What frameworks do I need for libPayPalMPL.a? - ios

This thread says I need three, but I have several options with those prefixes and don't know which three to link exactly. I'm working with iOS 5.1, XCode 4.3.2
Getting "apple mach-o linker id error undefined symbols for architecture i386" when implement a Library in iOS5
I've been having bad experiences with what seems to be deprecated documentation, tutorials with questions from the author of the in there, incomplete documentation, sample code that does not work...not cool paypal, not cool.

You have to load exactly these -

nevermind, i just looked at the demo app and began adding each one.


iOS Wikitude SDK build error "Undefined symbols for architecture arm64"

I'm trying to make an app with Wikitude, I followed all the steps on the Wikitude init page for the SDK setup in iOS (http://www.wikitude.com/developer/documentation/ios) and when I try to build the project, I get exactly 8 build errors
I Googled this, but nothing actual came up, all from 2014 and not exactly my problem too.
I tried the following solutions, but nothing worked for me:
- Arm64 architecture in xcode 5.1
- https://github.com/facebook/react-native/issues/2685
You need to add CoreMedia to the list of frameworks.
Usually you can determine which framework is missing by the starting letters and function name of the missing symbols. _CM + VideoFormat -> CoreMotion.

Integrate AppLovin With swift xcode 6.4

I want to integrate AppLovin With Xcode 6.4 and swift. I am Following the steps which are given in Documentation. I have added Headers and libAppLovinSdk.a Library in my project. Then I have added all the frameworks which are needed and added AppLovin SDK key into info.plist file. Then I have initialized ALSdk.initializeSdk() in Appdelegate.h file and I have added Bridging file in my project. Then I wrote -Objc in "Other Linker Flags"
I am getting this error
ld: 150 duplicate symbols for architecture i386 clang: error: linker
command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
This is the error log.
Based on the linker errors (duplicate symbol _llvm.embedded.module) as well as the fact that you're using an older Xcode version, it may likely be a conflict/mismatch between the target/compiler of your project and the dependency. This isn't inherent to AppLovin, but can happen if the static library you're using is far too new or old for your Xcode version.
One possible occurrence of this is that we started compiling the library with Bitcode support, and I wouldn't be surprised if older versions of LLVM don't play nice with that.
I'd recommend pulling the latest version of libAppLovinSdk.a, and if at all possible, building using Xcode 7+.
Additionally, if you're using some dependency manager like Cocoapods or Carthage, you may have better luck directly (manually) integrating, given that they are maintained by third parties with no involvement from us.
You are initializing SDK at wrong place. At the time of didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: call, application has not been fully prepared. Try initializing it in method:
-(void)applicationDidBecomeActive:(UIApplication *)application
Also include -ObjC flag. It should solve duplicate symbols issue.

Xcode compile error with Firebase

I just installed the Firebase framework to Xcode (not using CocoaPods due to other unsolvable issues with that). I followed the Firebase Alternative Setup instructions from here (manually dragging the FireBase 2.5 Framework to my project).
Problem is, when I compile my app I get 27 errors:
I'm just using the sample code from the Getting Started page.
In fact, all I'm using so far is the first line, but it won't even instantiate that. (var ref = Firebase(url:"my firebase URL here")
I'm on Xcode 7.2 and Swift 2.1. My target is iOS 9.2 using the Simulator.
Please help!
I should also add that libicucore.dylib and libc++.dylib no longer appear to be available as linkable libraries that you mention to include from firebase.com/docs/ios/alternate-setup.html So maybe this is related? Someone mentioned libz.tbd is the one to use now? (which I'm using)
If you are targeting 9.2 then the frameworks changed to the following:
libicucore.dylib to libicucore.tbd
libc++.dylib to libc++.tbd
They are exactly the same so use them instead, you have to use them in order to get it working.
A comment by apple:
For those who are curious, the .tbd files are new "text-based stub
libraries", that provide a much more compact version of the stub
libraries for use in the SDK, and help to significantly reduce its
download size.

Multiple Apple Mach-O Linker Error

I had a working application, and then I learned to use cocoapods and I installed CWPopup. I had not tried to run the app since I started using the .xcworkspace instead of .xcodeproj so I think that may be the problem, but I'm not sure.
I had zero errors and then I tried to run it and now I have 14 errors, all saying Apple Mach-O Linker Error. Underneath each one I see different things mentioning twitter and facebook seesions and requests and such. I don't even use twitter or facebook in my app, this is a very basic app.
This error says that you lost some required frameworks or libraries in your project. Check in your Targets->Build Phases-> Link Binary With Labraries is all required frameworks and libraries added.

libOmnitureAppMeasurement-iPhoneSimulator.a not linking with iOS4 project

I have a Universal Project for iPad and iPhone running iOS 4.0. xCode 4.x
I follow the steps to include the above library into a new project.
I am getting the following error during linking:
We are getting,
Ld: symbol not found for architecture i386.
I have other static library in the same project and those are working fine. In addition, I also try messing with Other Linker Flag, Header Search Path, Library Search Path. No luck.
Any idea?
Turns out it is a binary issue, instead of using the binary from developer.adobe.com, I was pointed to another binary and that worked OK for xCode 4.x.
The Omniture omappmeasurement libraries are shipped as separate binaries for the separate architectures, so you have to switch between them as you switch between the simulator and devices. You can join the binaries together with lipo:
lipo -create libOmnitureAppMeasurement-iphoneos-armv6.a libOmnitureAppMeasurement-iphonesimulator-i386.a -output libOmnitureAppMeasurement.a
Then add libOmnitureAppMeasurement.a to your project with 'Add Files to "..."...' in the usual way.
If you download them from this forum post you'll find that libOmnitureAppMeasurement-iphoneos-armv6.a contains both armv6 and armv7 code, and libOmnitureAppMeasurement-iphoneos-armv7.a contains armv7 only. Hence using the 'armv6' version above.
I got new libraries from here https://developer.omniture.com/en_US/gallery/app-measurement-for-ios and they work well on simulator and devices.
You will need to create an account to be able to download it.
These libraries are not any more supported by Apple as they use "uniqueIdentifier".
