Is there a way to install OpenCV binaries on Windows? - opencv

I need to use the traincascade and createsamples utilities.
I need to do this on many computers and do not want to have to build them myself as these computers do not have any development tools.
I have searched for instructions a lot, but they all say things like 'run the installer and install to Program Files' . Except that I don't see any installer. I have downloaded a 200MB exe OpenCV-2.4.0.exe, but on running it just extracts to some folder. That folder contains sources and cmake files, but I do not want to build myself. The library files are there, but no exe files (for traincascade and createsamples).

build a 64 bit version and a 32 bit version on the lowest os you can find(xp, vista or 7), then build your own installer.


Z3-OPT binary files for the windows 64 bit machine

I am trying to get Z3-OPT (optimization) binary files for the windows 64-bit machine. To make these files, I already tried to compile the code from the unstable branch. However, I could not compile them as my Visual Studio Community edition does not contain "nmake" command. I tried to follow instructions on the following page:
Can anyone share with me the latest Z3-OPT binary files?
Z3-opt is now the same as Z3, so you can just use the main links for downloading Z3.
The releases are in:
There is also a folder with nightly builds.
You have to enable C++ features in VS before you get the command line build tools. This involves updating the installation of VS itself, something you can do from "Apps and Features" (in Windows 10) or similar place in previous versions of Windows. There is already some online discussions about this question. For example,

Instructions for how to lay out the Mac OS X and Linux versions of Electron apps?

I've just spent a very long time looking through everything on but I cannot find any mention of how to put the files for Mac and Linux. Only Windows, which I already have set up.
I remember that NW.js had such instructions, which I followed in the past, but it's obviously too ridiculous to accept that I should have to look at a competitor's manual to figure out how to distribute Electron apps.
I remember that at both Linux and Mac had some very fancy/weird packaging need, very unlike Windows.
I would recommend looking into electron-builder which would help you with generating packages for all of the mentioned systems (with auto-update and other goodies).
You can also take a look at electron-boilerplate to see how it can be nicely implemented (this boilerplate has a release command that allows you to generate packages).
For the mac version you can use electron packager to generate a .app file then you can use appdmg to generate a .dmg
For the linux version you can use electron packager to generate a executable although it comes with lots of other files.
I've tried electron-installer-debian but I couldn't install the output .deb

Biopython installation for Windows 7 64 bit

I need to install Biopython for my laptop, Windows 7 win 64. I have checked the website and I can only find for 32 bit. Can I install this on my laptop? The 64 bit is unofficial and I'm not willing to download it.
There is no problem in downloading the 32 bit version. It will work on 64 bit Windows.
If you want to use the precompiled version, you can download it from here:
e.g. biopython-1.68-cp35-cp35m-win_amd64.whl
cp## is the python version and amd64 stands for the 64bit version. Copy the file to your python directory in the subfolder Scripts.
Next you need to use the windows command line.
cd your\python\directory
cd Scripts
pip install biopython-1.68-cp35-cp35m-win_amd64.whl
Alternatively you can compile it yourself, see here for a short manual.

When i try to install Delphi-OpenCV. I get "%1 is not a valid Win32 application. "

When I try to install Delphi-OpenCV. I get this error:
Can't load package
%1 is not a valid Win32 application.
I am running:
Win7 64Bit
Delphi XE8
OpenCV 2.4.11
Does someone know this error?
I have installed all 32Bit and 64Bit DLLs.
The Visual C++ DLLs have been wrong.
I recopied the files: msvcp120.dll, msvcr120.dll, msvcp120d.dll, msvcr120d.dll
from "Delphi-OpenCV\redist\VC2013x86\" to "C:\Windows\SysWOW64".
After that everthing is fine.
I had horrible trouble installing OpenCV-Delphi on Windows Server 2019.
I solved it by copying all the files on C:\OpenCV\build\x86\vc14\bin both c:\windows\system32 and c:\windows\sysWOW64.
There may be more issue to it, however, this was the moment my application made in delphi-penCV starts to work.
This is a dll dependency problem.
While developers don't separate those packages into Runtime and DesignTime, problems will continue for those who need to build 32 and 64 versions of their software.
Its very annoying and dificulte to make 32 bit and 64 bit for our applications, even install into 64 bit its impossible, this is a big problem into this project.
Looks like this project is abandoned.
I advise you to put all dlls in a single directory, check if all dependencies are correct, and then copy everything to system32 and syswow64, preferably only 32 bit dlls.
Just extract this:!6ExgTKQJ!fECwuDTRc0Sx8vwY3bbnR7AqFKHQV77E8ZxyqfFgYnk
Into your delphi bpl folder, and now you be able to install the component, forget 64 bit. Don't forget to put it in your final application directory too.

ImageMagick with Visual Studio

I'm trying to write a sample ImageMagick program in Visual Studio 2010. I have binary distribution of ImageMagick already installed on my system as I can use command line interface of ImageMagick.
However, when I try to include "Magick++.h" in my C++ program, it says it can't open source file.
I found the instructions on compiling and building ImageMagick from source, but is it possible to change my visual studio project settings so it can pick necessary references/libraries from the already installed version of ImageMagick?
I am by no means an expert, but here is what worked for me:
Using Windows7 Professional and Visual C++ Express 2010...
I checked the Install development headers and libraries for C and C++
At the end of the install, I got these two folders. Magick++.h lies inside include.
Be sure to set up your projects Additional Library Locations and Additional Include Directories and you should be able to compile your program.
The manual suggests you need to do this for your program to work, but I did not and it still worked:
And during my brief test, I found that Magick::Image::Magick() which changes image formats does not work in Debug mode. It does work in Release mode though.
