How to add plugin project as a dependency to my main projects - grails

My requirement is as below:
I will be having three projects.
Main project (Grails project)
Main project adaptor (Grails project)
Domains plugin project (Grails project)
Domains plugin project will be having all of the domain classes and its test cases in it. So, I want to use those domain classes in other two projects. Here, I want to build Domains plugin project first, and the output of this build project should be the dependency of other two projects. I should be able configure this in BuildConfig.groovy.
Presently, I have done in the following way:
Created a plugin project using create-plugin and followed by package plugin command. Now, I kept that ZIP file in my lib folder and configured in Build-config.groovy. This works as expected. But, when ever I change domain classes, I need to do lot stuff. Like coping it to lib.
Is there any possibility to do in the first way I explained..!! Please help me out in this..!!
Thanks in advance

You can use inline plugins - put all of your three projects at the same level (in the same directory) and then configure adaptor and domain plugin as inline plugins in Main project.
That way you dont have to build each project separately, you can do changes in your domain plugin or adapter and they will get picked in main project automatically.
Inside your main project's BuildConfig.groovy
grails.plugin.location.'adapter' = "../path-to-adapter-plugin"
grails.plugin.location.'domain' = "../path-to-domain-plugin"
Note - putting all three projects at same level isn't required, but doing that will let you use relative paths - but if you want you can use absolute paths as well


Grails 2.x Multiple Projects in one Site

There are multiple Grails 2.3.11 projects I have that I would like to integrate. Is it possible to have a "multi-project" setup in Grails 2? For development I would think there could be a root project that (on the UI side) you could click a link to enter into another project. As far as production would go, when the war file gets deployed, all the projects under the root could get included somehow.
If this doesn't exist I could just copy all project files into one project and edit accordingly but the former idea seems more streamlined.

grails 3 creating sub projects

It is common to have a web admin project which produces a war, and an API project which produces a different war. Each can run on different servers with different firewall rules (in production). The common part is the service and domain layer. Additionally, there may be other components which are optionional which also benefit from being exploded plugins. Exploded plugins allow separation but allow developers to see and modify all source together as if it was one giant project.
In grails 2.5 setting this up was trivial:
create your web admin app in your project root
create your core services app as a plugin in the project root
Add one line in your web admin projects BuildConfig.groovy to use the services project as an exploded plugin, e.g. "grails.plugin.location.coreservices = "../coreservices""
To build the project, you just do grails war in the web admin app folder.
Brilliant. Effortless and effective. Developers just checkout both projects from git and off they go. Works seamlessly with intellij 14 also as a bonus (we dont have a license for 15+ unfortunately so no grails 3 support)
Before we can consider moving to grails 3, we need to be able to do the same thing.
We could only find one post on the subject.
This requires extensive "hacking" of gradle scripts and creation of scripts in the dir above the two projects, which is not ideal for use with git.
In the section "keeping things DRY", they move some stuff from the sub projects build.gradle file into a build.gradle file above the projects. Is this required?
The new master gradle file has "repositories {mavenLocal().." twice. once at the top under buildscript, then again under "subprojects{ project->". Is this correct? Should it not either be only on the main project, or only on the two sub projects, not all 3?
If we introduce optional exploded plugins (with different dependencies), the parent gradle will have to be edited by hand by each developer. This makes it hard to version and control.
The article adds spring security core to the "plugin-domain", not the web app project. Surely the security is added to the web app, not the services/domain layer plugin? an API app project would have different security requirements.
Does anyone have a better way with grails 3, or shall we stick to grails 2.5? There are no features in grails 3 we need, but at some point 2.5 will become too old and migration looks to be infeasible for the most part. The fact there is no affordable IDE with integrated grails 3 support similar to intellij ultimate or GGTS is a big negative also.
"hacking" is not necessary.
Here is official multiproject tutorial:
mavenLocal() - is a local folder that is used to store all your project’s dependencies. The "buildscript" block only controls dependencies for the buildscript process itself, not for the application code, which the top-level "dependencies" block controls. So you can have different repositories for "buildscript" and "dependencies".
Read the Gradle User Guide for more information. Gradle is harder then old grails build system, but more powerful.
I moved project from grails 2 to 3 and I was pleased with the result.
IntelliJ 2016 - 2017 work perfect with grails 3
I found and followed this tutorial, which is different from most of the other tutorials as it uses create-plugin instead of create-app for the plugin part.
The project then works correctly with eclipse neon 2.

Access domain class of main project inside custom plugin project

I am working on a project which is further subdivided into plugin projects. So I include all plugins inside Main project and it works.
Now there are few domain classes like User which are inside Main project. I am trying to access it inside my custom plugin project.
Note: I am not trying to access Plugin's domain class inside main project but reverse of it.
It is not possible to reference application classes in a plugin. If you think about it because a plugin should be an independent functionality, that can be plugged in any application.

Can I create Domain classes in separate Java Project and import in Grails

Just for flexibility and not to be tied up with Grails, I wish to create domains on a separate java project and import the domain classes in Grails project. Is that possible? I am thinking the Java project will just contain POJO and maybe hibernate mapping to database.
I wish to be able to use the usual save delete and find* functionalities if possible.
You need to create a separate plugin project which contains the domain classes. And if you want to use it in your grails project then just add following in your BuildConfig.groovy
grails.plugin.location.YourDomainClassProjectName= "../YourDomainClassProjectName"
And add that project from build path. Right click on project from navigator - > Properties -> Java Build Path -> Project ... and add your project here.
You can use also plain Java project as a domain model - see
Basically you put there your domain classes together with Hibernate mapping (XML or annotation-based) and pack it into jar, which is then added as a dependency to the grails app.
Your domain classes will be enhanced with standard GORM methods (findBy, save..) just as if they were GORM domain classes. We have used this model a long time in our projects.

Multiple Grails projects named the same Build problems

I currently have one workspace for our 'Mainline' code, and 1 workspace for each branch that we create at the end of each iteration. I am using STS and grails 1.3.6, with no added plugins and a couple of java jar files. It seems like whenever I create a new workspace for a new branch, the branch workspace ends up getting corrupted. I start getting build errors locally revolving around missing hibernate classes such as AbstractEntityPersister. I am working in a Windows 7 environment.
My question is two-fold.
One-Is this problem likely related to a caching issue? Theoretically the build grails dependency jars should be the same between the workspaces, so I don't know why one workspace would have problems and one wouldn't
Two-What is the best way to debug said problem? Currently the only thing I'm going on is the Problems view and then comparing the two workspaces as best I can.
By default, grails uses "$USER_HOME/.grails/grailsVersion/projectName" as a working directory, so having two projects with the same name and same grails version will cause you several headaches.
Take a look at the docs below, you'll want to set 'projectWorkDir' in each project BuildConfig to prevent interferences.
Do your project working directories have the exact same name?
Grails creates a project cache folder in $USER_HOME/.grails/<grailsVersion>/projects/<basedirname> which contains compiled plugins and scripts. Even running grails clean does not wipe out these directories.
It's likely that the two projects that have the same name are updating files in this folder simultaneously. In theory this shouldn't mess anything up because you're probably not working on the two projects simultaneously, but if you have both open in STS it might be auto building and messing with the automatic reloading mechanism that Grails uses.
I would try to set the working directory in BuildConfig.groovy or override the folder using grails as documented.
Failing this, I would suggest disabling any auto build in STS as Grails itself will compile/reload classes when run-app is running. Also I would try editing your application using a text editor (Sublime Text 2 is fantastic) instead of STS to see if you have the same problems.
