How to combine two scopes with OR - ruby-on-rails

I have a tag feed and a friend feed.
I want to combine these two and build the ultimate "all" feed.
For friend feed:
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
scope :friendfeed, lambda{|x| followed_by}
def self.followed_by(user)
where("user_id IN (?) OR user_id = ?", user.watched_ids,
For tag feed:
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
scope :tagfeed, lambda{|x| infatuated_with}
def self.infatuated_with(user)
joins(:attachments).where("attachments.tag_id IN (?)", user.tags).select("DISTINCT pages.*")
And I would call something like this from the controller (I'm using Kaminari gem for pagination):
#tag_feed = Post.tagfeed(current_user).page(params[:page]).per(21)
#friend_feed = Post.friendfeed(current_user).page(params[:page]).per(21)
Now I want to have a universal feed, but I'm lost. Scopes are meant for narrowing down, but in this case I'm trying to do an OR operation. Doing stuff like
#mother_of_all_feed = #tag_feed + #friend_feed
would be redundant, and I wouldn't be able to control the number of posts appearing on a single page. How can I go about doing this? Thanks!
By the way, for tags I have association set up like this:
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :attachments
has_many :tags, :through => :attachments
class Tag < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :attachments
has_many :posts, :through => :attachments
class Attachment < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :tag
belongs_to :post

There's a rails pull request for this feature (, but in the meantime, some one has created a monkey patch that you can include in your initializers that will allow you to or scopes and where clauses in one query and still give you an ActiveRecord::Relation:
With that, you'd be able to OR your scopes like this
or write a new scope
scope :mother_of_all_feed, lambda{|user| tagfeed(user).or.friendfeed(user)}

Answering my own question. I think I figured out a way.
where(" IN (?) OR IN (?)",
"user_id IN (?) OR user_id = ?",
.where("attachments.tag_id IN (?)", user.tags)
.select("DISTINCT pages.*")
It seems to be working so far, hope this is it!

Here's an example of how I combined two scopes.
scope :reconcilable, -> do
scopes = [
where('id in (?)',


Scope exception rules

I am trying to define an inventory for all my articles but I want to exclude the articles that are sent to me with a parameter.
Here is what the relationship looks like:
has_many :tags, through: :articletags
belongs_to :article
belongs_to :tags
has_many :article, through: articletags
Here's a method to define the one without the tags in my models:
def self.by_not_tags(tag)
joins(:tags).where('tags.title != ?', tag)
Here's how I call it in my view:
<%= link_to (tag.title), articles_path(:scope => tag.title) %>
Here's my controller:
def custom
if params[:scope].nil?
#articles = Article.all(:order => 'created_at DESC')
#articles = Article.by_tags(params[:scope])
#articles2 = Article.by_not_tags(params[:scope])
The goal is to see all the articles with a tag first, and then to show the other ones without that tag, so I don't have duplicates.
My issue is with the joins, but I am not sure how to find the article without tags. Maybe an except would work, but I am not sure what kind of query would work for it.
Assuming ArticleTag model needs to validate the presence of both article_id and tag_id,
Article.where('article_tag_id is null')
If I do not assume that above validation stated,
Article.where('not exists (select 1 from article_tags where article_id =')

Rails 3: Retrieve all child records where parent model attribute equals search key

I want to do a query that returns only the assets that do not have a serial number where the workorder branch equals a number.
class Workorder < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
has_many :assets
scope :current_branch, where("branch=350").order("wo_date ASC")
class Asset < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :workorder
scope :needs_serial, :conditions => {:serial => ""}
class AssetsController < ApplicationController
def index
So I want a hash of :assets where the assets.workorder.branch="350". I think I could do a loop and create the hash that way but should I be able to do this in a query? Should I be trying to use scopes for this?
This is what I ended up using. Worked great.
#assets = Asset.joins(:workorder).where('workorders.branch=350').order('workorders.wo_date ASC')
The query you would want to do is
Asset.joins(:workorder).where('workorders.branch = 325')
So you can make a scope like this:
scope :with_workorder_branch, lambda { |branch| joins(:workorder).where('workorders.branch = ?', branch) }
If you're going to be looping through the workorders, you should change the joins to includes as this eager loads them.
The rails guide to queries is very helpful for this sort of thing

Active Relation: Retrieving records through an association?

I have the following models:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :survey_takings
class SurveyTaking < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :survey
def self.surveys_taken # must return surveys, not survey_takings
where(:state => 'completed').map(&:survey)
def self.last_survey_taken
surveys_taken.maximum(:position) # that's Survey#position
The goal is to be able to call #user.survey_takings.last_survey_taken from a controller. (That's contrived, but go with it; the general goal is to be able to call class methods on #user.survey_takings that can use relations on the associated surveys.)
In its current form, this code won't work; surveys_taken collapses the ActiveRelation into an array when I call .map(&:survey). Is there some way to instead return a relation for all the joined surveys? I can't just do this:
def self.surveys_taken
Survey.join(:survey_takings).where("survey_takings.state = 'completed'")
because #user.survey_takings.surveys_taken would join all the completed survey_takings, not just the completed survey_takings for #user.
I guess what I want is the equivalent of
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :survey_takings
has_many :surveys_taken, :through => :survey_takings, :source => :surveys
but I can't access that surveys_taken association from SurveyTaking.last_survey_taken.
If I'm understanding correctly you want to find completed surveys by a certain user? If so you can do:
Survey.join(:survey_takings).where("survey_takings.state = 'completed'", :user => #user)
Also it looks like instead of:
def self.surveys_taken
where(:state => 'completed').map(&:survey)
You may want to use scopes:
scope :surveys_taken, where(:state => 'completed')
I think what I'm looking for is this:
class SurveyTaking < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.surveys_taken
Survey.joins(:survey_takings).where("survey_takings.state = 'completed'").merge(self.scoped)
This way, SurveyTaking.surveys_taken returns surveys taken by anyone, but #user.survey_takings.surveys_taken returns surveys taken by #user. The key is merge(self.scoped).
Waiting for further comments before I accept..

Rails: How can I eager load associations with sorting through instance an method?

class Newsroom < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :blog_posts
has_many :quote_posts
class BlogPost < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :newsroom
class QuotePost < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :newsroom
I would like to have an instance method, such that I could do #newsroom.posts to get a collection of blog_posts and quote_posts sorted by created_at.
def posts
#posts ||= #load and sort blog_posts, quote_posts, etc
What is the best and most efficient way to accomplish this? I have looked into using default_scope, something like:
default_scope :include => [:blog_posts, :quote_posts]
def posts
#posts ||= [blog_posts + quote_posts].flatten.sort{|x,y| x.created_at <=> y.created_at}
But I would rather keep the sorting at the database level, if possible. Any suggestions on how to accomplish this? Thanks.
Try something like this:
scope :ordered_posts, lambda {
includes(:blog_posts,:quote_posts) & BlogPost.order("created_at asc") & QuotePost.order("created_at asc")
ARel should be able to handle the ordering of included Quote and Blog Posts. You could clean that up slightly by having scopes in both the BlogPost and QuotePost model that order by created_at and then use those scopes in the Newsroom#ordered_posts method.
I ended up using a polymorphic post model. This seems to give me what I want with the insignificant downside of having an extra model/table. I used delegate to hand off specific attribute getter methods to the correct model.
class Newsroom < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :posts
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
belong_to :blog_post, :polymorphic => true
delegate :title, :author, :etc, :to => :postable
class BlogPost < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :post, :as => :postable

Rails: Query to get recent items based on the timestamp of a polymorphic association

I have the usual polymorphic associations for comments:
class Book < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :comments, :as => :commentable
class Article < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :comments, :as => :commentable
class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :commentable, :polymorphic => true
I'd like to be able to define Book.recently_commented, and Article.recently_commented based on the created_at timestamp on the comments. Right now I'm looking at a pretty ugly find_by_SQL query to do this with nested selects. It seems as though there must be a better way to do it in Rails without resorting to SQL.
Any ideas? Thanks.
For what it's worth, here's the SQL:
select * from
(select books.*,comments.created_at as comment_date
from books inner join comments on = comments.commentable_id
where comments.commentable_type='Book' order by comment_date desc) as p
group by id order by null;
Sometimes it's just best to add a field to the object of which you are commenting. Like maybe a commented_at field of datetime type. When a comment is made on an object, simply update that value.
While it is possible to use SQL to do it, The commented_at method may prove to be much more scalable.
Not sure what your method has looked like previously but I'd start with:
class Book < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.recently_commented
:include => :comments,
:conditions => ['comments.created_at > ?', 5.minutes.ago])
This should find all the books that have had a comment created on them in the last 5 minutes. (You might want to add a limit too).
I'd also be tempted to create a base class for this functionality to avoid repeating the code:
class Commentable < ActiveRecord::Base
self.abstract_class = true
has_many :comments, :as => :commentable
def self.recently_commented
:include => :comments,
:conditions => ['comments.created_at > ?', - 5.minutes])
class Book < Commentable
class Article < Commentable
Also, you might want to look at using a plugin to achieve this. E.g. acts_as_commentable.
