Flipboard ipad app: right menu panel slide effect - ios

how to implement right panel slide effect like following picture? when click left area, the right panel is hidden.
picture url http://cdn.thenextweb.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2012/02/photo.png
I think
it is not popover controller.
is it a view added by using "addSubview"? I don't think so because it is a navigation controller,it seems that view in navigation controller can't be added by using addsubview
is it a modal view? if yes, how to implement semi transparent background? if use UIModalPresentationCurrentContext to present modal view, parent view can't rotate when ipad is rotated.
Any help is highly appreciated! Thanks.

These are all likely highly customized view controllers, and view controller containers.
You can fully control the presentation of your view controllers by adding them as children of another view controller, and adding their views to the view tree manually -- using any animation you choose.
The dimming effect you see can be achieved by overlaying a "dimming view", for example a black 50% opaque view.


Swift ios: drag view controller onto screen

Is there any way to drag a view controller onto the current view controller using Swift? I would like to drag from the bottom of the screen and have the new view controller follow the finger. When the finger releases, I want for the view to snap into place. The view controller that I plan to drag on needs to have a transparent background so that the previous view is still visible. I tried using a swipe gesture paired with an animation that brings in the view from the bottom, but the previous view turns black momentarily before the animation is complete. Also, it doesn't follow the finger's path. This is similar to what happens when you try drag from the bottom of the camera app. It brings up a page, following your finger, and darkening the background. I am doing this programmatically. Thanks.
To do this you will need to use a UIPageViewController and set its transition style to scroll and navigation to vertical. There are lot's of great tutorials on how to use a UIPageViewController so just look online.

Using Autolayout and universal storyboard super view is not taking the full screen?

I am developing an iOS application using Universal Story board and autolayout. The base views of my view controllers are leaving a space at the bottom and are not taking the full height of the screen. What could be the reason behind this?
Go to property area in the storyboard and choose your main view then select all the lines which is available in that area. then it holds the full view of the page.
It looks like your view is taking up the whole screen but is hidden behind a tab bar.
This will happen when you include them inside of a UITabbarController. The reason they reach down underneath the tab bar is because it is translucent (you can see a blurred version of the view through it).
This tutorial from Ray Wenderlich gives a good example and explanation of how to set this up in a storyboard.
Actually the "Show Toolbar" option for my navigation controller was checked. The space at the bottom was taken by the toolbar.

Can I place a UIView the current Navigation Controller?

How can I place a UIView overtop of a Navigation Controller? Is this possible without making my own custom navigation bar and custom tab bar controller out of UIViews?
Let's say I have a UITabBarController and I want to present a blur view overtop of the entire thing. For the blur view, I'm using the UIVisualEffectView. But i want the blurview to take up the entire screen including the top navigation bar and the bottom tab bar. If I push a new view controller, that will take up the entire screen, but then I can't see through it to what's underneath (the tab bar controller's contents).
I could simply hide the navigation bar and tab bar when I animate in the blur view, but that looks awkward because you see the content in the collectionview shift because the navigation bar is hiding... I'd rather not see that shift in the content when the blurview comes up.
Here's a UITabBarController with stuff in it.
I want a blur view to cover everything and to be able to see through to the entire UITabBarController and the stuff underneath.
One way is to add the UIView as a subview of the key window. See this post for how to get the key window. However, it's generally best to keep to your own view hierarchy, so...
Another way might be to present a new view controller as a fullscreen modal, and apply the blur/transparency to that modal view.

How to make a view controller appear from the left and to not fill the full view?

How to make a UiViewController appear from the right of the screen, the same way as this application(Break) does on iPad.
In fact, I would like that my UIViewController appears on the screen from a side and not to fill the entire UIView of my main ui view controller. The background view should also be darken.
To sum up, I would like to mimic the same Break's behavior.
Here is a picture if needed
Any idea ? Thanks for your time !
You may need to just do some manual work with UIViews. So rather than push a viewcontroller onto the stack you would overlay a semi transparent black view over your background view to darken it and then simply do an addSubView of the view you want to show on top.

iOS not rotating

I have a view controller with a navigation item. The view inside the navigation item rotates, but the navigation bar at top does not. I don't understand why only part of the application is rotating.
There's seems to be pretty much about this in google.
This one looks promising
UINavigationBar autoresizing
