iCarousel View in View? - ios

I wanted to integrate "iCarousel" into my project. Here is a screenshot how i would like it:
In the black view I would like the linear carousel.
So I implemented all the things how they did it in the example.
Now I receive the following:
Which means, that the View is now on the complete Detailview.
Maybe you can help me to fix that?
Greetings from Germany :)

Perhaps you need to set clipsToBounds = YES on the carousel view?


Adding View On Top Of Map View

I am not able to add this view on to the map view to be displayed ... I am working with the map view and I want to add a view on top of it... Here is what I have tried :
Here is my output :
As far as I can see, the map view is covering the icon view!
I tried this too but I got the same output! Please forgive me if this is a silly mistake, I am relatively new to using MapViews. Thanks a lot for your help and I really appreciate it!
I tried your suggestions too :
Thanks a lot for the help. I found out that
worked properly and it turns out that the first time it was suggested, I had written it wrongly! I really appreciate your help! Thanks again!
You have to call view.bringSubviewToFront(iconView) in your viewDidLoad function.
Also make sure you have correct layouting / constraints for all your views.
Glad I could help!
You shouldn't need code to place a view on top of a map view. Just drag the icon view under the map view in the document hierarchy.

How to implement Circular iCarosel?

I tried all the ways by setting the respective value's but i'm unable
get below one by using iCaurosel,or is there any controller which gives same functionality
? can you help me?
You should choose iCarousel type to wheel:
self.carousel.type = iCarouselTypeWheel;
but if you mean items margin, this is not possible:
Please check following sample. this is dynamic circles (views) you can add.:)
Happy coding.
You can achieve the same functionality by creating the custom circular UICollectionView layout.Please visit the following link to solve this.
You can do this using carousel.type = iCarouselTypeWheel and then using the carousel:valueForOption:withDefault: delegate method to adjust circle radius, number of items shown, etc.
To position the circle off-center like that, use carousel.contentOffset.
You may find that the gesture handling is a bit weird though, because the pan gesture will still be linear even though the view appears circular.

How to load another UIViewController to a UIView Example Like UITabbarController

I have a 2 UIViewController(s), I need to be able to change the views at the bottom of the Airtime and Data Plan Upon tap gesture on Airtime and Data Plan!
The yellow line will indicate the active view controller. some thing like tab bar.
Perhaps, the image attached is an android version
Could anyone provide a help on how to go about this.
I personally use a library called ICVIewPager
This is pretty simple and easy to use with examples. It should put you in the right direction without writing a lot of code.

Sliding drawer equivalent in iOS

After wasting lot of time searching, I am finally posting this question, hoping I get an answer.
I want to have a widget in iOS, which has the similar functionality of Sliding Drawer in Android. (Like the bar at the bottom, and on pulling it, it shows up a new view).
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
A few similar questions that might help you out:
Making a pull out tray - (iOS)
iOS: Sliding UIView on/off screen
I recently made a drawer container controller and put it up on Github:
While not exactly the same (you are asking about a vertical single view sliding up/down), you might want to download the code and take a look. My approach might as well work for what you are trying to do: basically, creating a container controller which can host another controller and its view and present its view in a custom way.
Specifically, you might want to look at:
-replaceContainedController:forIdentifier: for how you would go about adding child view controllers the 'Apple' way.
-didPanContent: and -translateContentContainerViewToPosition:animated:completion: for the sliding animation from input of a UIPanGestureRecognizer

Open Flow Alex Fajkowski

I am using Open Flow(Cover Flow) implementation of Alex Fajkowski https://github.com/thefaj/OpenFlow. I would like to a text lable under the images, which should update for each view. I still cant make it work. Would anyone be so kind and give me some further hints where exactly and how to implement this?
Best Regards Regen
Well theres a delegate method (selectionDidChange) that gives you the currently selected index. Hook up a textView to your view controller. Then update the textview in the delegate method "selectionDidChange"
