Efficient way to get name/MT of ValueTypes not listed in !dumpheap -stat - clr

I'm working my way around the SOS commands and their output, but I noticed there doesn't seem to be a way to get really all types that are currently in use somehow. The best way so far is !dumpheap -stat, but it only lists types for which there are instances.
However, when a ValueType is never boxed, that type will not show up on !dumpheap -stat. (Which isn't surprising, as they aren't allocated on the heap.)
So my question is:
Are there any efficient ways to figure out which additional ValueTypes currently exist?
I mean, I could load them on-demand when inspecting individual heap objects (something like !dumpvc <mt> <address> based on !do <address> output), but for displayed statistics it would be nice to find the types through some simpler means than looking at (instances/class definitions of) all known classes to figure out whether they use any additional ValueTypes.

There doesn't seem to be any efficient way to do this. In other words, I ended up checking each type !DumpHeap -stat returned for whether it is a struct array or contains struct fields. In both cases I need to recursively check if the new-found struct type contains any struct fields as well. In that case recursion is required, unless I've already seen the struct type.
!DumpModule -mt is not option, btw. For example, I see System.Collections.Generic.List`1, but nothing that would represent e.g. the List class.


There seem to be a lot of ruby methods that are very similar, how do I pick which one to use?

I'm relatively new to Ruby, so this is a pretty general question. I have found through the Ruby Docs page a lot of methods that seem to do the exact same thing or very similar. For example chars vs split(' ') and each vs map vs collect. Sometimes there are small differences and other times I see no difference at all.
My question here is how do I know which is best practice, or is it just personal preference? I'm sure this varies from instance to instance, so if I can learn some of the more important ones to be cognizant of I would really appreciate that because I would like to develop good habits early.
I am a bit confused by your specific examples:
map and collect are aliases. They don't "do the exact same thing", they are the exact same thing. They are just two names for the same method. You can use whatever name you wish, or what reads best in context, or what your team has decided as a Coding Standard. The Community seems to have settled on map.
each and map/collect are completely different, there is no similarity there, apart from the general fact that they both operate on collections. map transform a collection by mapping every element to a new element using a transformation operation. It returns a new collection (an Array, actually) with the transformed elements. each performs a side-effect for every element of the collection. Since it is only used for its side-effect, the return value is irrelevant (it might just as well return nil like Kernel#puts does, in languages like C, C++, Java, C♯, it would return void), but it is specified to always return its receiver.
split splits a String into an Array of Strings based on a delimiter that can be either a Regexp (in which case you can also influence whether or not the delimiter itself gets captured in the output or ignored) or a String, or nil (in which case the global default separator gets used). chars returns an Array with the individual characters (represented as Strings of length 1, since Ruby doesn't have an specific Character type). chars belongs together in a family with bytes and codepoints which do the same thing for bytes and codepoints, respectively. split can only be used as a replacement for one of the methods in this family (chars) and split is much more general than that.
So, in the examples you gave, there really isn't much similarity at all, and I cannot imagine any situation where it would be unclear which one to choose.
In general, you have a problem and you look for the method (or combination of methods) that solve it. You don't look at a bunch of methods and look for the problem they solve.
There'll typically be only one method that fits a specific problem. Larger problems can be broken down into different subproblems in different ways, so it is indeed possible that you may end up with different combinations of methods to solve the same larger problem, but for each individual subproblem, there will generally be only one applicable method.
When documentation states that 2 methods do the same, it's just matter of preference. To learn the details, you should always start with Ruby API documentation

Why does F# Set need IComparable?

So I am trying to use the F# Set as a hash table. But my element type doesn't implement the IComparable interface (although it implements IEquatable). I got an error saying the construction is not allowed because of comparison constraint. And through some further read, I discovered that F# Set is implemented using binary tree, which makes insertion causes O(log(n)). This looks weird to me, why is the Set structure designed this way?
Edit: So I learned that Set in F# is actually a SortedSet. And I guess the question becomes, why is Sorted Set somehow more preferable than a general Hash Set as an immutable/functional data structure?
There are two important points that should help you understand how sets in F# (and in functional languages in general) work and how they are used:
Implementing immutable hashtables (like .NET HashSet) is hard - when you remove or add elements, you want to avoid copying everything in the data structure and (as far as I know) there is no general way of doing that (you would end up copying too much, so it would be inefficient).
For this reason, most functional sets are implemented as (some form of trees). Those require comparison to build a sorted tree. The nice property of balanced trees is that removing and adding elements does not have to copy everything in the tree, so even the worst case scenario is reasonably efficient (though mutable hashtable is still faster).
Now, F# is functional-first, which means that immutable structures are preferred, but it is perfectly fine to use mutable data structures (especially if you limit the usage to some well defined and restricted scope). For this reason, F# programmers often use Dictionary or HashSet, especially when this is only within the scope of a single function.

String lifetime management, in records

I am working on getting rid of shortstring.
One of the many places shortstring is currently used within our programs is in records.
Alot of these records are kept in AVL trees.
The AVL tree used is a generic one, holding a pointer to a number of bytes (ElemSize), which have worked well so far.
The memory for each record in the AVL tree is allocated with GetMem, and copied with Move.
However, with string being a pointer to a reference-counted structure, copying back the memory to a record no longer works, as the sting referenced is often freed (automatically by reference count).
With only a pointer and a size of the "data block", I assume it is not possible to have the reference count of the strings increased.
I'm looking for a way to get the reference count of the stings to be taken into account when storing the record in a AVL tree.
Can I pass the record type to the tree constructor, then cast the pointer to this type and thus get the references increased? Or a similar fix, where I can isolate the changes to primarily be in the AVL unit and calls to it's constructor.
Current code for allocation of space to store the record in AVL; XData is a pointer to the record to be stored:
New(RootPtr); { create new memory space }
GetMem(RootPtr^.TreeData, ElemSize);
{ copy data }
Move(XData^, RootPtr^.TreeData^, ElemSize);
In essence the question you are asking is:
How can I allocate, copy and deallocate a record when all I know about its type is its size?
The simple answer is that you can use GetMem, Move and FreeMem provided that the record does not contain managed types. You wish to work with records that contain Delphi strings, which are managed. And so your current approach using GetMem and Move does not suffice.
There are plenty of ways to solve this. You could write your own code to do reference counting, so long as you knew where in the record the managed types were. I don't recommend this. You could make your user data be a class and use polymorphism to help.
The option I'd like to discuss continues to support records and indeed allows the user to choose whatever type they like. The reasoning is as follows:
If the type contains managed types, then operating on it requires knowledge of the type. If the tree is to be generic, then it cannot have that knowledge. Ergo, the knowledge must be supplied by the user of the tree.
This leads you to events. Let the tree offer events that the user can supply handlers for. The types would look like this:
PTreeNodeUserData = type Pointer;
TTreeNodeCreateUserDataEvent = function: PTreeNodeUserData of object;
TTreeNodeDestroyUserDataEvent = procedure(Data: PTreeNodeUserData) of object;
TTreeNodeCopyUserDataEvent = procedure(Source, Dest: PTreeNodeUserData) of object;
Then you can arrange for your tree to publish events with these types that the user can subscribe to.
The point being that this allows the user of the tree to supply the missing knowledge about the user data type.
One of the main benefits of using records is the simplicity with which they can be copied (without using Move). So your best solution is to simply replace Move with a normal assignment operator :=. This will correctly consider the reference counts for all managed types involved.
Is there a particular reason you're not using the normal assignment operator?
PS: You need to ensure that the memory for all managed types (including long strings) is correctly initialised and finalised. I suggest you do some additional reading on the Initialize and Finalize routines.
The tree is general, it can hold a given lump of data. I hoped I could extend the functionality without making a new tree class per record.
In that case you need your "copy behaviour" to be variable depending on what it's working with. As couple of options:
If your tree is wrapped in a class you can easily modify it to use a callback event to perform the copy operation. (This option might be easiest even if you first have to work on encapsulating the tree in a class.)
Modify your nodes and/or data to be objects with polymorphic copy functionality. Then each subtype will know how to copy itself correctly, and you can write something along the lines of Root.TreeData := XData.CreateCopy;
If you are working at such a low level, and don't want compiler to help you, then you need to use PChar-strings instead of regular strings.

id values of different variables in python 3

I am able to understand immutability with python (surprisingly simple too). Let's say I assign a number to
x = 42
On both counts, the value I get is
My question is, does python interpreter allot ids to all the numbers, alphabets, True/False in the memory before the environment loads? If it doesn't, how are the ids kept track of? Or am I looking at this in the wrong way? Can someone explain it please?
What you're seeing is an implementation detail (an internal optimization) calling interning. This is a technique (used by implementations of a number of languages including Java and Lua) which aliases names or variables to be references to single object instances where that's possible or feasible.
You should not depend on this behavior. It's not part of the language's formal specification and there are no guarantees that separate literal references to a string or integer will be interned nor that a given set of operations (string or numeric) yielding a given object will be interned against otherwise identical objects.
I've heard that the C Python implementation does include a set of the first hundred or so integers as statically instantiated immutable objects. I suspect that other very high level language run-time libraries are likely to include similar optimizations: the first hundred integers are used very frequently by most non-trivial fragments of code.
In terms of how such things are implemented ... for strings and larger integers it would make sense for Python to maintain these as dictionaries. Thus any expression yielding an integer (and perhaps even floats) and strings (at least sufficiently short strings) would be hashed, looked up in the appropriate (internal) object dictionary, added if necessary and then returned as references to the resulting object.
You can do your own similar interning of any sorts of custom object you like by wrapping the instantiation in your own calls to your own class static dictionary.

does systemverilog support linked lists?

I tried implementing a circular doubly-linked list class (with a single sentinel node) in systemverilog. The list itself seems to work as expected but ends up crashing the simulator (corrupting stack?)
This led me to wonder if this is something fundamentally unsupported by the language (in terms of allocation)? SV does have a "queue" construct that can be made to work in the same way (probably more efficient in both access and insertion time).
Any ideas?
SystemVerilog does have a queue construct. They're declared a bit like arrays, but use the $ symbol:
int myqueue[$]; // $ indicates a queue
some_int = myqueue.pop_back();
Depending how you use combinations of methods push_front(), push_back(), pop_front() and pop_back(), you can implement stacks & FIFOs and the like. A quick internet search should give you a full list of methods and declaration options.
I doubt that SystemVerilog queues are synthesizable. And I'm not 100% sure how you'd go about making a circular buffer from one without checking indices first...
Nothing inherently missing from the language that I'm away of. Pretty much everything is pass by reference, so that's the main thing you need. Only gotcha I can think of is to remember that SV is garbage collected, so it's important to null out your references to instances when they're removed from your list (but you'd probably do that anyway)
I'm pretty sure the queue would be implemented as a linked list internally. That said I've had some issues on different simulators when I've wanted to use queues in weird and wonderful ways.
SystemVerilog is a garbage-collected language. Circularly linked lists have the potential to cause issues if the garbage collection scheme implemented by the simulator you are using is buggy.
