gradle - multiple module project - ant wrong execution dir - ant

I've a multiple module projecy managed by gradle. The directory structure is as follows:
When I invoke 'gradle war' on monitoring level I obtain the following exeception:
"monitoring/js does not exist."
Which comes from client's build.gradle:
task copyJs << {
'mkdir src/main/webapp/js'.execute()
def ant = new groovy.util.AntBuilder()
ant.copy(todir: 'src/main/webapp/js') {
fileset(dir: 'js') {
include(name: '**/*.js')
The exception occurs because the mentioned task is executed on the root level of the project. How to change it to be executed on the appropriate (client) level? How to change the basedir for the ant task that is used?

Another option would be to use a copy task:
task copyJs(type:Copy){
from('js') {
include '**/*.js'
This has the benefit, that the output dir is automatically created if it does not yet exists. Another benefit of using the copy task instead of the copy operation as in the answer above is, that the copy task supports incremental build execution (up-to-date checks).

Should be done as explained here
task copyJs << {
copy {
into 'src/main/webapp/js'
from('js') {
include '**/*.js'


Jenkins Shared Library resource not found

I have just started looking into a shared libarary with jenkins in order to combine a load of scripts and pipelines across multiple repos that are pretty much identical.
I have the shared lib loaded and working but when tryign to execute the scripts i the resources folder i keep geting not found errors:
../releaseTagging-EO2DMYOPJ6JGB6JT5Q2RSFJWJWWPALA7F25H7CQNYBEV4ITTEB6Q#tmp/ not found
I am creating a copy of the file using the following:
createTempLocation(String path) {
String tmpDir = pwd tmp: true
return tmpDir + File.separator + new File(path).getName()
copyGlobalLibraryScriptcall(String srcPath, String destPath = null) {
destPath = destPath ?: createTempLocation(srcPath)
writeFile file: destPath, text: libraryResource(srcPath)
echo "copyGlobalLibraryScript: copied ${srcPath} to ${destPath}"
sh "chmod +x ${destPath}"
echo "added executable permissions to ${destPath}"
return destPath
I am then calling the last function thusly:
runBuild(Map config) {
def script = copyGlobalLibraryScript('')
sh script
(i realise i can collapse the above function in to one line)
This in turn then gets called via (trimed the whole file to relevent part):
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Build') {
steps {
timestamps {
checkout scm
bbNotify( key: buildKey, name: BuildName) {
stash includes: '**', name: 'RelToSTAN'
This all fails with the error at the top of the question, however when sshing on to the build server i can find that file int he location specified.
I dont understand why Jenkins cannot find it and execute it.
The issue will be the following:
When using a java File object it‘ll always refer to some location on the Jenkins master. And of course it usually cannot run inside the sandbox.
On the other hand the readFile and writeFile methods always refer to some path on the build agent reserved by the node block where the call is encapsulated.
Long story short: Do not use the File class. Unfortunately you’ll need to create the temp path manually. But that shouldn’t be too hard.

Gradle project / task dependency & JavaScript lib in war

We have just started using Gradle and do have a few (noob) questions - hopefully someone can shed some light on those issues :)
We're using Angular and Grails to build our web-app. We want to be as modular as possible and hence put all the Angular-related artifacts (mainly *.js and *.html files) in a separate project in our Gradle multiproject build.
Our project structure is as follows:
- root
-- build.gradle
-- settings.gradle
|-- web-grails (grails project)
|----- build.gradle
|-- web-js-html (angular / js / html sources)
|----- build.gradle
As a start, we simply want to package web-js-html project accordingly. What we've come up so far (other suggestions very welcome) is to apply a webjars structure to it, i.e. have a .jar file with the required resources under /META-INF/resources. Online, we found the following config that seems to work just fine:
// file :web-js-grails/build.gradle
apply plugin: 'java'
ext {
webjarconfig = [
staticHTMLFilesDir : "${projectDir}/src/main/webfrontend",
baseDir: "META-INF/resources/",
subDir : "webjars/" + deployed_app_name
configurations {
task webjar(type: Jar, dependsOn: 'jar') {
from(fileTree(webjarconfig.staticHTMLFilesDir)) {
into webjarconfig.baseDir + webjarconfig.subDir
outputs.file archivePath
artifacts {
webjar(webjar.archivePath) {
type 'jar'
builtBy webjar
By invoking 'gradle webjar', the jar gets created with the files in the correct place.
Question 1:
What I would have expected is that this jar also gets properly created if I invoke 'gradle build'. As far as I understand, 'gradle build' is a task defined by the java plugin which, at some point, invokes the 'jar' task. Once that 'jar' task is done, I would expect the webjar task to be invoked. But it's not, so clearly I'm missing something. Does it follow that webjar only ever gets executed if explicitly invoked (either from command-line or from within the build.gradle file)?
Now, we would like the webjar to be included in the web-grails war-file. The config of :web-grails/build.gradle is as follows:
apply plugin: "grails"
repositories {
maven { url artifactory_url }
buildscript {
repositories {
maven { url artifactory_url }
dependencies {
classpath 'org.grails:grails-gradle-plugin:2.0.1-SNB1'
grails {
grailsVersion = '2.3.8'
groovyVersion = '2.3.0'
dependencies {
bootstrap 'org.grails.plugins:tomcat:7.0.50'
compile project(':web-js-html')
After try-and-error and quite a bit of reading, I arrived at this (possibly wrong) conclusion: when I invoke 'gradle build' on :web-grails, then (I assume) :build will also be invoked on the referenced :web-js-html project. I say this because the jar gets re-created in the build/lib folder, but obviously not using the webjar-task. Hence, the resulting jar only contains the MANIFEST.MF only.
Question 2:
Do I use Gradle correctly in that case and am I only overseeing a little thing or is this whole approach questionable? How can I get the :web-js-html jar into the war properly?
Thank you for your help in advance!
Your part where you define the new artifact doesn't make any sense for me. Change
artifacts {
webjar(webjar.archivePath) {
type 'jar'
builtBy webjar
artifacts {
webjar webjar
Maybe you should rename either your configuration or your task. However the first webjar is your configuration and the second one your task which creates the new jar.
Note that this will create a new artifact, so you have to give it a different name with
task webjar(type: Jar, dependsOn: 'jar') {
baseName = 'newJar'
from(fileTree(webjarconfig.staticHTMLFilesDir)) {
into webjarconfig.baseDir + webjarconfig.subDir
outputs.file archivePath
But I think you don't want to create a second jar, but change the original one. In that case your don't have to write a new task, but configure the default jar task like this:
jar {
from(fileTree(webjarconfig.staticHTMLFilesDir)) {
into webjarconfig.baseDir + webjarconfig.subDir
outputs.file archivePath

How to upload artifact to network drive using gradle?

I am reading this:
to understand how to publish/upload my artifact to a network drive/fileshare which is a requirement (we have a maven repo up and running but some artifacts needs to be dumped on a fileshare). The examples I have found are more focused on deploying to repositories, maven, ivy, etc.
I have a simple eclipse java project that I build using gradle 1.2 with the following build.gradle file:
apply plugin: 'java'
sourceSets {
main {
java {
srcDir 'src'
test {
java {
srcDir 'test'
repositories {
flatDir {
name "fileRepo"
dirs "file://"
uploadArchives {
repositories {
add project.repositories.fileRepo
Where in the gradle docs can I read about how to copy resources to a remote fileshare?
I have tried to update the protocol and the dir attribute based on the below answers but I get this error:
What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':uploadArchives'.
Could not publish configuration ':archives'. / (No such file or directory)
The destination is correct so does the flatDir repo not support networkdrives?
You should define the following parameters:
archivesBaseName = 'yourappname'
group = ''
version = '1.0.0'
Your URL doesn't mention a scheme (http:, file:, etc.). I don't know if you can get away with using a file: URL, or whether you need to us a different syntax to specify a directory rather than an HTTP URL, but either way, you'll need to correctly form the URI for the Windows UNC path.
See this question for more details.
It looks like you're crossing your wires. The url would only be part of that ivy repository declaration which you're apparently not using. The filesystem repository would be handled by the flatDir block which is then referenced by the add project.repositories.fileRepo statement. I'd suggest trying the full path in the flatDir dir variable, otherwise the path of least resistance may just be to throw together a simple manual file copy (or other transfer) task which is then added on to the main deploy task you're using.
//Try this,
apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'maven'
repositories {
maven {
url "$archivaUrl"`enter code here`
credentials {
username = "$userName"
password = "$passWord"
// Dependencies
dependencies {
// specify the lib files at compile and run time
compile fileTree(dir: 'lib', include: ['**/*.jar','*.jar'])
runtime fileTree(dir: 'lib', include: ['**/*.jar','*.jar'])
// source path
sourceSets {
main {
java {
srcDirs 'src'
uploadArchives {
repositories {
mavenDeployer {
repository(url: "$archivaUrl") {
authentication(userName: "$userName", password: "$passWord")
pom.version = "1.0-SNAPSHOT"
pom.artifactId = "fd-common"
pom.groupId = "com.somename.common"

Classpath for ant plugins when using ANTBuilder from Gradle

I have a build.gradle file which loads PMD (downloading it from upstream Maven), and then loads an Ant build.xml file which requires PMD:
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath 'pmd:pmd:4.2.5'
ant.importBuild 'shared-build.xml'
However, the Ant import fails:
taskdef class net.sourceforge.pmd.ant.PMDTask cannot be found
using the classloader AntClassLoader[]
at org.gradle.api.internal.project.DefaultAntBuilder.importBuild(DefaultAntBuilder.groovy:76)
How can Gradle's ant integration be instructed to make this available?
There's no straighforward way to do it, as Gradle does not offer any API support for this. So you need to hack it some way.
For example, you can do something like this, right before calling ant.importBuild file('libs/somelib.jar').toURI().toURL() )
Alternatively you can call the addURL() method with the paths you get through the Gradle's dependency resolution (again, this should be executed before the call to ant.importBuild).
configurations { someconf }
dependencies { someconf "org.eclipse.jdt:ecj:3.6.1" }
def antClassLoader =
configurations.someconf.each { File f ->
Of course, another solution would be to have the classpath defined inside your build.xml file so you won't have to do anything from Gradle.
See some input here

How to adjust and execute Ant task from BeanShell script?

I have large jar task in my ant build file. But I don't want to execute it immediately. I want to add some filesets to the task and only than execute it. I don't want to define the jar task completely in the script. How to do that?
I've tried following approach from the script:
project.addBuildListener(new BuildListener() {
void taskStarted(BuildEvent event){
Jar j1 = (Jar)event.getTask();
...//adjustments here
But it gives: "java.lang.ClassCastException: Cannot cast to"
