change capybara driver without restarting spork - ruby-on-rails

I am running integration tests for my Rails app using Cucumber with Capybara. I also use Spork for faster test runs. Capybara supports selenium and the headless poltergeist. Headless browser is good for faster test runs, but sometimes I also need to view what the browser is showing. This leads me to changing the Capybara driver and restarting spork.
Is there a way to change the Capybara driver without restarting spork?
Things that I have tried
[1] Added a module containing the driver code in features/support and referred that in Spork's each_run. It does not work and throws up an error.
[2] Using each_run to change the driver does not register the change until spork is restarted.
Spork.each_run do
Capybara.javascript_driver = :poltergeist

Figured it out. Capybara's github page had some information on this. Here's what I did:
Added the following code to features/support/hooks.rb
Before('#javascript') do
Capybara.current_driver = :poltergeist
This can be changed at any point without needing a Spork restart. I was unable to figure out a way to place it in the each_run block.


Firefox is default but still get WebDriverError: unable to connect to chromedriver

I'm setting up Capybara for the first time and it seems to be calling Chrome instead of Firefox by default.
At first I was getting the webdriver error:
unable to connect to chromedriver*
with associated stacktrace
I was able to clear this by adding a gem 'chromedriver-helper' and the test now opens with chromium.
I also tried adding this to both spec_helper and rails_helper:
Capybara.register_driver :selenium do |app|, browser: :firefox)
I was able to confirm that rails was able to successfully call firefox because the following command in rails_helper does successfully launch Firefox (but does not take any further action) when I start the test (as per comments, I later removed this command).
RSpec.configure do |config|
driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :firefox
I'm getting the same error on a separate machine and on a different rails app (also didn't have geckodriver set-up on the first pass of Capybara)
My understanding is that Capybara should call Firefox by default. There seems to be a second configuration somewhere that I can't find. Does anyone have an idea of where I might find the line that is calling chrome?
From the log file you provided we can see that you're using Rails 5.1, RSpec 3.8 and Capybara 2.18. Since the log also includes "actionpack-5.1.6/lib/action_dispatch/system_testing/driver.rb" we can tell that you're writing system tests/specs (through rspec-rails). The driver used by system tests is controlled by the driven_by method as documented in the RSpec system spec docs and by default uses the Rails registered :selenium driver which is configured to use Chrome. As documented in the Rails System Test docs you can switch to Firefox by specifying
driven_by :selenium, using: :firefox
Additionally, Capybara 2.18 is pretty much obsolete at this point. You probably want to update to the latest version (3.6 as of now) if you plan on using the latest versions of Firefox/Chrome.

How can I run headless browser system tests in Rails 5.1?

The documentation for Rails 5.1 system tests is a bit sparse. I'm unable to get headless tests that execute javascript running. I think one approach entails installing and running xvf. But this is more manual setup than I'm used to when running capybara in other versions of rails.
What's the most straightforward way to achieve this?
In Rails 5.1 system tests the driver used is set by the driven_by call in ApplicationSystemTestCase (test/application_system_test_case.rb). Assuming you have registered your capybara-webkit driver as 'webkit' you should be able to do
driven_by :webkit
Another potential option if you use Chrome 59+ on linux/mac is to use headless chrome
Capybara.register_driver :headless_chrome do |app|, :browser => :chrome, :args => ['headless'])
and then in your test case class
driven_by :headless_chrome
That gives you a headless version of chrome so none of the issues of capybara-webkit/poltergeist not supporting current web standards. Unfortunately currently chromedriver has issues with JS system modals (alert, confirm, prompt - workaround in capybara master branch) and hangs if you attempt to close windows during your tests. Hopefully those 2 issues will be fixed soon.
Also note that rails 5.1 should have removed the need for database_cleaner for most peoples testing since it already handles sharing of a single database connection between multiple threads in test mode.

Rails Capybara selenium test on specific browser version and visualize test

I am currently using Capybara selenium/webkit in functional testing, I don't really understand how it works behind the scene.
By checking the Capybara document, the selenium by default is using firefox browser for testing. It doesn't even mention what is the version it is using. (I didn't install firefox, I think it came together with the gem selenium-webdriver or capybara-webkit)
My question:
1) If I want to trigger my test on specific browser version, is it possible? How can I do that? For example, on Chrome browser version 53.1.2.
2) The automated functional test all conducted behind the scene, is it possible to visualize the testing procedure? For example, Selenium driver launch the browser and visualize the click/scroll/drag effect along with the test running?
The selenium-webdriver gem does not install firefox, and if you're not seeing a browser opening when you run your tests you are not actually using selenium-webdriver, since when used with desktop browsers (firefox, chrome, IE, safari) it will open those browsers and you can watch it interact with the app being tested.
When you run tests Capybara uses the driver identified by Capybara.current_driver at the start of each test. In the normal Capybara configuration (when using rspec) the current driver is set in a before block - - to either the value of Capybara.javascript_driver or Capybara.default_driver depending on whether the test has a js: true metadata tag or not - see and .
By default Capybara.javascript_driver = :selenium and the default config for that driver would use firefox. Therefore if you add the js: true metadata to one of your tests it will use the selenium driver and attempt to run your system installed firefox (depending on versions installed you may also need to install geckodriver), raising errors if there is no FF installed. You will also want to read about database_cleaner in the Capybara README and get that installed correctly for testing. If you don't specify the js: true metadata then (by default) your test is using the rack_test driver which does not process CSS or JS and is really only useful for very basic form and link processing testing. If you want all your tests to run with selenium you could set Capybara.default_driver = :selenium which will then be used for all the tests (you will still need to set up database_cleaner)
The Capybara README has instructions for how to configure the :selenium driver to use Chrome if wanted (you will also need to install chromedriver), and the selenium-webdriver documentation will have details on how you can specify alternate instances of the browsers (if you have multiple versions installed).
If on the other hand you want to use the capybara-webkit gem (or Poltergeist) you would need to specify the name of the registered driver - for instance Capybara.javascript_driver = :webkit/:poltergeist - see their READMEs for details of the different options you can specify for each of those drivers when registering them.

Getting Capybara::DriverNotFoundError when trying to run Cucumber tests

I'm getting this error when I run the cucumber tests. Everything seemed to be working fine the previous day but I can't figure out why it stopped working. I was trying to get capybara webkit working and I had changed a couple of files but I don't see why it should affect my tests. Any idea on how to fix this error I'm getting while running the cucumber tests?
Capybara::DriverNotFoundError: no driver called :rack was found, available drivers: :rack_test, :selenium, :webkit, :webkit_debug
You mentioned that you edited many files. Could it be that you didn't revert all the changes you made? I think Capybara would pick the 'rack_test' driver by default, and your system could not find the 'rack' driver.
Since you're doing Cucumber testing, you must have a file called 'env.rb' under the features/support folder. Make sure you don't force 'rack' as your Capybara driver, and your tests should run fine.

selenium rspec features not running on linux

I'm a rails dev working on a rails 4.0.4 app. As of yesterday (possibly before, yesterday was the first I noticed it, because I usually use CI), my archlinux dev machine doesn't run rspec features marked with js: true metadata tags, it just returns passes for all of them. e.g.:
$ be rspec spec/features/activity_spec.rb
Finished in 0.38366 seconds
10 examples, 0 failures
There are no such problems for any other specs so far as I can tell, just those that use selenium. It does not spawn a browser (we use firefox, though I tried chrome with chromedriver). It seems to not even call the Procs created in spec_helper, as raising an exception doesn't happen:
Capybara.server do |app, port|
raise "Hell"
require 'rack/handler/thin', :Port => port)
# use BROWSER=safari,chrome,etc
browser = (ENV["BROWSER"] || "firefox").to_sym
Capybara.register_driver :selenium do |app|
raise "Hell", browser: browser)
Updating to the most recent capybara/selenium-webdriver/rspec does not change anything, nor does checking out old tags from my repo, which used previous versions of gems/ruby.
The rest of my team (all running OSX) have no problems with the exact same branch/set of gems/ruby version (these same specs ran previously on 2.1.1 and 1.9.3 on the same machine).
All of this screams "OS specific problem" at me. Any suggestions on what to try (other than switching to OSX - have had enough of that from my colleagues) would be appreciated. Cheers.
This was due to setting RETRIES=0 when using rspec-retry. Oops.
