Contentflow: how to set fixed widths for flow non-image items - coverflow

so I'm trying to use ContentFlow ( to display non-image content pulled from a database. I have each of the ContentFlow items loading database content via AJAX, however, I would like to customize it so that the items have a fixed width.
eg. I watch to display 5 items in the coverflow. I want the center/primary item to be the largest in size (about 700px by 500px)
then I would like to the adjacent items about 100px and 70px wide respectively.
From what I've seen with the code, the ContentFlow width adjusts according to the browser width.
Is there a way to fix the item widths depending on which position they're in?


How to set TGridLayout Height based off amount of items in grid

How does one set the height of A TGridLayout to be set based off the amount of items in the grid ? I have a grid with products in it which the user can purchase and need the grids height to be set based off the amount of buttons in the grid as there are times when there are less items in the same grid. From different providers.
I need the Grids height to fill up to the amount of buttons inside without cutting any buttons.

How to scroll TFlowLayout content vertically?

I have a TFlowLayout containing 5 same-sized controls. The TFlowLayout (with Align=Top) is a child of TVertScrollBox. When making the flowlayout smaller all 5 controls are displayed as one column. This works fine. However, when these 5 controls don't fit within the view then I would expect TVertScrollBox to kick in and provide the vertical scrolling capability.
It turns out that the TFlowLayout.Height property is not adjusted to a new height that corresponds with the height of the 5 controls displayed in that one column.
What would be the best way to provide vertical scrolling in this case?

Clarity: Is there a recommended way to make clr-datagrid take up all available vertical space?

I am trying to make my take up all vertical space even if there are no rows in the table yet. Is clr-datagrid customizable to do so? It seems like I have to manually override flexbox properties of .datagrid-host and .datagrid-overlay-wrapper in order to make it grow in column direction.
I tried even that but the datagrid don't seem to be growing vertically.
The Clarity datagrid supports any fixed height you want on the datagrid element itself. If the height is too large for the number of displayed rows, the body will expand with empty space. If the height is too small for the number of displayed rows, the body will scroll while the header and footer remain in place.
So in your case, it's as simple as putting height: 100% for the datagrid in your CSS. That's all you need to do. See for a working example.

How to make table view horizontally engage full width

I'm developing an ios application which has a table view. when there is a long value in table cell, table column width size should be increase. I've develop a custom UI for this requirement as following images.
I have change the content size using following code, but it isn't increase
the table body size. you can see it in following image.
self.resultTableView.contentSize.width = self.cellWidth!
You can see the first image its appear as it is and when there is more indexes (columns) and user try to scroll horizontally towards right(as shown in second image), table view will not expand more than the viewport size.
How can I do table view fit to the scroll size?
and finally everything become invisible.
feel free to ask anything if you dont clear enough the quection.
I guess what you have to do is dynamically calculate the desired width and then set the tableView width (for example with a tableView.widtAnchor) to exactly this width.
For a table that scrolls into both dimensions, this could also be helpful:

Reposition images within view based on size of text - iOS

I have been recently getting into iOS development, and I'm trying to build something that looks (very roughly) like this:
Basically, it's a page that shows simple text -- large header text that may span multiple lines, a separator line, and then smaller descriptive text that may be a variable length. This text does not need to be editable. I'm working using interface builder, but I imagine that what I want done may need to be done programmatically?
Two questions:
-- How do I go about creating these text fields so that they adjust their height based on the content? I'm assuming I would be using a standard "text" field for each, make them not editable, and then programmatically change their height? And then based on the height of the various text fields, I would need to adjust the positioning of the text fields and the divider line between them?
-- How do I go about making the page scrollable? It's possible that the descriptive text will be long and would extend off the edge of the screen. I would want the whole page to be scrollable, not just the descriptive text section. I'm assuming I would place all my elements within a scroll view... but currently when I do that and view it, the view just gets centered (cutting off both the top and the bottom) and I can't scroll it at all.
Thanks for any help!
set the scrollview content size to greater than its actual size to
make it scrollable like this :
scrollView.contentSize = CGSizeMake(YourWidth ,YourHEight ); // Here you can change either of height and width to make it more scrollable in that direction.
You can use UITextView object to have a scrollable text field...
which can scroll to show additional text..just set its editing
property to NO.
Otherwise to dynamically update label height yourself...use
NSString sizeWithFont method
