I write a game in Lua with Corona SDK. After some minutes of game playing, the screen goes to low power mode (it is less lighted). How can I cause to the screen to remain in High power mode?
system.setIdleTimer( false )
See here for more info.
I've finished developing a card game called Up and Down the River in SpriteKit. It is a fairly simple card game with a few animations such as the action of dealing and playing a card.
According to debugger tools, it is generally Very High energy utilization and the averages near 170 wakes per second. (Shown below)
What is typical for a SpriteKit game? Should a simple card game be using this much energy? If not, what should I be looking for in order to reduce the energy usage?
Note: This is being run on macOS, however the game is cross-platform (meaning iOS and macOS). I get similar results for running on an iOS device.
When SpriteKit is running it is constantly updating the screen (usually at 60 frames per second).
If you do not need this high speed you can reduce it to 30 or 20 or lower frames per second by setting preferredFramesPerSecond on the SKView, see https://developer.apple.com/reference/spritekit/skview
If your game is completely static while waiting for user input you can even set isPaused on the SKView to stop updates completely while you are waiting.
I'm almost finishing my iOS game written in Swift + SpriteKit.
It's a quite simple game, 30-32 nodes at max. Only 1 thing has physics. The rest is a few animated clouds (around 6). The CPU usage is around 2-3% and max RAM usage of 75-80MB.
Including that I also get frame drops when changing from one scene to another. Why that could be?
(I'm pre-loading all the textures and sounds during game init, and not on the scenes)
When I use the simulator for 5S up to 6S Plus, I don't see any frame drop in there. So that's weird. Looks like it's not my game but my iPhone 6S?
Now, I do also have other games installed on the same device from different developers, and I frequently get random frame drops too. Lags for 2-3 seconds and then comes back to 60fps.
Does anyone know if this is something that's happening after an X iOS update ? or I was even thinking this my be some kind of background service running that's killing my phone. Call it facebook, whatsapp, messenger, etc.
Is there any way I could possibly check on what's going on?
Was this caused by the way that newer versions of SpriteKit are defaulting to Metal render mode as compared to OpenGL mode? For example, do your problems go away when PrefersOpenGL=YES is added to Info.plist? I covered a bit of this performance issue in my blog post about a SpriteKit repeat shader. Note that you should only be testing on an actual iOS device, not the simulator.
I'm having ONE single pain in the ass problem with recorded video from the iPhone.
Building a lap timer app for recording HD video on track days, I've eliminated the possibility of vibrations from wind, suspension and crucially the iPhone mount, so it must the the camera settings right?, I simply don't know what to change
Here's an example of the offending video 'wobble' at stand still (with iOS stabilization enabled), watch from 2:07s:
Is it the autofocus?
enum {
AVCaptureFocusModelLocked = 0,
AVCaptureFocusModeAutoFocus = 1,
AVCaptureFocusModeContinousAutoFocus = 2
I used the following settings for video above
It seem like there's software compensation for engine vibration/frequency at stand still, the lens (I know it's physically fixed) but some how is moving, I'm I crazy or what?
Can someone please guide me?
It turned out that capturing video from the screen is a hard task on the Mac. I have a small game running in the simulator and want to make a screencast of the gameplay for youtube. Since it's a fast-paced scroller game, video must be recorded at 60 fps to look good.
I know the actual video on youtube for example is just 24 to 30 fps, but each such slow frame is blended with another.
When capturing the simulator at a lower frame rate than 60 fps the result is jagged a lot since every frame is razor sharp with no blending.
I tried a couple of Mac screen recorders but none of them were able to capture 60fps video from the simulator, and the frames in the resulting video looked like if the app took plenty of screenshots and stiffed them together into a video container.
But since there are great demo videos on youtube showing fast-paced gameplay of iOS apps without just recording the screen with a video camera, I wonder what kind of application they use to get a smooth screen capture.
Hopefully someone who already went through this problem can point out some solutions.
I've had good results screen recording from the simulator using SnapZ Pro X from Ambrosia software:
One problem that you're likely to have is that the simulator only simulates iOS's OpenGL graphics in software, so unless you have a really powerful Mac, it's likely that the simulator won't be able to run your game at 60fps anyway.
It's possible that the videos you've seen used the HDMI video out on the iPhone to mirror the screen from the device into a video capture card on the computer. That would likely perform much better because the Mac wouldn't have to both generate and record the graphics simultaneously.
I remember watching a video of the Aquaria guys talking about how they recorded their gameplay videos. Essentially the game recorded the input from the controller/keyboard while the game was played normally. Then they could play back the game they had just played but one frame at a time, with each frame being rendered out to a file as it went. Then all those frames are composited together and bam, a full 60fps video with perfectly rendered graphics. Bit overkill but it's a nice solution.
A program that is able to record at 60 fps is Screenflick.
I'm developing a simple kinetic menu UI component for AIR for iPad. It's basically a lightweight fill-in for a combobox that matches the style of iOS. I have a sprite containing any where from 2 to 60 item buttons that pops up and lets you flick/ scroll through them, only showing about 7 items at any given time.
My first attempt at this used a mask over my sprite, moving my menu sprite up and down under the stationary mask. This produced lackluster results on the test device (< 20 fps).
I then tried a blitting solution, leaving the menu sprite off the display list and using BitmapData.draw() to render only the part to the list i needed visible. This produced the best results on my Windows dev platform, but this time the framerate dropped below 10 fps on iPad. I am assuming I was incurring either a taxing CPU usage or a GPU readback penalty. Originally I had hoped to be able to run my app a 60 fps, however I've ratcheted my goal down to a more humble 30 fps.
Which brings me to my 3rd attempt at this UI component using the sprite's .scrollRect masking function in conjunction with .cacheAsBitmap . Again, the observed behaviors differ wildly between AIR on Windows vs. iOS. On Windows it only redraws the part of the menu sprite bounded by the dimensions of the scrollRect as it should. With iOS i can touch the area of the screen above or below the visible area of the menu sprite and still drag the menu even though my finger is over "empty" space! The performance here is decent, hovering between (19 - 25 fps) and would almost certainly be perfect at 30 if it worked as it did on windows.
Does anyone have any ideas either about the scrollRect feature's behavior on AIR for iOS or a better way of implementing an iOS native style gliding menu in AIR for iOS?
Note, the above methods were tried in both CPU and GPU mode, but CPU mode performed vastly better. I used AIR 2.7 installed on top of Flash Pro CS 5.5, with FlashDevelop as my IDE.
Really nice guy from the above link: "Ya, scrollRect is basically a no-go on mobile, basically forget that API even exists. Believe it or not… old school masking is the way to go. Round and round we go!"