/\{/g but the search and replace in your editor will do that one too.
Edit: Sorry, used the wrong brace in the regex, fixed now.
any reasonably advanced editor should let you do a search/replace using regular expressions, replacing emph{bla} by bla etc.

Correct word-count of a LaTeX document

I'm currently searching for an application or a script that does a correct word count for a LaTeX document.
Up till now, I have only encountered scripts that only work on a single file but what I want is a script that can safely ignore LaTeX keywords and also traverse linked follow \include and \input links to produce a correct word-count for the whole document.
With vim, I currently use ggVGg CTRL+G but obviously that shows the count for the current file and does not ignore LaTeX keywords.
Does anyone know of any script (or application) that can do this job?
I use texcount. The webpage has a Perl script to download (and a manual).
It will include tex files that are included (\input or \include) in the document (see -inc), supports macros, and has many other nice features.
When following included files you will get detail about each separate file as well as a total. For example here is the total output for a 12 page document of mine:
Files: 20
Words in text: 4188
Words in headers: 26
Words in float captions: 404
Number of headers: 12
Number of floats: 7
Number of math inlines: 85
Number of math displayed: 19
If you're only interested in the total, use the -total argument.
I went with icio's comment and did a word-count on the pdf itself by piping the output of pdftotext to wc:
pdftotext file.pdf - | wc - w
latex file.tex
dvips -o - file.dvi | ps2ascii | wc -w
should give you a fairly accurate word count.
To add to #aioobe,
If you use pdflatex, just do
pdftops file.pdf
ps2ascii|wc -w
I compared this count to the count in Microsoft Word in a 1599 word document (according to Word). pdftotext produced a text with 1700+ words. texcount did not include the references and produced 1088 words. ps2ascii returned 1603 words. 4 more than in Word.
I say that's a pretty good count. I am not sure where's the 4 word difference, though. :)
In Texmaker interface you can get the word count by right clicking in the PDF preview:
Overleaf has a word count feature:
Overleaf v2:
Overleaf v1:
I use the following VIM script:
function! WC()
let filename = expand("%")
let cmd = "detex " . filename . " | wc -w | perl -pe 'chomp; s/ +//;'"
let result = system(cmd)
echo result . " words"
… but it doesn’t follow links. This would basically entail parsing the TeX file to get all linked files, wouldn’t it?
The advantage over the other answers is that it doesn’t have to produce an output file (PDF or PS) to compute the word count so it’s potentially (depending on usage) much more efficient.
Although icio’s comment is theoretically correct, I found that the above method gives quite accurate estimates for the number of words. For most texts, it’s well within the 5% margin that is used in many assignments.
If the use of a vim plugin suits you, the vimtex plugin has integrated the texcount tool quite nicely.
Here is an excerpt from their documentation:
:VimtexCountLetters Shows the number of letters/characters or words in
:VimtexCountWords the current project or in the selected region. The
count is created with `texcount` through a call on
the main project file similar to: >
texcount -nosub -sum [-letter] -merge -q -1 FILE
Note: Default arguments may be controlled with
Note: One may access the information through the
function `vimtex#misc#wordcount(opts)`, where
`opts` is a dictionary with the following
keys (defaults indicated): >
'range' : [1, line('$')]
'count_letters' : 0/1
'detailed' : 0
If `detailed` is 0, then it only returns the
total count. This makes it possible to use for
e.g. statusline functions. If the `opts` dict
is not passed, then the defaults are assumed.
:VimtexCountLetters! Similar to |VimtexCountLetters|/|VimtexCountWords|, but
:VimtexCountWords! show separate reports for included files. I.e.
presents the result of: >
texcount -nosub -sum [-letter] -inc FILE
The nice part about this is how extensible it is. On top of counting the number of words in your current file, you can make a visual selection (say two or three paragraphs) and then only apply the command to your selection.
For a very basic article class document I just look at the number of matches for a regex to find words. I use Sublime Text, so this method may not work for you in a different editor, but I just hit Ctrl+F (Command+F on Mac) and then, with regex enabled, search for
which should ignore text declaring a floating environment or captions on figures as well as most kinds of basic equations and \usepackage declarations, while including quotations and parentheticals. It also counts footnotes and \emphasized text and will count \hyperref links as one word. It's not perfect, but it's typically accurate to within a few dozen words or so. You could refine it to work for you, but a script is probably a better solution, since LaTeX source code isn't a regular language. Just thought I'd throw this up here.
