How to make images optimized for UIImageView - ios

I have a ScrollView with multiple UIImageViews in it which load .jpg images. It runs pretty influently when loading images.
How can I optimize the images to make iOS load them faster? Use which tool? In which specific format and setting? Thank you.

have them as png and pre load them with the "imageNamed" method. This method WILL cache them which makes loading fast. but it also knows how to handle memory which means it will unload them if you are runing low on memory.
Alternatively, depending on the size you can create the thumbnail version of these images for display. This is how the imagepicker manages to display A TON of images very fluently.
Read this question/answer: How can I load images into the iphone system cache?

use cached images. first time it may take time but after that it will be faster.


Handling download of very large images with SDWebImage

I use SDWebImage to download images asynchronously to my UIImageViews. Most images that received are of acceptable sizes, and can be easily downloaded, and set to the UIImageViews.
However there are times, when the source image at the URL is of insanely high resolution (relative to the size of my imageView - 60x60). In such cases, the image is never set. Sometimes my app crashes, sometimes, nothing happens (image stays nil), and in a very rare case I received an error something like : Unable to allocate 400000 bytes of memory (I am not entirely sure of the exact error log, I apologise).
For example, this image of the pinterest icon from Pinterest's site itself is enormous (10000 x 10000). My imageView can never plot this image. For the time being, I have hardcoded to replace the image with this, but I know this is bad practice. Also, this is just one case, there might be infinitely more images such as this that might screw with the user experience.
How can I handle such cases ?
Just put a check for size of image that you receive and when size much greater than what your imageview would accept then you could resize the image ,and here link for resizing the image link. After resizing then you could place it in imageview. Hope helpful for you.
I'd suggest you to use this AsyncImageView. I've used it and it work wonders. To call this API:
ASyncImage *img_EventImag = alloc with frame;
NSURL *url = yourPhotoPath;
[img_EventImage loadImageFromURL:photoPath];
[self.view addSubView:img_EventImage];
It's same as using UIImageView. Easy and it does most of the things for you. AsyncImageView includes both a simple category on UIImageView for loading and displaying images asynchronously on iOS so that they do not lock up the UI, and a UIImageView subclass for more advanced features. AsyncImageView works with URLs so it can be used with either local or remote files.
Loaded/downloaded images are cached in memory and are automatically cleaned up in the event of a memory warning. The AsyncImageView operates independently of the UIImage cache, but by default any images located in the root of the application bundle will be stored in the UIImage cache instead, avoiding any duplication of cached images.
The library can also be used to load and cache images independently of a UIImageView as it provides direct access to the underlying loading and caching classes.
SDWebImage is open-source library. Add sources to your project and append your size-check in SDWebImageDownloader.m

reducing my ios application size

I am developing my first app (iOS universal app), I want to reduce my app's size because it contains many images (png files) and sounds(mp3 files).
So my problem is:
How can I reduce the size of my app (images and sounds)?
Only include the basics in your app bundle (i.e. app icons, launch image, and possibly images for the first page)
Use Parse (or any other similar service) to download any additional images after the app is downloaded.
This approach will significantly decrease the size of your app but also let you pull down additional image files as needed.
What is the type of sounds files you're using? .caf files are incredibly large. Using .aifc files are just as good quality (to my untrained ear at least) and takes up significantly less space
Depends, compress png images to jpeg usually reduce app size, there are also image optimizers that compress pngs. If your images are part of the UI, tile them or stretch them really helps you in reduce app size and also memory usage. The image asset function in Xcode 5 helps in you in create resizable images.
For sounds the concept are pretty close to images, use compressed file audio as eckyzero said.
If your sounds and images aren't part of the UI but resources, you can make the app download them from the internet at first launch.

Display large images on iOS without precut tiles

I'm building a camera application that saves the image data to a single JPEG file in the sandbox. The images average at about 2mb in size.
Problem : I cannot display the images in a photo viewer because having a few images in memory throws memory warnings and makes scrolling through the images very slow.
I cannot split the image into tiles and save them to disk because that's even more expensive than displaying the single image. I tried splitting the image up into tiles upon capture, but on the 5S it took, on average, 5 1/2 seconds to save all the tiles to disk. It will only get worse from there as the app is executed on older devices. This is very bad because what if the user exists the app in the middle of the save? I will have missing tiles and no uncompressed original file to find missing tiles later.
Question : what's the best way to show a full sized image without causing memory issues and keeping the scrolling fast? Tons of camera applications on the App Store do this and the Photos app does this, there has to be a good solution.
Note : I'm currently showing a thumbnail of the image and then loading the full size image from disk in another thread. Once the full size image loading has finished, I present the full size image on the main thread. This removes the memory issues because I only have one full size image in memory at once, with two thumbnails, but still causes lagging on the scrollview because drawing the full size image in the main thread is still pretty expensive.
I would greatly appreciate any input!
you could..
create a down sized thumb nail..
create a smaller image and save that in a different "sandbox" folder.. and read that for browsing.. then after that load the image if the user wants to look at it full size.
One way to deal with this is to tile the image.
You can save the large decompressed image to "disk" as a series of tiles, and as the user pans around pull out only the tiles you need to actually display. You only ever need 1 tile in memory at a time because you draw it to the screen, then throw it out and load the next tile. (You'll probably want to cache the visible tiles in memory, but that's an implementation detail. Even having the whole image as tiles may relieve memory pressure as you don't need one large contiguous block.)
This is how applications like Photoshop deal with this situation.
Second way which I suggest you is to
check the example from Apple for processing large images called PhotoScroller. The images have already been tiled. If you need an example of tiling an image in Cocoa check out
Hope this will helps you.

What are the ways to reduce bundle size on iOS?

I have some images which are huge in size and my bundle size currently is 70 MB. I think Xcode already runs the assets through png crush.
Do not use any text images with useless effects, use UILabels instead.
Draw simple shapes and effects using CAShapeLayers instead of using
Use JPEGs instead of PNGs where you don't need transparency.
(Actually file size depends on the image content here)
Use Save for Web option in PhotoShop or other tools to optimize PNG
Use sprites combined together instead of separate images.
Make sure you delete all unused resources.
Do not localize common parts of the images, localize only the
different parts. (think of a background image with a small flag at
the bottom for each locale. use one single bg image and separate flag
images. localize flag images only, not the entire bg images with the
Use the same splash images for iOS7 and previous iOS versions. (You
need to manually edit the JSON file in .xcassets)
Try using a CDN to download assets on the first launch.
In addition to images keep those in mind too:
Try replacing custom fonts with default system fonts if you don't
need them really.
Use MP3 audio files instead of WAV files. (or other
compressed formats)
Make sure you delete all unused 3rd party frameworks.
You can try converting the images to jpg (if they don't have any transparent regions).
Also try using
It seems very unlikely that you actually need huge images. After all, the screen is not huge. Thus, the most likely form of size reduction is to reduce the physical dimensions of the images to the size you are actually going to be displaying.
This saves bandwidth when the user downloads the image, reduces the size of the app on the user's hard disk (the device), and also saves memory at the time an image is loaded. It is a vast waste of RAM to load an image that is larger than the size at which it will be displayed; after all, remember, the memory involved rises exponentially with the square of the difference.
One option is to host the images on a CDN like OpenText and fetch them as part of app initialization, or whenever they are first needed. Obviously this is more coding, but projects like SDWebImage make it pretty easy:
It also gives you the flexibility to swap out those images later if you use caching headers.

How to minimize app size with heavy images in iOS Development?

I am going to work on client application, in which he need to have whole app locally resources loading, and I have almost 70mb images files for iPad. I am going to start development soon but before that I need healthy suggestion and guidelines to reduce my app size with these images use locally. I don't want to make this heavy size like any 3d game? So I am looking for suggestion what should I do? Thanks in advance.
There are few ways:
zip all the image resources in the bundle. On first launch, extract that zip folder into documents directory and refer the image from there only. You will have to do it on first launch only.
create jpeg version of your images with some reduced quality. Apart from icon and splash, you can use jpeg version of images.
If possible, use 1 pixel width/height images for repetitive gradients.
