I'm trying to get Heroku toolbelt working and it's a total nightmare. The install runs successfully, but when I run heroku update I get:
$ heroku update
! undefined method `output_with_arrow' for #<Heroku::Command::Update:0x108da0120 #options={}, #args=[]>
I've tried everything, including uninstalling my heroku gem and removing the toolbelt via:
rm -rf /usr/loca/heroku
sudo rm /usr/bin/heroku
This is VERY frustrating. My environment is Mac OS 10.7 Lion and:
$ ruby -v
ruby 1.9.3p125 (2012-02-16 revision 34643) [x86_64-darwin11.3.0]
$ which ruby
$ heroku version
$ which heroku
Heroku support finally helped me fix this. Long story short, if you're having this issue, just run:
$ rm -rf ~/.heroku/client
Then reinstall the Heroku Toolbelt from http://toolbelt.heroku.com
If you want the long answer, here you go:
There appear to be some edge cases where update ended up with some
incorrect data and it is somewhat more difficult to recover from this.
If you first delete the ~/.heroku/client directory and subsequently
run the installer you should end up with a working result.
Heroku toolbelt is nice, but heroku_san offers all that and more. Maybe give it a shot?
Dont have much fuss about about uninstalling and reinstalling it again.
Just Delete .heroku folder and it will start working fine...
I had some problems installing Heroku on Windows. After installing and running at the command line for the first time, I got something like "Updating to 5.1.4-cc" and then simply 'panic:'. I couldn't find a '.heroku' folder, and after a lot of messing around, running heroku-cli.exe in {user}AppData\Local\heroku got it past that problem, then everything was good. Until this morning - one day later :) - when it tried updating again, to 5.1.5. I uninstalled everything, re-installed, same issue - but this time there was a '.heroku' folder, and deleting that got past the update issue.
After upgrading to Big Sur I am getting errors running my Ruby server rotating through different files either with
cannot load such file --
Interrupted system call --
These errors rotate various files each time I run bundle exec rackup. I have tried uninstalling/reinstalling RVM, XCode Command Line Tools, and even tried switching to rbenv. Same outcome.
Any ideas?
It seems to get solved by uninstalling Kaspersky.
Also, it seems that the ruby applications are not the only ones facing this issue.
There are other security solutions too, eg. Avira.
I was able to solve this problem for an rbenv ruby installation after noticing a similar-ish issue listed at the end of the ruby-build wiki. Adding MAKE_OPTS=-j1 finally worked, though it took much longer; The whole build ran with one process. The final command I used (though I don't know if calling ruby-build directly was necessary):
MAKE_OPTS=-j1 RUBY_CONFIGURE_OPTS="--with-openssl-dir=$(brew --prefix openssl) --with-readline-dir=$(brew --prefix readline) --with-libyaml-dir=$(brew --prefix libyaml)" \
ruby-build --verbose 2.6.6 ~/.rbenv/versions/2.6.6/
# to hook it up with rbenv:
rbenv rehash
I know this isn't your exact problem, but perhaps re-installing ruby would help.
Not a complete resolution yet, but we did find out that the issue seems specific to the newrelic-ruby-agent and have opened an issue (https://github.com/newrelic/newrelic-ruby-agent/issues/528) with them to do further investigation.
As a workaround, we are able to run locally by setting NEW_RELIC_AGENT_ENABLED=false in the env.list
Uninstalling Avira solved the problem I was having with rbenv install 3.0.0 on macOS 11.2. (See ruby-build #1710 (comment).) Thanks to #alex for the tip.
I got this error in brew install lima
this may not look like answer, but running up that command again and again brew install lima I kept getting different errors, I ran that command 7-8 times, and was able to finally install lima.
I've installed a Ruby gem called wordmove to work with pushing and pulling my Wordpress sites but when I run wordmove commands I get the error command not found. I've done some research and I haven't come up with much, I've come to the conclusion based on what I've seen that my Ruby install is messed up.
I ran echo "$PATH" from my root and it returned the following:
I am a noob with the terminal so have no idea how to clean this mess up.
So you're working with rbenv. According to its README, you should run rbenv rehash after installing any gems that have an executable command. Also, run it anytime you install a new Ruby version.
I've been hapilly using the Heroku and Taps gems for a while now, regularly doing a heroku db:push to push my database up to production.
This morning I noticed a message that the Heroku gem was deprecated, having been superseded by the Heroku Toolbelt. So I uninstalled the gems and installed the Heroku Toolbelt.
The next time I went to push my database I got the following error:
! Taps Load Error: cannot load such file -- taps/operation
! You may need to install or update the taps gem to use db commands.
! On most systems this will be:
! sudo gem install taps
Both Heroku and Taps are correctly installed, but in frustration I've tried following the instructions ('install or update the taps gem to use db commands') without success. The (re)install goes fine but I still get the above error when I try and push the database. Can anyone suggest a fix? I'm using rbenv.
Well I uninstalled the toolbelt using commands from here:
rm -rf /usr/local/heroku
rm -rf /usr/bin/heroku
Then removed the following from my .bash_profile
### Added by the Heroku Toolbelt
export PATH="/usr/local/heroku/bin:$PATH"
And it works again.
Moral of the story - avoid the Heroku Toolbelt and stick to the gems.
Can you try PG Transfers plugin for Heroku, documentation is on the page itself.
This seems to be recommended approach now by Heroku.
You don't have to remove toolbelt to use a gem version for one off cases such as broken taps:
% gem install heroku
% $(rbenv root)/shims/heroku version
heroku-gem/2.35.0 (x86_64-darwin12.2.0) ruby/1.9.3
This is using rbenv, but rvm, chruby or the like should be similar.
Well, Heroku suggests using PG Backups add-on. Taps+Heroku combination make problems to many, partially because Taps is designed to produce database-agnostic dumps which is not that easy.
The disadvantage is you got to upload your dump to S3 or something.
I had rails working fine for several weeks but I tried to install PostgreSQL to match Heroku and it failed to work. Now, when I open the terminal it pretend rails is not there and sets the default ruby to 1.8.7. When I start RVM it finds the right version of ruby and finds rails again and can start the server but each time I open a new shell it's back to not finding anything. Plus, the git commands don't work even after starting rvm.
I have set rvm to start by default but that doesn't work either, it has to be started manually, and it still doesn't fix the git issue.
More Detail
I am installing on Mountain Lion. This already has Postgres but the tutorial I was using suggested installing fresh using Homebrew. The trouble was the Homebrew installation installs to /usr/local/var/postgres and the installed ppstgres installs to usr/var/postgres. The system automatically uses the usr/var/postgres version, so following the tutorial I chnaged the order of usr/local/bin and usr/bin in etc/paths. That didn't help so I changed it back. Everything then went to hell so I reinstalled Mountain Lion but nothing had changed.
There are two known problems with loading RVM & default ruby:
login shell: go to terminal emulator preferences and enable login shell, sometimes it might be required to use /bin/bash --login instead.
ZSH (+ Oh-My-ZSH): go to ~/.zshrc and comment out any lines starting with: PATH= or path=(, it is still possible to use those but they need to reference itself like: PATH=$PATH:HOME/.rvm/bin or path+=( $HOME/.rvm/bin ) - which update and not reset PATH. This might be a bug in terminal emulator or ZSH ...
The git issue is explained by the reinstall of Mountain Lion which did not automatically install the command line tools. That now works. The only pain is having to load rvm every time now.
I'm about 12 hours new to Ruby on Rails and I'm trying to get all the parts installed on my Mac OSX 10.4.11. I've downloaded Xcode and have followed the install instructions for changing my file path to /usr/local as well as installed Ruby through Terminal as per the Hivelogic Tutorial:
I am now copying the recommended code for RubyGems into terminal and I am getting this response:
curl: (6) Couldn't resolve host 'files.rubyforge.mmmultiworks.com'
What happened?! Does anyone know how I should proceed from here? I was soooo excited to finally get rolling and seeing Ruby Install! I don't want to give up :(
I hope someone can help =)
You should checkout Homebrew for installing all your OS X packages, such as MySQL. I just switched over to it last weekend and can't believe I didn't use it sooner. It takes all the frustration out of installing and upgrading shit and lets you focus on actually building your application.
I have the same problem using that install tutorial. I've been able to get past that error message by changing "mmmultiworks" to "multiworks." I just figured it was the most likely typo in that command. So that worked.
Except for that the very next command does not work.
tar xzvf rubygems-0.9.2.tgz
gzip: stdin: not in gzip format
tar: Child returned status 1
tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
Did you figure it out, art_wired? Anyone have any hints?
I figured it out!
Here is how to install rubygems, in the terminal of a mac osx running Tiger.
$ curl -O http://files.rubyforge.vm.bytemark.co.uk/rubygems/rubygems-1.2.0.tgz
$ tar xzvf rubygems-1.2.0.tgz
$ cd rubygems-1.2.0
$ cd ..
This'll install 1.2.0, which is not hte most up to date version. But updating once you have it is fairly easy. Just
$ gem install rubygems-update
$ update_rubygems
Or if you don't want to install an old version first, go to http://rubyforge.org/frs/?group_id=126 and figure out which file you actually want. then put it up in the top line instead of what I have.